Chapter 1

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I was only about two hours into my flight and already I was bored stiff. The day before I had gone shopping with my friend Rosie to buy sweets, gum and trashy magazines to read on my flight to Melbourne, and already I had spilt my big bag of sweets all over the lady sitting next to me, was about halfway through the chewing gum, and was not finding the article about Peter Andre's relationship with his new girlfriend all that interesting.

I had managed to become completely hated by the woman sitting next to me as she was still picking Harribo out of her hair and really did not look all that impressed... which was not surprising. This really was going to be a long flight.

As I had no one to talk to I decided to fill out my personal statement that my Gran said I would have to give in on my first day of my new school. I filled out the following:

'Full Name: Florence Olivia Selfridge

Date of Birth: 17/04/97

Write a short paragraph about yourself:

Well, my name is Florence but everyone calls me Flo and I am from England. I was born there and have lived there all of my life. I am moving to Australia to live with my Grandparents, Morris and Grace Selfridge, because my parents travel a lot which would mean I have to move around with them, so it made sense for me to move and live with my grandpa and gran so I could be somewhere permanently without having to move schools constantly.'

I wondered whether I should tell them about my ADHD, but I decided to leave that bit out.

After I was satisfied, I tried to remember what Rosie told me about the trick to cheat jet-lag - "sleep the whole way through the journey and you'll be absolutely fine!" Hmm, I tried to get comfy and once I was happy, having turned away from the grumpy woman on my right, fell into a deep sleep.


My sleep was rudely interrupted by an Australian woman's voice coming over the speaker of the plane. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination, the local time here is two thirty in the afternoon. Thank you for flying with Australian Airways and we hope to see you travelling with us again soon, have a nice rest of your day"

"Come on, honey, time to wake up" said the woman next to me who had seemed to have gotten over her hissy fit from the Harribo earlier.

Hmm, you've changed your tune, I was tempted to say to her, but instead I replied with a sweet smile and said "thank you".

After I'd found my suitcase, (which was nearly as big as me and definitely weighed the same), I made my way to the 'Arrival' section of Melbourne airport. I was so excited to see my grandparents as I hadn't seen them in months (which doesn't sound like much but I missed them like crazy!).

I was looking around frantically for my Gran and Grandpa when I heard my Grandpa calling for me. What I haven't mentioned is that my grandparents are both Australian, which makes me a quarter Australian, although when I'm asked I just say that I'm English - saves having to explain that I'm part Aussie. Even though I'm part Australian I don't think I resemble Australians at all - I have long, hazel, wavy hair and warm honey colour eyes, I'm about 5"6ft but I'm as white as paper, my Dad always teases me for being the classic pasty (he also says, slightly ill looking) British girl.

Anyway I heard my Grandpa and my eyes immediately landed on him. A massive grin spread across my face - I was so happy to see him and he looked thrilled to see me!

"Hi gorgeous girl!" My Grandpa managed to get out before I basically pounced on him. "How was your flight? Did you sleep much? Goodness, you're so tall - you grow every time I see you! And looking beautiful as always!"

"Ah, I missed you so much Grandpa!" I said, "Where's Gran?"

"Well, your Grandmother had to go and get a few things before we got home. She badly wanted to come but she'll be home when we get back." Grandpa told me.

I didn't mind that Gran hadn't come to pick me up, but I guess I sort of expected her to be there when I came through the arrival gate. It didn't matter though, I'd see her when when we'd get to their house. My house now. God, that was a weird thing to think. My house. With Gran and Grandpa. I hadn't had a proper home since I was ten - we'd been living in hotels for six years, Mum, Dad and me, constantly moving around. It would be nice to finally have a place of my own. My own home.

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