Thank You Chemistry

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"So. When are you gonna make your move on her?" I sighed as my best friend asked the same old question she's been asking everyday for the past year. "When will you stop asking that question?" I said in a monotone voice as I locked my locker after retrieving the books I need for Chemistry. Normani crossed her arms and gave me a look that screamed 'seriously?'
"You are so stubborn Mila. If you just have the balls to ask her out she would be yours by now." I gave up and gave her the attention that she oh so wanted. "First of all, she is the one with the balls, not me. Second of all, what makes you think she even likes me?" I asked and raised my eyebrow when she facepalmed herself.
Just at that moment, I heard the laughter of the girl of my dreams and I immediately turned my head to the direction of her laugh. There she was.
Lauren Jauregui.
The object of my fantasies walked into the school with her friends, Ally and Dinah. I gulped as I took in the way she looked in that leather jacket and skinny jeans. Not to mention her combat boots and beanie. I felt a smile creep on my face just at the sight of her.
"Hey babe." Normani smiled as Dinah grabbed her hands and placed a lasting kiss on her lips. I smiled at the sight of my best friend being so happy with her girlfriend.
"You guys are so cute I want to puke." Lauren feigned disgust and Ally slapped her arm just as the girlfriends fake glared at her. I smiled at the sound of her voice and she turned to look at me. She raised a brow, curious as to why I was unsually happy and I shrugged.
Just then, the bell rung and we all groaned simultaneously. "Hey I have to go for History class now. I was late for class on Monday and I can't afford to be late again. See you guys later!" Ally said in a rush as she brisk walked to class just as we gave her a slight wave.
"That's our cue to head to Chemistry now." I said we all walked to class together.
20 minutes into the class and I was bored to death. I sighed as Mrs Kirk wrote down a bunch of chemical equations on the board.
"You bored?" I heard a voice ask and I smiled slightly. Pros of being in Chemistry? Lauren was my lab partner.
"Extremely. It's so boring! Can't she just hand out a few worksheets in the meantime? At least we could have gotten something to do." I sighed as I laid my head on the desk again.
"Well Dinah and Normani don't seem bored in the slightest don't they." Lauren commented with a hint of amusement and I turned my head to see what she was referring to.
My jaw dropped as I could vaguely see Dinah's hand creeping up into
Normani's skirt and she jumped slightly. I turned my head away as soon as I caught Dinah's smirk.
"Oh god. Those horndogs are at it again." I covered my head with my arms as I laid my head on the desk again, with Lauren chuckling lightly next to me.
"Alright class. Your month long break is coming up and here's your assignment." Mrs Kirk's voice boomed in the lab and everyone groaned at the thought of having another assignment to add onto the long list of assignments to complete for other subjects.
"Fortunately, your assignment is a pair work. Your partner for the assignment will be your table partner." I mentally fist bumped at the information. I'm pairing with Lauren.
"Now, keep quiet while I explain what your assignment is." Mrs Kirk warned as she turned her back to us to face to board. She started explaining, but all I could think about was Lauren.
"Hey Mila! I was thinking we could head over to my house and complete the assignment today? You know, since we're both going on our individual family vacations we could just get it over with quickly. Plus my family isn't home so we wouldn't have any distractions." Lauren asked as we started packing our bags after Chemistry.
"Sure! I'll meet you at your car after school then?" I asked. I smiled at the thought of being alone with Lauren in her house.
"Cool! See you around!" She winked at me and left the classroom after waving at Dinah and Normani who were smirking at me.
"Shut up. Let's go." I hushed them before they could comment, and we left the classroom together as I ignored the fluttering in my chest at Lauren's tiny gesture.
I scrolled through my tumblr, reading through blogs about Ed Sheeran as I waited for Lauren at her car.
"Hey. You're already here. Come on let's go." Lauren smiled and opened the car door for me as I turned the slightest tint of red and smiled in thanks. Lauren was such a nice person and was literally making me fall for her even harder than I already am.
She jogged slowly to the driver's seat and started up her car, as the engine roared into action, and she sped off from the carpark.
I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she drove through the neighbourhood, the way she carefully drove and looked so focused.
The car stopped at a red light and she turned her head to me just as I turned mine away. I could practically sense the smirk on her face as she caught me staring. Oh god.
