The Jealous Sea

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Subject: Post This ASAP Tomorrow For A Big Splash ;)
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A grainy video pops up onto Jacob's screen of a candlelit room. The frame shakes a bit as the director picks up the camera and points it downwards, where Camila Cabello is kneeling in front of a very large, and very naked cock.
"How bad do you want to fuck my mouth right now, baby?" Camila asks, looking up into the camera with big, lust filled eyes.
The director grunts audibly and cants their hips forward, rubbing the tip of their cock softly against Camila's cherry red lips.
Camila giggles. "Mmmmmmm, even your precome tastes delicious."
Camila kisses the weeping pink head gently, then proceeds to lick up the length at a torturous pace. The camera wobbles a bit, as the owner zooms the lens in to capture Camila's tongue swirling around the head, dipping into the slit of the massive member. With a loud whimper from the director, Camila opens her mouth wide and sucks in the head, eyes still focused up on the lens. She hums in delight around the rigid length in her mouth as she begins to suck, slowly taking the massive member about halfway down. Lewd slurping sounds and humming escape from the back of Camila's throat as she bobs up and down the length of the cock
"Stop teasing me, we both know what you want to do." The director grunts in a husky voice. Camila releases the massive cock from her mouth with a small pop, and grins up at the camera as she replaces her lips with her hand.
"You want me to put this all the way in?" She asks. For an actress, she's horrible at playing coy.
The owner of the cock grunts and bucks up into Camila's fist, balls slapping against her hand. Camila smiles and places her mouth at the tip of the cock, kissing it a few more times before taking it back in.
Slowly she moves down the length of it, taking it inch by inch until her nose is pressed up against the directors stomach. The only noises are the grunts of delight from the director and the moaning of approval from Camila. Camila's not even gagging.
"Baby, please." The director says, gently rocking her hips into Camila's mouth. Camila makes a muffled noise, that sounds like a yes, and the director's hips start flying. The frame is shaking harder, but it's apparent that Camila's taking the massive cock like a champ.
This lasts for a few minutes of soft grunting, more slurping, and the sound of the directors balls pummeling Camila's chin before the movement of the camera slows. "Shit, baby here it comes. Suck me!" The director commands.
With a soft mewl Camila pulls her mouth up the shaft, resting her lips around the head, and quickly jerks of the cock inside her. With a growl the cock starts spluttering thick ropes of come into Camila's mouth, starting to seep out of the sides. Finally, the director pulls their cock free from Camila's mouth as Camila makes a show of swallowing all of the load.
"Now, turn that camera off and fuck my pussy, baby. I'm so wet for you." Camila says with a quick wink up at the camera. She stands up, and with a few more shaky movements the screen goes black.
Lauren woke up Friday morning with a massive headache and a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. The night before she had dreamed of walking through the school naked with a massive hard on, as her classmates laughed at her abnormal anatomy, and the images of her peer's sneering faces just wouldn't leave her brain.
She walked in to school that morning dressed in her standard cheerleading uniform, with her hands on her hips and her signature scowl in place. She may have softened on the inside and made friends with people she never thought possible due to Glee club, but she still had a reputation to uphold within the walls of Miami High. She never wanted to appear accessible to the plebeian students of WMHS. Most of them were vile, with below average iqs and found humor in bullying people different from them. As head cheerleader, she remained untouched, but if anyone were to find out about her cock, or who she really chose to spend her weekends with (the running excuse was "The family and Jesus"), then her life would be over. And her status helped her protect the people that were her true friends, which was a good enough excuse to not appear with them during the day.
Lauren reached her locker, noticing that everyone in the hallway had their noses buried in their cellphones in iPads and NOT on her as per usual. Her scowl was soon replaced with a tiny frown of confusion as she spun her combination into her locker.
"Jauregui." A familiar voice said with a hint of apprehensiveness in it. Lauren finished getting her needed books for her first few periods and slammed the locker shut. She turned and gave a tiny nod to her second in command.
"Mani. What's with everyone today?" Lauren asked.
Normani's face contorted into a deep frown. "A certain video has gone viral."  She said, sounding grim. "And it's starring your top secret sapphic partner in crime." She finished with a whisper.
Lauren's eyes widened at hearing that, and she arched an eyebrow in confusion. "What video?"
Normani sighed and pulled her cell phone from out of her backpack. Lauren hunched over her shoulder and watched as Santana pulled up the front page of Jacob Ben Israel's blog.
We all knew that Camila Cabello was destined to be a star, what with her annoying spontaneous performances of Broadway classics at lunch and her noted performances in West Side Story and Cabaret, but who knew that the type of stardom she was destined for was of the triple X variety?
In a video sent to me early this morning from a reliable source, we can see Camila Camil getting down and dirty with an anonymous cameraman.
Now the question is, what should her porn name be? Make your suggestions in the comments below!
