Drunken Decisions

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Drunken decisions are the worst kind of decisions. 

These decisions are made when you'r not thinking straight, when the room is spinning and you're giggling over the worst joke, throwing yourself at people you definitely should not be throwing yourself at.

These thoughts were running through my mind on Saturday morning when I woke up in my bed, next to my ex boyfriend who was snoring loudly. 

I thought I was dreaming when I woke up and saw his messy hair all over my pillow and his long body stealing the blankets. 

I thought 'maybe we just fell asleep, maybe nothing happened.' Then, I peeked under the sheets, my chest collapsing when I found myself naked and covered in hickeys. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I mutter, shoving myself out bed and quickly pulling on a t shirt on the floor and grabbing a pair of pajama pants from my drawer. 

"Andy, wake the hell up." I throw a pillow at him and he groans, covering his face and turning over. 

"What the fuck?" Andy pushes himself up on his elbows and squints at me. 

He drops his arms and shoves his face into the pillow. "I'm so fucking hungover." 

I pick up a wine bottle from the floor and tip it over, only to find it has already been emptied of its contents.

"Yeah, we must have drank quite a bit when we got here." I set the bottle on my side table and sigh. 

"Do you realize what we did last night?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips and staring at Andy. 

He sits up again and peeks under the blankets, like I did before. 

"Well, I'm pretty naked and you're hair is pretty messed up, so I'm gonna assume we fucked." He shrugs before placing his face back in the pillow and closing his eyes. 

I kneel on the bed and shove his shoulder. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I demand. 

He opens one eye and peers at me. "Oh, you wanna go for round two?" He asks, picking up the blanket so I can lay under it. 

I cover my eyes and stand up. "No, no oh god no." I turn around and sigh. 

"That's not exactly what you were saying last night." Andy says and I swivel around and point at him. 

"Last night, was a mistake. A very drunken, very stupid, mistake." I run my hands through my hair, completely annoyed. My head is pounding and I'm not quite sure how to deal with this situation. 

 An emotion flashes across Andy's face but it goes away before I can catch it. He locks his jaw and bites his lip. 

"Yeah, you're right. Stupid mistake, clearly we were drunk or I never would have slept with you." He stands up and pulls on his boxers. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snap and he turns to face me, pulling on his black skinny jeans. 

"Well, you're my ex girlfriend, why would I want to sleep with you." Andy says and I lick my lips, trying to hide how much that hurt.

"You should go." I whisper, in order to avoid my voice cracking. 

"Ariel." He says quietly after a minute and I look up at him, blinking tears away. 

"What Andy?" I purse my lips, watching as his face softens.

He heaves out a sigh and gestures to me. "Y-you're wearing my shirt." 

I glance down and notice that the black shirt is definitely too big on me to be mine. 

I turn towards my closet and grab a black Ramones t shirt off the hanger and peeling off his shirt, and pulling on the next one before I throw his back to him. 

"You really need to go." I say, still facing my closet. 

 "Look Ariel, I didn't mean-," Andy begins but I interrupt him. 

"You really need to go, Andy." 

I turn around and cross my arms and watch as he picks up his boots and walks out of my room. Of course he slams the front door on his way out. 

I crawl into my bed and pick up my phone, seeing there are numerous messages. 


PierceTheVic: I thought it was going to take a lot of convincing

PierceTheVic: But you, you did it allllll by yourself. 

PierceTheVic:  Lil miss Ari scored big mister Andy. 

PierceTheVic: SO PROUD

I groan at Vic's texts and delete them instead of responding. 

I can't believe he let me, encouraged me even, to make this mistake instead of trying to stop me. 

Closing my eyes, I push my phone off my bed, turning over and falling into a deep sleep.


*Andy's P.O.V*

I pull on my boots before climbing into my car, slamming my hands against the steering wheel. 


My phone rings loudly and I sigh, sliding to answer as I put my car in drive and pull away. 


Austin Carlile's voice comes from the phone. 

"I thought she was supposed to be regretting it." He laughs loudly and I pull my phone away from my ear, glaring at it distastefully before returning it to its previous position. 

"Shut up, okay? I was drunk, she was drunk . It was a good idea at the time." I breath out a sigh through my teeth. 

"How's that good idea feeling right about now?" He's still laughing and I wish I could punch him. 

"It was feeling real good when I thought she was coming for more, not so good when she threw me out of her apartment." I chuckle and he bursts out laughing again. 

"God damn, this is hilarious. You should see Vic, he's practically jumping for joy. He's wanted you two to get back together since you broke up. Last night when he saw you guys leave together, it was practically a dream come true." Austin giggles again and I groan loudly as I pull up to my house. 

"Somebody should have stopped us." I run a hand through my hair and push open the door, walking quickly up the steps and unlocking the front door, closing it behind me. 

"Well, I thought about it. I was actually walking towards you guys, but Vic tackled me. Amazing that the lil guy actually brought me to the ground." I roll my eyes at this statement and kick my shoes off next to the door.

"Yea, yea, amazing. Not at all pathetic. I'll talk to you later, Carlile." I hang up and toss my phone on the couch, running my hands through my hair again. 

We really fucked up this time. 






I'm leaving my moms on saturday so no more laptop or updates sadly. 

Hopefully I'll get another update before then sorry guys. 


ily guys

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