You're Such A Thug

396 22 9

Andy: I'm here answer the door.

I sigh at the text and glance down at my pipe, baggie of weed, and grinder.

"Shit." I jump up, grabbing the things off of the table.

"One second!" I yell as Andy knocks on the door loudly.

"I'm coming in." He says and I turn back and forth quickly trying to figure where to put my things.

"No just wait." I say as Andy opens the door.

"Too late." He says, closing the door behind him.

He takes a few steps and raises his eyebrows when he sees the things I'm holding in my hands.

"A week in San Diego with Mike and you come back with a drug addiction?" Andy says, starting at me.

I sigh, setting my things back down and sitting myself back on the couch.

"It's not a drug addiction."

He laughs and sits next to me. "I know. I'm joking."

I glance back at the TV where my sims game is paused.

"Still I can't believe little Ariel is smoking marijuana. You're such a thug." Andy smirks, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I laugh, bumping my shoulder with his.

"So Sims on this lovely Sunday afternoon noon?" He asks, gesturing to the tv.

"Yep. Not as exciting as last week, when I was kicking it in San Diego." I say, taking a drink of my iced tea.

"Is that all you plan on doing today?"

"I'm going to dinner with Austin tonight." I say, handing him my iced tea, which he takes a long drink out of and gives it back empty.

"Well there's some weirdo in my apartment so I guess I'll keep him company." I say, standing up and walking quickly to the kitchen to refill my tea.

Andy sighs from behind me as I'm putting ice in my cup.

"We need to talk." He says quietly and I bite my lip. 

"Yeah, I figured you didn't come just to drink tea." I turn around to face him and lean against the counter. His bright blue eyes stare at me with such intensity, I have to turn to look at the ground. 

I tap my foot on the tiled floor as he continues to look at me. 

"Spit it out, Andrew." 

"Don't call me Andrew."

"Oh, did I just give you a nickname you don't like hm? I wonder how that feels." I laugh quietly and he rolls his eyes. 

"Shut up you love your nickname, Mermaid Girl." Andy grins at me. He turns to my fridge and pulls out the pitcher off sun tea I made. I take it from him and fill up my glass, sipping it slowly. 

"Alright, we've prevented this for long enough. What's going on here?" I ask, pulling myself up to sit on the counter. 

"I am in love with you." My heart drops to my knees at his words and my breath hitches. 

"Y-you've never even told me you love me. Now you're in love with me?" I don't know how to react to the news. 

"Why are you so surprised?" I don't know how I didn't notice the minute he walked in, but he looks incredibly nervous. His nails are bitten to shreds, he keeps wringing his hands, and his feet won't stand still. 

"Because it doesn't make sense." I push myself off the counter and begin pacing my kitchen. 

"How does it not make sense? I've been trying to get you back since I saw you the first day at AP." Andy says as if it's been perfectly obvious to me. 

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