Chapter 10

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Elsa's POV

"Let go of me!" I shouted at the wolf while banging on his snout. He only growled and bit harder.

As he started dragging me down the stairs, I grabbed onto the banister and held on for dear life. This started the most painful game of tug-of-war I had ever played.

The wolf finally released my arm. Before he could bite again, I transformed into a bat and started flying away. Unfortunately I didn't get very far. One of my wigs had several bloody rips, so I couldn't gain any altitude. The wolf below me jumped up to bite me (which would mean the end of Elsa the bat) so I transformed back into a human in midair.

I landed on top of the wolf's head. He growled and shook himself vigorously until he was free. I scrambled to my feet to run. As soon as I took my first step the wolf's jaws clamped shut on my leg. He started dragging me down the stairs again, and no amount of grabbing onto the railings managed to do anything but slow him down slightly.

Jack's POV

The pain vanished for a moment, and then came back in full force. I stumbled slightly as I turned a corner.

"Elsa, I'm coming," I whispered. Would I make it in time? I wasn't even halfway across the town. Why did they have to make these things so big?

Elsa's POV

The wolf dragged me out the front door, and I grabbed the doorway before we could go much farther. This would be my last chance to stop him. If I failed, there would be nothing between me and the sunlight. I was as good as dead.

The wolf vigorously tugged, but I held on with all of my strength. I simply refused to let go.

I heard footsteps coming from inside the house. I glanced up. Finally! Someone to save me!

Mother Gothel glanced down at me from the doorway.

"Mother! Help me!" I cried out. I couldn't stretch out a hand towards her because if I let go, I wouldn't be able to hold on.

Mother Gothel raised her eyebrows.

"Even when I set up everything for you, you still need my help?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Set what up?"

"Really, werewolves these days are so incompetent," Mother Gothel said. She smiled at me. It wasn't a friendly or loving smile. It was a cold, cruel smile.

She kicked my hands, making me release the doorway. The wolf finally dragged me completely into the sunlight.

Jack's POV

I finally saw the other end of the town and the woods that lay beyond it. I poured on more speed.

The pain in my chest began steadily growing. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to run in about two minutes. That meant I had to save Elsa before then.

Trees whipped past me as I ran. I could feel that I was getting closer. Any moment now I would see the vampire's base. Any moment.

I burst out of a break in the trees and into a small clearing. Up ahead was a large old house. That had to be the vampire's base. A woman was standing in the doorway. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

In the middle of the clearing was Pitch Black. He was in human form. Beside him was Elsa. He was keeping her from running anywhere by holding her throat with his hand. I could see that Elsa was fading fast. Her not being able to breath combined with the sunlight was proving to be too much. She was already looking extremely pale. Or was that gray? There wasn't a moment to lose.

"You want your precious mate Jack?" Pitch called. I began running across the ground towards him, forcing myself to run faster even though I was already exhausted. Pitch smirked.

"Here, have her!" he called. He released Elsa and shoved her towards me. I pounced towards her. If I could get her to the ground and stand over her, my shadow might be able to stop the sunlight from dissolving her.

Time seemed to slow down. I was flying through the air on a direct collision course with Elsa. She was stumbling from being pushed. My front paws were inches from her. My chest was burning more painfully than ever. Elsa's eyes met mine.

"I love you," she whispered.

The moment my paws touched her, she completely dissolved into ash.

I crashed straight threw her and turned around in horror. The ashes were already starting to blow away.

The pain in my chest was gone. Only an emptiness remained.

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