Chapter 3

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After a not-so-great night's sleep I woke up feeling groggy. I turned over to go back to sleep but then remembered that I had school. I jumped up out of bed and immediately went to my closet to put my school uniform on. I threw my pjs on the arm chair and put my school uniform on, tying my hair up in a high ponytail. I went into the bath room to wash my face and went into the kitchen, my nerves already taking over. "Morning lazy girl!" Grandpa beamed at me, knowing that I'd be nervous for my first day at school. "I made you an omelet so you can have a proper breakfast for your first day!" I looked at the plate and felt physically sick, not because Grandpa's omelet looked disgusting just that the thought of eating ten minutes after I'd woken up was awful! As well as the fact I hardly ever eat much breakfast. "That's great Grandpa, wow, thanks" I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. Gran piped up from the kitchen table "Oh for goodness sakes, Morris! I told you the girl hardly ever eats anything for breakfast! She's like that vampire from Making Porn!'

"Breaking Dawn, Gran, it's called Breaking Dawn"

"Oh really, Florence, do you think I care what silly movies you young girls are in to nowadays?!" Gran looked at me curiously.

"No, it's just, ahh never mind!" I threw my hands up in the air, knowing it was pointless. Gran stormed from the room muttering to herself, something about "teenage girls... never understand... absolute nonsense..."

"Don't worry about your Grandma, love, she's as nervous for your first day as you are" Grandpa reassured me. "Just ignore her, she was always going to be a little snappy on your first day, and don't worry about the omelet" he smiled at me with a wink.

"Ah... sorry Grandpa, it was really kind of you though, and don't worry about Gran, I know she's nervous."

"Well, come on, get some food and I'll drive you to school". I grabbed a bowl of cereal and downed it as quickly as I could, I went to brush my teeth and added some natural looking make-up, nothing too showy, but enough that it looked like I had made a bit of an effort.


My hands were sweaty and my heart beating fast in my chest as we turned the last corner and my new school slid into view. I evened out my breathing so I didn't get too panicky and saw Grandpa looking at me out of the corner of my eye. "Don't worry, Grandpa, I'll be okay" I tried with the best smile I could manage. "I know you will, you'll be great, love." Grandpa returned with his most natural looking smile he could manage. He dropped me off at the school gates and, with a kiss, pulled away and drove off into the distance. This was it. I was here. I was still facing the road when I took a deep breath and turned to walk up to the main door.

Sure enough, as promised, Jai was waiting for me leaning against the wall of the main building. He looks cool, I thought, with his head phones round his neck, the sole of his foot resting against the wall, his big white nikes and, of course, his trousers half way down his arse. "Hey, Jai!" I called, loud enough so he could hear me but not so loud that I drew too much attention to myself.

"Ah, hey Flo! You alright? You nervous?" Jai answered with a comforting smile.

"Yeah... yeah I think I'm okay, a little nervous but better now I'm with you" I smiled.

"That's right, all the ladies feel better when they're with me!" Jai winked at me. "It's a good thing we met yesterday, you wouldn't survive a day in this place without me."

"What? Really? I thought you said this was a good school?!! Ah crap, Jai, what am I going to do if we're in different classes?!" I panicked.

"Calm it, Flo, you know what you're gonna do if we aren't together?"

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