Lauren shakily reached out to take the phone and pressed play on the video. After a few moments of buffering, a familiar image of Camila kneeling in front of her own naked cock came up. Lauren's stomach turned over and she felt the blood drain from her face. Without watching the rest of the clip (because hey, she was the one that shot it) she passed the phone off to Santana.
"Are you okay there?" Normani asked, genuinely concerned. "Because you know I'll go kick her ass and who ever's cock she was sucking."
Lauren laughed out of disbelief. Normani was one of two people outside of Camila's parents who knew they were dating, the other being Ally, Santana's bestfriend. Camila's parents had found out when they came home early on one of their date nights to find Camila straddling Lauren, with her tongue down her mouth and Lauren's hands planted firmly on her ass. Ally and Normani found out in a similar fashion after walking in to the choir room during lunch one day with similar intentions.
Even so, all four of those people who knew where in the dark about Lauren's cock. So of course Normani would assume Camila was cheating on her.
" Normani. I need to find her and talk to her...I um....have you seen her?" Lauren asked, bringing her hand up to massage her temples.
"Either the auditorium or the choir room." Normani said. "Like always."
"Okay, thanks Normani!" Lauren shouted before dashing down the hall to check the auditorium.
As she dashed through the halls, her blood ran cold at all the lewd comments her fellow students were making.
"What a slut!"
"Who knew a vegan could take so much meat?"
Barreling through the double doors of the auditorium, Lauren allowed herself to stop and take a deep heaving breath when she saw Camila sitting on the edge of the stage, head bowed and feet dangling.
"Camila." Lauren said breathless. She approached her secret girlfriend in a few long strides, placing a hand on her moving legs to steady it. She looked up at Camila's face to see her reaction, but her features were curtained by brunette locks.
"You know how I told you my laptop had been stolen last week?" Camila asked quietly.
Lauren gulped. "Yes. And I told you it had been misplaced. And I was right."
"I...I thought you where too when it turned up in the choir room a few days later...but wasn't password protected." Camila said in a small squeak. "Someone must have been looking for dirt on me, and once they found that video their mission was complete so they returned my property."
Lauren gasped, and ran her hand soothingly up Camila's calf. "Baby, I'm so sorry." Lauren said, unsure of what else to say. Of course, she was terrified that people would find out that that was her cock in the video, but right now she was safe. Camila was the one facing the full brunt of this.
Camila looked up at Lauren with a sad smile, her eyes guarded but not sad. "It's okay." She said, reaching down to entwine her fingers with Lauren's. "I suspect Jacob Whitesides. He did promise to seek vengeance after I dumped him, and I'm sure seeing me perform a sexual act with someone when I was so vehemently against doing anything with him just spurred him on even further."
Lauren frowned and ran her thumb across Camila's knuckles. Gently, she reached up and placed her other hand on Camila's hip and helped Camila jump down so she could stand in front of her.
"We'll find out who did it baby, and I'll fucking kill them." Lauren said, wrapping her arms firmly around Camila's waist. Camila smiled, eyes shimmering with affection and leaned up to press a sweet loving kiss to Lauren's lips.
"My knight in shining armor." Camila murmured against Lauren's lips with a small grin. "Come on baby, lets go to class."
Lauren frowned down at Camila. "Are you sure? We can skip if you want. My parents are both working today. We could just snuggle and watch Funny Girl."
Camila smiled and rubbed her hands up Lauren's arms, leaving a tiny trail of goosebumps. "While the offer is tempting, the best way to deal with contempt from your peers is to hold your head up high. I won't let this get me down if you won't."
Lauren nodded and kissed her girlfriend once more. "Okay baby. But I'm not to be held responsible for any jaws I might break today while in the process of defending your honor."
School was absolute hell for Lauren that day. She had managed to shut her cheerleaders up pretty quickly, when Rebecca Gomez brought it up and Lauren said "The only thing worse than making porn is watching it." Most of the student body was pretty easy to contain, too. Any idiot nerd that opened their mouth about how they wanted to 'give it' to Camila earned them a sharp glare from Lauren that instantly silenced them.
Unfortunately, Lauren had no control over the pea-brained, testosterone fueled jocks. Her glares and attempts to shut them up with the pretense of being a good christian were laughed at.
During first period Chemistry she had to listen to Brad and Austin argue about who it was in the tape.
"No way, it was me!" Austin insisted. "That was an anniversary present!"
Brad scoffed. "There is no way that your dick's as big as the Bradsaurus. And even if it was, you wouldn't be able to last as long."
Austin's face grew to an incredibly angry shade of red from a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "You dated her for like a week, I dated her on and off again for like two years dude. I bet she didn't even let you touch her boobs."
Brad shrugged. "Maybe it took you a century to round second, but the Bradster's got some smooth moves. I walk into the room and the panties just drop. Isn't that right, Lo baby?" Brad asked, picking up that Lauren had been eavesdropping in on the conversation. He turned around and gave her a sly smile and a wink.
