Chapter 5

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The next couple of days went by pretty quickly, as I was so taken up by all the new things and people. Tuesday was alright but, as I had imagined, everyone sort of looked at me as if I were some kind of freak or something for the entire day. I still hung out with Giulia as much as I could, but we had the same problem at lunch time like we had the day before; one of Rachel's little bitches came and took her away again before we had a chance to sit down together. I ended up eating lunch with the boys again, which I didn't mind at all. I would've sat there anyway with Giulia, I just felt sorry for her.

"Don't worry," Jai was looking at me "we'll sneak her in tomorrow so she can sit with us." He smiled at me. Jai was funny, he seemed to know if I was worried about anyone or anything, and always managed to put my mind at ease. I smiled at him and we continued our conversation with the other boys, something about sloths vs koalas? The exact argument I can't remember.

Wednesday and Thursday were very similar: boring. I ran out of class as soon as the bell had gone to meet Luke at our lockers who was with Giulia, as they had been in the same class. Without telling Giulia the plan, we raced into lunch so Giulia could sit with us, but the plan didn't work. Giulia said how she had to wait for Rachel and insisted that she didn't go in with us. Luke and I pleaded with her, trying to sound as normal as possible, whilst the lunch room was filling up. In the end, Giulia sat with Rachel and the minions, as Luke called them, and we sat with Beau, Jai, and Daniel again.

It was Friday, and the bell for the end of last lesson had just gone. I had made a plan to go back to the Brooks' after school, so I got my books together and went to meet Beau at his locker as we had planned. I had finished my first week of school, and had just about survived. It had been a rollercoaster of a week, filled with good parts and bad parts, but I'd done it. They always say the first week of a new school is always the worst week, although I have no idea where that saying comes from, it deffinitely aplied to me. I turned the corner to see Beau at his locker getting his books together. He hadn't seen me coming so I walked up behind him quietly and put my hands over his eyes.

"Hmm, let me think... Mr Dicaprio? Is that you, Leo, baby?" He turned around. I laughed and did my Titanic pose which made the other people in the hall give me a dirty look, but I didn't care. I lowered my voice so I sounded like a man. I took Beau's hands in mine.

"Never let go" I looked lovingly and desperately into his eyes, doing the best Leo I could. Beau came closer to me and made his voice high pitched and squeaky, and he fluttered his eye lashes.

"I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go," Beau - sorry, Rose, said. "Let's have sex and make beautiful Leo babies together - bang the fuck out of me, Jack!" We stared into each other's eyes, both trying so hard not to laugh, I was shaking with laughter but managed to keep a straight face.

"Aaaaaaaaaaand KISS!" We both turned to see Luke and Jai standing there laughing at us. It was Luke who had told us to kiss and Jai was nearly crying of laughter, because at this point the whole hall had stopped to stare at us. Beau and I burst out laughing and started down the hall with the twins.

As we drove home, we listened to the radio and sung along to Justin Bieber. Beau and Jai rolled down the windows and turned the radio up full volume, so we got some nasty looks and comments from the other road users. I didn't care, I was laughing too hard to care.


We decided to head to the store so we could pick up some snacks for later that night. We didn't have loads of money but between us we had about twenty dollars. Beau nominated himself as our spokesperson when it came to choosing the snacks and headed into the store. Luke, Jai and me started to get worried that Beau was spending all of our money as he was taking ages, so we went inside after him. We came out having bought everything we wanted when Beau asked me a strange question.

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