"Coincidental" Run In

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"How many of these do you think you can eat in one sitting?" I slide the taco over to Vic and he snorts.

"None, these taste like plastic compared to my moms." He pushes the taco bell taco back towards me and sips his soda, pulling out his phone and typing quickly. I take a small bite of the taco and glance at the mountain of food we ordered.

"Why did we even come here, let alone order all of this food if you don't even like taco bell?" I say, still chewing my food.

"Because you wouldn't listen to anything I said. You just wanted to come here." Vic glances at me before looking back at his phone.

I roll my eyes before taking a huge bite and opening a burrito. "You have to help me eat some of this."

Vic groans dramatically before dropping his phone on the table and ripping open a hot sauce packet to pour on the taco.

"Now take a bite." I mumble, my hand over my mouth attempting to swallow the food.

"I know how to eat, Ari." He retorts before taking a timid bite.

"Don't be such a baby!" I laugh.

"Don't be such an asshole." He defends himself.

One and a half months.

One and a half months since seeing Andy.

I don't know what happened, I thought we were going to be okay after our text messages. But we've hardly talked since then. A few messages here and there but that's about it. Vic, Austin, and Jeannette have been helping to fill the void. It seemed I always was hanging out with one of them and it's been great.

Which is why on this sunny afternoon  Vic and I were sitting at taco bell with 35 dollars worth of food.

"We're never going to eat all of this." I laugh after I've finished my fourth taco and second burrito and am beginning to feel full.

"Should I call Austin to come help?" Vic suggests, rolling a wrapper in his hands.

"He's with his girly girlfriend today." I roll my eyes and Vic laughs.

"Yea, she's kind of a bitch isn't she?" Vic responds to my statement and I nod my head sarcastically. "You don't say Victor."

"We need more friends in L.A." I sigh ripping open a double decker.

"Speaking of that," Vic says quietly so I look up at him. "I think I'm gonna head back to San Diego soon." My heart drops at the news of my best friend leaving soon. Vic always has tons of stuff to do in l.a. so it's easy to forget he doesn't live here.

He sees the look on my face and begins explaining. "I just miss my parents and my own bed, and the guys." The rest of pierce the veil had gone home a few weeks ago after they insisted on taking me out to dinner of course.

"And Danielle." I mutter pushing the food away.

"She's my girlfriend, Ariel." Vic sighs and I roll my eyes.

"You're in too deep, Vic." I say for the millionth time.

Danielle, Vic's girlfriend, had become a sore subject for us. He was in love with her and I saw her for what she really was, a gold digging bitch. Conflicting views I guess you could say.

"We both are." He argues.

"No, she's into your money and how many more photo shoots she gets because of you. You're into her." I shrug and sip my tea.

The truth is, I'm not ready for Vic to leave. As much as I love Austin, Vic is my rock, like a brother and it's been really helpful having him around while I've been going through this Andy bullshit.

"I'm not having this conversation again." He snaps, which is rare for him, and an awkward silence settles over the table.

Vic sighs before pushing himself out of the booth across from me and standing up. "I'm going to the bathroom." He says quietly before walking away.

I grab my empty tea cup and stand up to refill it.

As I'm holding my cup under the tea dispenser a finger taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around to face the tapper and am met with Andy Biersack's perfect row of white smiling teeth.

"Hello there, stranger." He continues to grin as I stare at him.

Andy clears his throat uncomfortably and gestures behind me. "I think your cup's full."

I turn around to see that my cup of tea is indeed full, and spilling all over my hand. "Shit." I  mutter dumping some liquid out and putting the lid on.

Andy hands me a napkin and I happily accept it and dry my hands.

"Well, well, well, look who it is." Vic sounds much more chipper after his bathroom trip.

Andy and Vic hug quickly. "I'm glad you're here Andrew." Vic says, grinning. "Because Ariel and I ordered a fuck ton of tacos and my tank is empty but we still need help." Vic pats his stomach as he says this and I roll my eyes, walking back to our booth and sitting back in my seat.

Vic sits across from me and Andy plops himself right next to me, setting his own drink on the table and reaching over my chest to grab a taco.

"So what brings you here?" I ask Andy, sipping my tea as the boys dig in.

"Hunger." He smiles at me, his mouth full.

I glance at Vic who just winks and pushes a burrito towards me.


"You didn't have anything to do with that, did you?" I ask Vic as I buckle my seatbelt in his car and wave at Andy once more through the windshield.

Vic honks the horn three times and hands me his phone to plug into the aux cord as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"With what?" He plays dumb but is smiling.

I type in his passcode quickly (2006) and slide through his music, finally picking postcards and polaroids by sleeping with sirens.

"With Andy happening to show up at the fast food place we happened to be at?" I accuse and he rolls his eyes.

"L.A. isn't that big. It's not that weird." Is his excuse and I roll my eyes.


Vic sighs and glances at me before focusing on the road.

"I'm your best friend." He says quietly and I nod. "So I'm just trying to make sure you're happy."

"Oh my god you texted him, didn't you?" I exclaim and Vic nods solemnly.

"I appreciate it but knock that shit off. Nothing is going to happen between me and him again." I say and vic sighs.

"Promise me you'll stop." I hold out my pinky as Vic stops the car at a red light.

After a moment of hesitation he crosses his pinky with mine.

"Fine. Promise."


Sorry I haven't updated in forever and this is short and shitty but i wrote it in two days ha.

Also sorry if you don't agree with my opinion of Vic's girlfriend but she's an asshole to fans so she definitely doesn't get my vote

Anyways. My excuse is wow who knew highschool is time consuming and stressful? Wish someone would have warned me about that.

Also that boys are stupid and confusing.

I'll try and update soon love you guys

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