Chapter 6

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Elsa's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a dim warehouse. How had I gotten here? I sat up and looked at myself. I was wearing some sort of black cloak. I pulled it off and glanced at my arms. They were slightly pink. Oh good. My healing had kicked in. I stood up and looked around. Jack, Hiccup, and a red haired girl I had never seen before were standing together near a window. It was dark outside.

"Elsa! You're ok!" Jack said happily when he noticed me. The three werewolves came over so that they were standing near me. I backed away.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"It's ok Elsa. We're not going to hurt you. We brought you here so that you could heal. You're safe now," Jack said.

"What makes you think I should trust you?" I demanded. Jack looked hurt.

"Elsa, I told you that I wouldn't hurt you. I never break my word," he said.

"Then why did he attack me?" I snapped, pointing at Hiccup. Hiccup stared at his feet.

"I'm sorry. Jack didn't tell me that you were on our side," Hiccup mumbled.

"Yeah, a likely story," I snapped.

"Elsa please," Jack begged. "Think about it. Hiccup had you cornered. He could have finished you off, and everyone would be none the wiser. But instead I rescued you. We brought you here so that you could heal."

I desperately wanted to believe Jack. I would have given anything to know that he was telling the truth. He had saved my life. I had saved his. I felt tears slide down my face, something that hasn't happened to me since I became a vampire.

Jack stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, and I started crying harder. He didn't seem to mind. The redhead and Hiccup both left us in peace.

A little while later, I finally calmed down enough to stop crying. I realized that Jack and I were sitting on the couch. I couldn't remember ever sitting down.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"Don't be. Seems like you needed it," Jack replied. I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

"Now your shoulder is all wet," I pointed out while laughing weakly. Jack laughed as well.

"It's fine," he assured me. Hiccup and the girl came back over to the couch, both wearing serious looks on their faces.

"We need to talk," the girl said.

"What is it Merida?" Jack asked.

"Hiccup and I were talking about what happened. Seems like Pitch set Hiccup on Elsa. He told her that she was using you, and needed to be eliminated," Merida explained.

"What's the big deal about that? Any pack alpha would probably do the same," Jack pointed out. Merida held up a finger.

"That's not the point. Jack, did you ever tell Pitch Elsa's name?" Merida asked. Jack thought for a moment.

"No..." he said slowly.

"And neither did I. Yet Pitch told Hiccup to kill Elsa. And he called her by her name."

Jack shot to his feet.

"How did he find out?" he demanded.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. He hasn't ever come into the town as far as we know. That means that he knows something he isn't telling us," Merida said.

"I'm starting to think that Pitch set up this war on purpose," Hiccup noted.

"And he's sure to not rest until Elsa is dead," Merida added.

"Who is this Pitch?" I asked.

"He's our alpha. He told us about you guys and how we needed to kill you all," Jack explained.

"Sounds like Mother," Elsa said.

"Who's that?" Merida asked.

"Our leader. She isn't our actual mom. Just our leader. She's the one who told us you guys wanted to kill us," I explained.

"Something isn't right here," Hiccup said.

"Until it's safe, it may be best to keep Elsa here and pretend that she's dead," Jack said.

"But what about my sister and the other vampires? They'll freak and try to kill you guys!" I pointed out.

"We can tell them the truth. We just need to make sure that your Mother and Pitch don't know you're still alive," Jack said.

"We all need to swear to a vow of secrecy," Merida agreed.

"Good idea," Hiccup said. Hiccup, Jack, and Merida all put their hands together and spoke as one.

"I humbly swear that I shall never reveal the location of Elsa the vampire, and that I will not reveal that she is still living."

I was touched and nervous at the same time. If Pitch found out they all lies to him, he might kill them. Thy had placed themselves in terrible danger for me.

I felt another tear slide down my face.

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