Chapter 9

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Third-Person POV

The sun was directly overhead, turning all of the shadows into tiny puddles at the base of trees. Any vampire with any common sense would be inside and behind some thick doors and curtains.

A glimmer of darkness walked across the lawn and to the front door of the vampire's home. The front door was unlocked, and the shape slipped inside.

The shadow slowly crept up the stairs in the dark building. He drifted to a particular doorway and produced a tarnished key from under his cloak. The key fit into the lock perfectly, and the door unlocked with a click of finality.

Pitch Black smiled, gleaming white teeth in the darkness.

Elsa's POV

I heard the lock click.

I glanced at the door. Could Mother Gothel be letting me out already? That was odd. I thought for sure that she would leave me in peace for at least another day or two.

The door opened, and my eyes widened. Standing in the doorway was a man I had never seen before. He had pale gray skin, spiky black hair, and silver/gold eyes. When he smiled, it revealed gleaming sharp white teeth.

"Who are you?" I demanded. The man grew and transformed, sprouting hair and claws. Within moments the man was replaced by a large gray wolf crouched by the door.


The wolf darted forward as fast as lightning. His slobbering jaws snapped shut on my arm before I could even move. The pain was instant and nearly blinding.

I screamed.

Jack's POV

I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I had no idea what could have caused it because I was with Hiccup and Merida at the werewolf cave. Pitch had gone hunting, leaving us to manage the cave.

Hiccup must have seen me wince, because he glanced at me oddly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. My chest hurt for a second," I told him.

"Pain in your chest? Like right here?" Hiccup demanded while tapping his chest.

"Yeah. Is it another Primal Instinct side effect?" I asked.

"Yes. A werewolf only feels that when their mate is in trouble," Hiccup said.

"Elsa's in trouble?" I asked urgently.

"There's a way you would be able to tell. Close your eyes and envision her. She's your mate. You should be able to see her."

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Elsa. Slowly, a hazy image appeared in my mind.

Elsa was in a building I had never seen before, getting dragged out of the room by a giant wolf which had her arm in his jaws. Pitch Black. And he was definitely planning on dragging her into the sunlight. My eyes flew open.

"Pitch Black is going to kill Elsa!" I shouted.

"Where were they?" Hiccup asked.

"A building I had never seen before. It was really old and dusty looking," I explained.

"The vampire's base," Merida said. "It's on the other side of town, in the woods."

"I have to go save Elsa," I said.

"Then get going! I'm sure Pitch won't take long to kill her," Hiccup said. I transformed into my wolf form since it was faster than my human form, and I took off running.

In order to get to Elsa as fast as possible, I would need to cut directly through the center of town. There was a pretty big chance that after that point the people would start hunting the rest of us down. But I had no choice.

I entered the city limits and charged down sidewalks, sending people screaming everywhere I went. I went around a car and jumped across the intersection before continuing on. As I ran, the pain in my chest started up again and began to grow slowly.

"I'm coming Elsa. Just hold on," I growled as I jumped on top of a car.

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