Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and spun my head round to face Beau.

"I think I'm falling for you, Beau!" I bit my lip, did a flirty wave and fluttered my eyelashes at him. For a fraction of a second Beau had no idea what had just happened, but caught on soon enough. He opened his arms and threw his phone to the side. He pulled his eyebrows together and made an over exaggerated amazed face at me.

"Am I dreaming? Flo, I'm in love with you, too!" And with that, he jumped on me making fake kissing noises and I did the same.

Luke did not look at all impressed and was shocked about what had just happened. With a face who's expression was as surprised as if I had just full on bitch-slapped him round the face, he jumped off the sofa and ran upstairs without saying another word. Beau and I started to roll around laughing. We were both crying with laughter and we could hardly breath. I swear I nearly wet myself, which would only have made the situation more hilarious!!! Beau staggered a sentence together and yelled up the stairs after Luke.

"That's what... you get for... perving over Flo... with me... in the room - don't mess with our girl!!" Beau staggered inbetween laughs. I looked up the stairs waiting to see Luke coming back down them. He didn't appear. Fine then, if he couldn't take a joke he might as well just stay up there. I was sort of embarrassed and felt guilty for making Luke feel so bad. I would have done worse if he had done that to me, but come on, take a joke already?! I know it was sort of unkind as he wasn't joking when he had asked me whether I liked anyone, but we were joking. Maybe he was more hurt than I thought.

Beau ended up driving me home. I had gone upstairs to say goodbye to the twins but had only managed to see Jai. He told me Luke was in the shower and was pretty pissed off. Fine then, if he was going to get his knickers in a twist just because of a joke then I'll bloody well let him! I waved Beau off and went inside. Gran and Grandpa were already asleep so I tiptoed in my room getting ready for bed. I jumped into bed and did my standard cold bed shiver dance and reached to check my phone. I had  a text. It read:


Elle xx

I assume u are coming round tomorrow then? Haha, don't worry u probably just mentally replied and thought u'd replied in real life... only u didn't! I'd say I do it too to make u feel better but... I don't :L Kk see u tomorrow!

Btw, little fact for u - hippos milk is pink, like the colour of my hair! Look -

Kk byeeee love from Elle xx"

Christ, I swear that girl is constantly high 24/7! I loved how she replied 'love from Elle' as if I didn't have her number on my phone or something. She was so sweet, and yes, I looked at the picture of the hippo milk she sent me and yes, it is the same colour as her hair. In a lot of ways, Elle was seriously like Cat from Victorious, this TV show that I used to watch with Rosie when we were younger, as their personalities were identical. I put my phone down and snuggled up in bed. That night, I thought about what the party would be like: what I would wear, what the girls would wear, if Rachel and her minions would be there, if Rachel would be flirting with Beau, if Rachel would be flirting with Luke, Luke, dancing with Luke, kissing Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke...


It was half eleven the next day and I had met up with Elle, Carly and Lolly to go shopping. We were desperately trying to find something to wear to Skip's the next night, but I wasnt doing very well. Elle had brought this cute, short, baby pink dress with white lacey bits round the edges which suited her perfectly. She looked amazing in it as it matched the colour of her hair exactly! Carly bought this beautiful, sheek, white dress the was really elegant and nearly angelic looking. The dress looked really good against her dark skin and afro hair! Lolly bought this blue, vintage-looking dress that hung neatly off her shoulders and made her look stunning! Lolly was really into that sort of vintage/retro look and quite often looked like she had just walked out of the 1980's! It looked great with her straw blond hair and the blue matched the colour of her eyes.

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