Chapter 3

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Elsa's POV

"Elsa! Are you ok? What happened?" Anna asked me after school when we were back at the mansion.

"He was a werewolf. And he didn't want to kill me," I said.

"A werewolf? Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?" Rapunzel asked.

"I didn't realize he was a werewolf at first. But then I saved his life, and we talked. He's trying to convince the other werewolves not to kill us," I said.

"Elsa? It's all a trap! Can't you see? He pretended to be in danger to earn your trust, and then he's going to wait until you give away all our secrets so he can kill us!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"He wouldn't do that! He really was in danger! And he could have killed me right then and there," I pointed out.

"He didn't so that you would trust him! Elsa, it's a trap!" Rapunzel repeated.

"No, it isn't! Look, I'm not asking you to go on a date with a werewolf. Just... Don't kill them. And don't tell mother. I have a feeling she wouldn't approve," I begged.

"But Elsa-" Rapunzel said.

"Promise me Rapunzel!" I said. Rapunzel and Anna glanced at each other.

"I'll keep it quiet," Anna said.

"Whatever," Rapunzel said. That was the best I was going to be able to get out of her.

Jack's POV

"Merida, I'm telling you, the vampires aren't trying to kill the mortals," I said desperately. Hiccup wasn't around, and  I was doing my best to convince Merida that the vampires were good. She wasn't buying it.

"Jack, I don't know where you got this funny idea, but no one questions the alpha. Not if you want to stay alive," Merida said.

"I'm just saying maybe he was misinformed, that's all," I said. Merida shook her head and walked away.

--- the next night ---

"Jack, I need to speak with you," Pitch Black said. I nervously followed him into the woods. What did he want?

"Merida informed me about your unhealthy ideas about the vampires. Believe me when I say that the vampires are evil. You've fallen for their trap. It's what vampires are best for. They create a false threat, rescue you from it, and act all nice. Then, once they learn all of your secrets, they attack," Pitch explained.

"But that's not true. She didn't know that I was a werewolf," I protested.

"She was just saying that," Pitch said. I closed my mouth and didn't say anything else. There was no way I was going to argue with the alpha. But that didn't mean that I believed him. Maybe if I talked to Hiccup, I would be able to show him the truth. Hiccup was always more open to ideas than the rest of the pack.

"Is this the last I'm going to hear about good vampires?" Pitch asked.

"Of course," I replied.

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