6 Months Later

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The engagement ring sparkles under the fluorescent lights of our office.

"God damn that is a big rock." Jeannette observes out loud as she takes my hand and tilts it back and forth, the diamond sparkling when the light hits it.

"I know." I grin, glancing down at the ring myself. I've been staring at it for a week straight.

"You're supposed to work up to the 'I got caught cheating ring' not start out with it." Jeannette and I laugh when she says this.

With a sharp bark from our boss, we both slide back to our desks and get back to work.

Andy proposed to me in a very cheesy, very public display of affection.

As I begin to think about it my mind flashes back to the moment.

"Ariel, my love, please join me on stage for a moment." Andy had stopped the concert after their cover of Rebel Yell. They'd been touring nonstop for almost 6 months and I hadn't seen him much until this last show in LA.

When he said this I immediately handed my camera to a sound tech before climbing the stairs to the stage and standing by him.

"As many of you know," Andy spoke to the sold out crowd, who cheered in response. "This is my beautiful, wonderful, magnificent girlfriend that makes me as happy as can be." He said matter of factly.

I could feel my face heating up and I could tell I was as red as a watermelon.

"The only thing that could ever possibly make me happier," at this point Andy dropped to one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket. "Is would be if she would marry me." He popped open the box and showed me the ring that was now on my finger.

If the crowd was loud before, now they were screaming so loud I couldn't sort through my thoughts properly.

All I knew was that Andy was on one knee in front of me. The man I loved more than anything wanted to spend his life with me. This immediately brought tears to my eyes and it was too late from stopping them from spilling over and flooding down my cheeks.

Andy smiled at me. "Mermaid Girl? What do you say? Will you marry me?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered out and he quickly jumped up, enveloping me in the tightest hug I've ever received.

He lifted me off the ground, kissed me, then slipped the ring on my finger.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I had whispered back.

I had quickly stumbled off stage, still crying as he closed out the concert.

"Let's end this one with Rebel Love Song, alright?"

When I step out of work I see my fiancé leaning against my car.

"Hey gorgeous." He grins, hugging me tightly. "Wanna have dinner?"

Andy and I have had our problems. We will most likely continue to have our problems. But if nothing has stopped us yet, I doubt anything will.

______________  ___________



I cannot thank people enough for voting/commenting etc. and encouraging me to finish this book and the first one.

Thank you all so much and I really hope you enjoyed this.

My Vic Fuentes story should be posted soon, there will be mentions in it as to what happens to Andy & Ariel, so follow me to find out when! Or don't if you don't care that's cool too.

Also there's an Andy & Ariel one shot on my account so check that out if you feel like it. I might be doing some more of those in the future.

Seriously I can't thank you guys enough I never thought this story would do so well thank you I love you.

Now excuse me well I go click completed and cry ❤️

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