Chapter 5

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Elsa's POV

I was at school the next day, waiting anxiously for lunch. I wanted to talk to Jack again. I had to warn him that only half of the vampires believed me about werewolves being good. Eugene and Rapunzel might still try to kill any werewolves they could get their hands on. But Anna promised she would wait, and she never breaks a promise. And Kristoff said he would watch and wait.

"Hey, you're Elsa, right?" A voice asked. I turned to see who had talked. We were in the hallway, switching between classes. I half hoped it was Jack who had spoken. Instead I saw a guy with brown hair and green eyes. I nodded.

"Jack told me about you. I'm Hiccup, another werewolf," he said.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Is it ok if we talk somewhere slightly more private? I don't want any of the mortals to hear this conversation," Hiccup told me. I nodded. He was right. Mortals would either think we were crazy or try to kill us. Neither possibility was good.

I followed Hiccup into a nearby empty classroom. Not even the teacher was there. I walked up to the teacher's desk, and Hiccup closed the door.

"What do you need to talk about?" I asked Hiccup.

"What you're doing to Jack," He said.

"I'm not doing anything to him. What are you talking about?" I asked. Hiccup suddenly lunged across the room towards me, transforming in midair into a black wolf. He crashed into me, sending us both falling to the floor. We landed in a patch of sunlight from a nearby window, and my skin started to burn.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Tell me who the other vampires are and I'll end you quickly," he growled. I certainly wasn't going to do that! And I couldn't fight back. Partially because I promised Jack I wouldn't kill a werewolf, and partially because I couldn't move my arms or anything.

Jack must have betrayed me! I never should have trusted a werewolf! How could I have believed him even for a second? Much less started to think he was cute!

"I'll never tell you!" I said defiantly. Hiccup dug his claws into my shoulders, but that didn't hurt nearly as much as the sun. I had just barely healed from my burns yesterday. If anything, these burns felt about a hundred times worse!

"Tell me now! The sun doesn't hurt me like it hurts you," He growled. He was right. I could feel myself start to lose consciousness. If I gave in to the darkness, I was as good as dead.

"GET OFF OF HER!" A voice shouted. Hiccup was suddenly knocked off of me, and then someone dragged me out of the sun by my shirt. I blinked and tried to focus on who had rescued me. It was a white wolf. He was standing between me and Hiccup.

"You don't know what you're doing!" The white wolf growled. He sounded like Jack. But how was that possible? Jack... had betrayed... me...

With that final thought, I lost consciousness.

Jack's POV

When I saw Hiccup go with Elsa into a classroom, I knew it meant trouble. I hadn't gotten a chance to tell him about Elsa being good yet. One thing did seem odd to me though. Why did Elsa trust him so fully? Maybe it was a vampire thing. I tried to push my way through the hallway to them, but it was crowded and difficult to do.

By the time I finally reached the classroom door, a few minutes had passed. I pulled it open and stepped inside.

Hiccup was in his wolf form. He was on top of Elsa, holding her pinned in the sunlight. Elsa's skin was really red, in some places it was even gray, and I could see her starting to fade.

"GET OFF OF HER!" I roared, running forward while transforming into my wolf form. I was a white wolf. I knocked Hiccup over and grabbed Elsa's shirt in my mouth, quickly dragging her out of the sunlight. She stopped disintegrating, but she looked pretty out of it. I stood between her and Hiccup.

"You don't know what you're doing!" I growled.

"I'm saving your life!" Hiccup snapped.

"My life doesn't need saving! At least now it doesn't. Elsa saved my life!"

"It was all a trick!" Hiccup said.

"No, it wasn't! A vampire couldn't have been in the sunlight and tripped me. I tracked down the kid who tripped me. He was just some bully. He had never seen Elsa a day before in his life. Or any other vampire for that matter," I explained.

"She was just trying to earn your trust!"

"Did it occur to you why she trusted you so easily?"

"Because I told her I was a werewolf and I knew you."

"And why she didn't attack you as soon as she got the chance? Or why she didn't fight back?"


"You're attacking the wrong person. Elsa doesn't want to hurt us. Do you understand that?" I said. Hiccup finally seemed to believe me. He transformed back into his human self. I did as well.

"I'm sorry Jack. I didn't realize... It's just that Pitch told me it was all a trap she made," He said.

"Well, it wasn't. You're lucky I was here to stop you from killing her. Then the vampires never would have forgiven us," I said. I turned to look back at Elsa. It looked like she was unconscious.

"They might not forgive us now," I said. Hiccup came to stand next to me.

"What should we do? The mortals will be in here any minute," Hiccup said. I looked around. It looked like my luck finally started working. We were in the drama room. I went into the closet and went through the costumes they had. I grabbed a black cloak and came back into the classroom.

The cloak went all the way to the floor, and it had a hood and long sleeves. Hiccup put it on over Elsa's clothes while I kept watch. Then we both grabbed one of her sleeved arms and escorted her out of the classroom and off the school grounds. People gave us weird looks, but no one stopped us. The woods were too far and too sunny, so we made our way to a nearby warehouse.

"I called Merida. She says she'll meet us here," Hiccup said. He and Merida had a mental mind link. We laid Elsa down on an old dusty couch that was in the warehouse.

"Please don't die Elsa," I begged. She didn't respond. Then again, I didn't expect her to.

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