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I'm half awake when my phone vibrates twice, alerting me to a text.

Complaining Asshole: Morning gorgeous.

I stare at the message, obviously confused. Maybe he sent it to the wrong person?

Me: Gorgeous? Aren't you feeling friendly today.

Complaining Asshole: Don't push it, just enjoy it. I hope you're out of bed by now.

I laugh reading his contact name and quickly type out a different one before texting back.

Me: Why would you hope that?

Andy: Bc I'm waiting for you outside your apartment dork. We're going to lunch.

I quickly shove myself out of my bed and run into my living room, looking out the window.

Sure enough, there is Andy in his leather jacket, leaning against his black car.

Too stereotypically cool sometimes.

Me: Do I get a say in this?

Andy: Absolutely not. Make it a quick shower would ya.

I look down at Andy one more time before sighing.


"I assumed since it took you so long to get ready, you would at least look decent." He says when I step out of my building, closing the door to the lobby behind me.

I glance down at my blue Pierce The Veil shirt, black jeans, and black vans.

"Maybe I should just go back upstairs, ya know, if I can't impress you with my looks." I shrug and point to the door.

Andy rolls his eyes, laughing sarcastically before opening the passenger side door. "Shut up and get in the car."

"Alright, alright mister demanding." I say stepping past him and settling into the seat.

I pull on my seatbelt as Andy closes the door and walks around. I quickly hit the lock button on the door and he groans as he unsuccessfully tries to open his door.

"Open the door Ariel." He says through the window. I bat my eyelashes innocently and he sighs.

"Please, open the door." He tries again and I laugh.

"I get to choose where we eat." I say and he bites his lip, in a rather sexual way I think.

"Absolutely not. This was my idea." Andy argues and I hit the unlock then lock button to quickly for him to grab the handle.

"I made reservations!" He cries and my heart leaps. But this even more so proves I need to make sure this doesn't seem like a date situation.

We stare at each other through the glass for a minute before sighing.

"Fine, we'll go wherever you want Mermaid Girl." He gives in and I grin.

"Promise dromise?" I question and he sighs again.

"Promise dromise."

I hit the unlock button and he yanks open the door.

"Why did I think this was a good idea?" Andy asks as he starts the car and pulls away from my apartment building.

"I don't know. You of all people should know how annoying I am." I shrug at him and fiddle with the radio.

"You're not annoying Ariel." He glances at me as I open the glove box and rifle through the stuff in there.

Reconnected (Sequel to Strong Dislike)Where stories live. Discover now