"Come on. Let's go in." Lauren's voice spoke as we pulled over her driveway. I followed her into her house and looked around. It was only my second time being here, my first being with the girls when we came over for a sleepover. The Jauregui family was incredibly wealthy, Mile and Clara both owning businesses of their own.
"Why don't you head up first? I'll order some pizza for us." She smiled as she walked into the kitchen.
"Thanks Laur. I was actually thinking if you could help me in my Chemistry instead of doing the assignment now? It's totally alright if you don't want to though." I asked as Lauren started dialing the number for PizzaHut.
"Hey it's alright. I don't mind helping you. We can complete the assignment another time. Why don't you head up and prepare all your notes and stuff first?" She asked as she waited for her call to get through. I smiled fondly at her and nodded, before grabbing our bags and heading into her room.
I placed our bags on the chairs by her desk as I took out my notes and worksheets for Chemistry and set them on her bed.
I took a seat on her bed and looked around her room.
Her room was covered with the 1975 and Lana Del Ray posters, with most of the walls painted black but still having a comforting feel to it.
"Pizza will be here in about 20 minutes. Let's get started in the meantime." Lauren voice brought me out of my thoughts as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
An hour into her tutoring session and finishing up the pizza, Lauren was in the middle of explaining to me on how balancing equations worked while all I could focus on was how her lips moved as she talked. I was extremely tempted to lean forward and capture them in my own. However, that was crossing the boundaries as us being friends.
"Do you understand now Camz?" Lauren asked as she leaned up and looked me in the eye. Our lips were mere inches apart now and the temptation was stronger than ever.
"You have really pretty eyes." I commented dumbly as she chuckled. I stared into her eyes and I swear I had almost gotten lost in them.
"Thanks. You too." She breathed as I felt her breath on my lips.
Fuck it. I thought as I smashed our lips together, ignoring the electricity that shot up into my body at our contact.
I moaned as I felt her kiss back almost immediately and I faintly heard the sound of my papers and pens dropping on the floor.
I climbed onto her and immediately straddled her waist as she started nibbling on my bottom lip, causing me to let out a loud moan.
I was afraid of going too far with our current position but I quickly abandoned that thought as I felt Lauren snake her arms around my waist, leaving no spaces between our bodies.
"Fuck." I muttered as she released my lips and attached them to my neck. I threw my head back in pleasure as I gave in to feeling of soft lips tracing my skin.
"God you are so hot Camz." Lauren whispered as her lips reached my ears and started biting them.
I moaned at the sound of her raspy voice, sending a chill down my spine. I felt a bulge against my centre and I moaned at the amazing feeling. Lauren was hard for me.
Lauren tugged on the ends of my shirt and I immediately removed the fabric and threw them together with my notes on the ground.
She snaked her arms around my waist again and I felt her cold hands come in contact with my warm skin, immediately feeling goosebumps around my body.
"Remove my bra Laur." I breathed and she pulled away from my neck to look into my eyes.
"Are you sure about this Camz?" She asked and I smiled at the concern laced in her voice.
"Yeah. I love you Lauren. And I trust you." I spoke the words that I have been trying to admit for a long time.
"I love you too." Lauren spoke again after a moment of silence and I opened my eyes and smiled at the amount of love flooding in her green eyes.
We shared a passionate kiss as I felt her unbuckle my bra. I leaned up a little, allowing her to haphazardly toss it across her room.
I leaned back and covered my chest, insecure of my body. Lauren noticed the gesture and immediately grabbed onto my arms.
"You're beautiful babe. I love you for you and I love every single part of you." She stated and pulled my arms and I let it drop by my sides.
"God you are so beautiful Camila. I am so in love with you." Lauren muttered as she started planting kiss around my uncovered chest.
Not satisfied with being the only one half naked, I pulled on her shirt and she immediately removed it along with her bra.
I always knew she was beautiful. But she looked simply stunning the way she was right now.
Lauren dragged me away from my thoughts as she started sucking harshly on my nipples, eliciting a loud moan from me as I wrapped my arms around her head and pulling on her hair. I could now feel her bulge against my centre growing and it did nothing but turn me on even further and give me a sense of confidence.
With my newly found confidence, I reached back and grasped her crotch, making her gasp loudly. I unzipped her jeans and slipped my hand in and started massaging her hard cock through her boxers. Lauren moaned loudly at the contact.
