Chapter 17

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I walked up the driveway to Gran's house. It was weird. It didn't really feel like my house anymore, but all my stuff was there, untouched since the night of Grandpa's attack and the robbery. Though I never referred to it as 'my house' anymore. How could I when I had abandoned my own Grandmother when she needed me most?! I didn't deserve to live there. I didn't deserve her love. Well, I wasn't even sure if she still loved me.

I went up the front steps to the porch, and knocked on the door. I tried to level out my breathing, and my palms went sweaty. I suddenly decided I couldn't face her and frantically looked around for an escape. It was too late though, for Jenny had already opened the door.

"Fl-Flo!" Jenny's eyebrows rose together in surprise, and she placed her hands on her hips. "I didn't expect to see you here!" She smiled at me. I didn't mind Jenny; she was very smiley which pissed me off a bit, but then I didn't really know her. I'd never given her a proper chance.

"'s Gran?" I stammered, pathetically, and looked at me feet.

"Oh, she's on and off recently, but she's much better today." Jenny beamed, I looked up from my feet and smiled.

"Really?" I grinned, stupidly.

"Yes, I think she'll love to see you, come in, she's in the living room!" Jenny took a step back so that I could pass. I smiled to myself. I couldn't really believe my luck; first, Gran was feeling better, and second, she'd love to see me!

I passed the kitchen and the bathroom and the corridor to our bedrooms but I hardly glanced at them. I was so set on seeing Gran. I entered the living room: the furniture was still in place as I remembered it. The TV was at the other end of the room facing the doorway, with the sofa and Grandpa's old archair facing it in the middle of the room. Gran had her back to me, she was sitting in Grandpa's armchair watching the TV, she hadn't noticed that anyone had come in.

"Gran!" I beamed and ran round to face her. I stood between her and the TV, grinning at her.

"Move out the way, girl!" Gran glared up at me, trying to peer round me at the TV. I stood, dumbfounded, and thought she must be joking, which made me feel a bit better.

"Gran, come on, Gran, it's me, Flo!" I smiled at her again.

"I don't know anyone called Flo! Now get out of my way!" Gran glared up at me once more.

"Of course you do, Gran, it's me!"

"Jenny! Who is this girl?! She's blocking the TV!" Gran waited for a response "JENNY!"

"It's okay, Gran, Jenny will come in a second, I'm not going to hurt you!"

"I don't know who you are, but GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Gran stood up and shouted in my face. I couldn't speak. Moments later, Jenny came into the room.

"Grace, come on now, calm down! Flo is just here to see you" Jenny gently moved me to the side and sat me down on the sofa. As soon as I was no longer in her line of vision, Gran calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

"How many times, Jennifer, dear, have I told you to call me Gran?" She smiled sweetly at Jenny. Jenny looked at me with a sad expression on her face as if to apologize. By the way she reacted to Gran's words I could tell that this wasn't the first time Gran had said this to her. Jenny's eyes moved back to Gran who seemed to have forgotten I was there and had sat down, and the smile quickly returned.

"Now, Grace, you know I'm not your granddaughter, Flo is your granddaughter, I'm your nurse."

"Nurse?! Ha, what the hell do I need a nurse for? Honestly, dear, you come up with the silliest things." Gran smiled and looked lovingly at Jenny.

"Now, I'm just going to make some tea, so why don't you chat to Flo until I get back?" Jenny said whilst turning the TV off with the remote. Jenny dissapeared into the kitchen and Gran turned round to face me. Her eyes which a minute ago had looked on me with such disgust and hatred, now seemed friendly and warm.

"Don't you like Jennifer, dear? So pretty, and so caring! I really am the luckiest woman alive to have such a wonderful granddaughter, don't you agree?" She looked at me as though what she had just said was totally normal and ture, and to her it was. I hadn't said anything or moved hardly since Gran had shouted at me. My words croaked out of my throat. My mouth was dry.

"Yes... very lucky."

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