Chapter 8

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Elsa's POV

Jack pretty much kept his distance and stayed in wolf form all night. Merida eventually woke up, and she helped Hiccup tend to his wounds.

"It isn't safe for you to stay here any more," Hiccup said.

"Why not? Is Jack going to accidentally kill me or something?" I asked.

"No. If a werewolf kills his mate, he dies as well. It's just because Jack won't be himself for at least another day. I'm in no condition to protect you. And Merida can't stay here and protect you either. We'll have to send you back to your home. At least you will be hidden from Pitch," he told me. I glanced at Jack.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I said.

"It's settled. You need to go now. Take the cloak. The sooner we get you and Jack apart the better."


"The longer you're apart, the quicker Primal Instinct wears off."

With those last words, Hiccup and Merida sent me on my way. I thought for a moment that Jack was going to follow me. He was standing by the door with those adorable puppy eyes that dogs have when their masters leave.

(A/N: My dog has a face that says "Ha! About time you left! Just watch how much I destroy when you're gone!")

While wearing the cloak I quickly left town and traveled to the abandoned house where all of the vampires had set up base. It didn't look like anyone was home.

I stepped inside and glanced around. The only person in the room was Mother Gothel. She blinked in surprise when she saw me.

"Elsa! I thought you were dead!" she said.

"The werewolves never killed me. They saved my life actually. And now one of them is my, as they call it, mate," I explained. Mother looked horrified.

"How ogreish! You shouldn't mingle with barbarians Elsa," Mother said.

"Barbarians? The werewolves aren't barbarians," I said.

"You just watch Elsa. I'm sure that they'll do nothing to get to you. Come. You must be confined to your room until we've cleaned those brutes from your aura," Mother said. She steered me upstairs and into a room. She shoved me inside and then locked the door.

I glanced around the room. There was a dusty Queen-sized bed, two bedstands which were on either side of the bed, and thick curtains which covered the window completely.

I was stuck here for now. But at least I was safe.

Pitch's POV

I heard a faint buzzing sound. Following the noise, I dug a shallow hole in the bottom of the cave. In the hole rested a cell phone which was vibrating.

I kept the cell phone for emergency contact with Mother Gothel. We both had one. I had never told anyone besides Mother Gothel that I owned a phone.

I picked up the phone and answered it.

"What is it now?" I growled.

"Once again your wolves prove to be incompetent," Mother Gothel hissed.

"What are you talking about? Hiccup killed Elsa, successfully igniting the war between the two groups," I told her.

"Elsa is alive," Mother Gothel snapped. I stood in silence, attempting to silence the rage inside of me. My wolves had lied to me. They had disobeyed me.

"How do you know?" I demanded.

"Elsa turned up at our base today. She said that the wolves had saved her life, and that she was even one of their mates," Mother Gothel said with distaste.

"Jack," I growled.

"I've locked Elsa in her room for now, but she's bound to escape sooner or later. It's my turn to deal with this problem. You come here. The door will be unlocked, and I will give you the key to Elsa's room. Drag her out into the sunlight and end her quickly. None of this 'make her suffer' business," Mother Gothel commanded. I was about to snap something about her being bossy, but I decided against it. She hung up the phone.

That Mother Gothel was an interesting character. So power hungry, like myself. How interesting how the only people who get to become immortal are people who don't care about anyone else.

Anyone who believes otherwise is just kidding themselves.

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