Chapter 7

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Elsa's POV

It had been several days since we had decided to fake my death. Jack and Anna visited me every day. They brought me plenty of things to do, so I was never bored.

"Hello!" Jack called as he entered the warehouse. Merida and Hiccup were right behind him.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked.

"We just came to check up on you and see how you were doing," Jack told me.

"Why didn't Anna come?" I noticed.

"She had something to do with the other vampires. They didn't elaborate," Hiccup said.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are here," I said.

Merida scooped some powdered iron into a cup and stirred before handing it to me. They had been making sure I got plenty to eat and drink and that I was comfortable. These werewolves really weren't that bad.

"What's the plan? Did you guys find out anything new?" I asked as I sipped the drink.

"Nothing," Jack said while shaking his head. "Either Pitch is innocent, or he covered his tracks really well."

"He's definitely not innocent," Merida said. Jack sighed and looked out the window at the stars before speaking again.

"I just don't know. Things have been so upside down lately that-" Jack paused mid-sentence and began twitching and groaning. I jumped to my feet.

"What's happening? What's wrong with Jack?" I asked. Hiccup ran to the window and looked outside.

"Drat! Full moon! We've got to get Jack out of here!" he shouted.

"What's happening?" I asked again.

"He's going into Primal Instinct! Meaning he's going to transform into his wolf self and kill anyone who gets in his way until he finds his mate," Hiccup explained.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"He hasn't found her yet. As soon as he finds her, his Primal Instinct will go away. But for now, he's a killer machine!" Merida said. Both Merida and Hiccup grabbed one of Jack's arms. He was moaning and shaking now.

"Get out of here! Run!" Hiccup shouted to me.

"But what about me pretending to be dead?" I asked in a panic.

"If you don't leave, you will be dead!" he growled. I turned, but before I could even take a step towards the door I heard a savage roar. I turned back around.

Jack had transformed into a white wolf. Merida and Hiccup were trying to hold him down, but he sent them flying across the room. Jack turned his eyes on me and I stood entranced.

They weren't like his normal eyes. They were ice blue and slanted, like a cat or ordinary wolf. Jack began pacing towards me in a zigzag.

A black wolf planted itself between Jack and I. Hiccup! The two wolves charged towards each other and clashed, jaws snapping and claws flashing. It was moving so fast that I couldn't tell what was going on. One moment Hiccup had the upper hand, while the next Jack seemed to be winning.

Jack but down on Hiccup's front leg with a savage snap, and Hiccup yelped in pain. After that it was over. Jack stepped over Hiccups body and began padding towards me once again. I backed up, eyes darting around for anything I could use to defend myself. Merida was passed out by the wall, Hiccup had been disabled, and I was basically toast. There was no way I could beat Jack to the door.

I killed my options. I certainly wasn't going to drain Jack's blood. He needed that. Running wasn't any good either. I couldn't face Jack in combat. That left turning into a bat, which wasn't the best choice. It would only take one bite and I would be dead.

In the end, the choice was made for me. Jack charged forward with lightning quick speed and knocked me to the ground. He stood above me, and I couldn't help remembering that the last time this had happened, Hiccup was holding me pinned in the sunlight. Not the happiest thought.

Jack's eyes stared into mine, and he bared his fangs. I winced. Was he going to gnaw on me like a bone, or would my end be quick? Hopefully it would be quick.

Jack lowered his wolf head and I closed my eyes. The next thing I felt was a big slobbery tongue lick my face. I opened a hesitant eye.

Jack was watching me. He got off of me and sat a few feet away, then tilted his head. I sat up and watched him. He didn't look like he wanted to kill me.

"Ok . . ." I said slowly. Hiccup transformed back into a human and opened his eyes.

"He didn't kill you?" Hiccup asked weakly. He was covered in scratches and bite marks.

"No, he just licked my face," I said. Hiccup managed a weak grin.

"Do you know what that means?" he asked. I shook my head.

"That means you're Jack's mate," Hiccup told me.

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