"Fuck Camila, don't stop." She moaned as I slipped my hand into her boxers and gripped onto the large appendage in my hand. Her cock felt warm in my hand.
I was so focused on watching the look of pleasure on her face that I failed to noticed her hand slip under my skirt and pulling my underwear aside to massage my centre.
"Holy shit." I moaned feeling her skilled fingers rub my folds gently. I tugged on her cock in response to the pleasure she was delivering to me.
"Is all this wetness for me Camz?." She husked out. I nodded in agreement.
"I want to fuck you so bad." She moaned. "Then what are you waiting for?" I asked and she immediately locked eyes with me.
"Are you sure about this?" She asked. I reluctantly pulled her hand away from my centre and sat on her hard cock. I grinded and we both gasped at the unfamiliar feeling.
"Is that enough for your answer?" I asked as I continued to grind on her.
"Alright. I'll make sure to be gentle on you." Lauren said.
"This isn't my first time you know? My first time was with Austin." I cringed at the thought of my 7 month relationship with him. Lauren laughed at my reaction.
"I'm assuming he wasn't good in bed then?" She asked and I shook my head.
"He was horrible! He didn't even tease me or anything. He just went for it and he came in under a minute. And he didn't even make me come! He literally just fell asleep and I broke up with him the moment he woke up." I mentally slapped myself for wasting so much time on him.
"Well I promise you this time will be different." Lauren said with assurance in her voice and I nodded with a smile.
"You ready then?" She asked and I took a deep breath before nodding.
I lifted my body off her cock before holding it in my hands. I slowly sunk down on it.
We both moaned at the immediate contact we felt. I took a minute to adjust to her size. Well Lauren is definitely bigger than Austin.
After getting used to the feeling. I placed my hands on her abs and started bouncing slowly.
"Fuck Camz you're so tight." Lauren moaned as I started increasing my pace. I moaned as she started thrusting upwards everytime I sunk down.
I was growing increasingly tired as my pace slowed down. Lauren noticed it and snaked her arms around my waist and pulled me onto her chest.
With her knees pointing upwards, she started thrusting upwards as well. I bit on her shoulder to muffle my screams of pleasure as she started pounding into me.
"Fucking harder Lauren!!" I screamed as she increased her pace. I could feel the head of her cock hitting my g-spot nearly every single time.
The next thing I knew, I was being flipped over and now I was on the bottom.
Lauren wrapped my legs around her waist as she thrusted into me again. I held onto her shoulders and screamed at the sudden intrusion which quickly turned into a moan when she started pounding into me. The sound of our skin slapping against each other resonated around the room.
"Are you close Camz?" She mumbled as she rested her forehead against mine. I could feel her breath against my lips as she panted.
"Yesss." I dragged out the word. With one hand perched above my head, her other hand reached down and started massaging my clit.
"Ah fuck Laur-" I was cut off by my sudden orgasm hitting me hard as I threw my head back with my back arched. Lauren pinched my clit and bit my neck just as my inner walls clamped down onto her dick.
I saw stars. I literally saw stars as I came hard and undone. I felt a gush of pleasure as Lauren unloaded her load into me, moaning loudly and squeezing my hand as she did so.
We took a few minutes to come down from our high as I stroked her hair. She looked up at my lovingly and wrapped her arms around me pulling me into her arms as I laid my head against her chest, her now soft dick still buried inside of me.
"You were amazing babe." She spoke after a minute of silence and I smiled as I looked up at her.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" She asked, afraid that she had hurt me.
"No you didn't. Don't worry so much would you?" I assured her and she planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"So does this mean you're gonna be my girlfriend now?" She asked and I immediately smiled at her question.
"Don't you think you should have asked that before we had sex?" I asked jokingly and she chuckled. She looked absolutely beautiful.
"Maybe." She replied with a shrug. I shook my head fondly and leaned up to plant a sweet kiss on her lips.
"I hope that answered your question." I sighed contently as I laid down on her chest again. I felt her arms tighten around me and I felt safe in her arms. Her arms felt like home.
I watched as she fell asleep, with her mouth slightly open and her chest rising and falling slowly, following her breathing. With the afternoon sun hitting her face, she looked nothing but ethereal at that moment.
I smiled as I closed my eyes. And only one thought ran through my head.
Thank You Chemistry.

A/N- Hey guys!! I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. We had to go to Calgary for at least 3 days. So, see ya on the next update.

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