Lauren's glare was enough to put him in his place, and when he turned around and Austin made a comment about how "At least I managed to date Lauren for 3 months." Brad's response was. "At least your girlfriend touched my dick." Lauren snapped her pencil in half.
Next period Spanish was possibly worse. Instead of listening to idiots talk about how it was "obviously" their massive cock in the video, she got to listen to them try their moves out on Camila herself.
Lauren sat only a few seats away from Camila, too far to do anything to protect her from the numbskulls trying to get in her pants but close enough to hear every lame attempt.
"Hey Camila." Tom Williamson crooned in a silky smooth voice meant to seduce, but made Lauren's hackles raise.
"Hello Tom." Camila said in a cheery voice. "How are you on this lovely Friday?"
"Oh, pretty good baby. Pretty good. And uh...I hear you're doing well?" Tom asked.
Camila nodded, bobbing her head in a 'sure, lets go with that' motion. "It's been okay."
Tom smiled sleazily. "Well, that's great baby doll. Just great. Hey, why don't you and me hit up the McDonald's for lunch? I've got a nice ride. An antique Ford. Pretty big bench seats."
Camila was either oblivious or well practiced at playing coy. "While I'm sure your car has adequate seating for the both of us, I normally spend my lunch periods working on arrangements for Harmony. Besides, as I'm sure you know I'm vegan, and McDonald's menu just doesn't cater to my diet." She finished with a dazzling smile.
Tom scooted closer to Camila and with a sleazy grin said, "Really? Because I've got a big black Popsicle just waiting for your lips to be wrapped around it."
Lauren's blood boiled, and soon, another pencil was victim to her vice grip.
Camila batted her eyelashes up at Tom. "Oh, you're hilarious but I must say I prefer cherry. Maybe next time, okay?" She said with a giggle, and touched Tom's arm gently before returning to her warm up exercises.
Tom grinned, he had been shot down but not completely, and leaned back in his seat. Lauren growled lowly from the back of her throat, before feeling her phone buzz in her lap. She picked it up to find a text from Camila. "By Cherry, I hope you know I meant you xoxox ;)"
It was enough to settle Lauren's anger for the moment.
Next period was worse though. It was gym class, and the school issued gym clothes included tight black shirts and shorts that barely met the required length for the dress code. While normally, it was Lauren fending off the idiot guys (while trying to hide the obvious bulge in her pants) while Camila looked on, today the roles were reversed.
Lauren watched as every idiot in the class, including most of the girls AND the gym teachers, blatantly ogled Camila as she did her warm up lunges. Usually Lauren would have to mentally chant "Austin's jelly donut man boobs" in her head to keep her not so little friend from making an appearance, but this time the wolf whistles and disgusting commentary from the peanut gallery where enough to kill any arousal she might have felt.
"I'd kill to touch Cabello's berries." Luke said to one of his hockey croneys.
"Yeah, that was me in that video, all 7 and a half inches." Shawn "3 Strikes" Mendes bragged, which made Lauren scoff. He was about an inch off in his description.
The fact that it was the gymnastics unit did not help Lauren's rage at all.
"Hey Camila, why don't you come ride me instead of that pummel horse. I'm more durable!"
"I wish she'd climb me like she climbed that rope!"
"God she sure knows how to work that pole. Not too much of a surprise, 'ey?"
Lauren was furious. And even worse, Camila was doing nothing to discourage this behavior. In fact, she seemed to thrive in it. Whenever someone would make a ridiculous pun in attempts to flirt she'd just giggle and bite her lip shyly, saying something like "Oh you."
That was it. She was completely tired of watching every single Lima Loser attempt to get with her girlfriend, and she was sick of her girlfriend encouraging it.
After class was dismissed Lauren took her sweet time getting changed in the locker room. Her and Camila had free period next, and normally they'd sneak away to the choir room to study or makeout. Since they had gym first she knew Camila would opt to shower and be the last person out.
She watched as the last of the girls in her gym class left the room, and briskly walked over to the stall Camila was in. Quickly stripping off all of her clothes and discarding them in a heap outside of the stall, she jumped into the shower. Before Camila could respond, she wrapped and arm around her waist and used her other hand to cover her mouth to muffle the shriek of surprise.
She pulled Camila into her, rubbing the length of her hard member in between Camila's ass cheeks. "Do you know how fucking disgusting it is to watch Luke try to get in your pants?" Lauren hissed out, right into Camila's ear. Camila's posture relaxed slightly once she realized who it was.
"Do you know how fucking mad I got having to listen to Brad claim to have gone all the way with you during that one week you were dating?" Lauren asked, rutting against Camila harder. Camila mewled into the palm of Lauren's hand.
"But the worst thing was watching you fucking flirt back with all of them." Lauren growled, placing a sharp nip to the bottom of Camila's ear lobe and tugging harshly. "So now, now I'm going to remind you who's dick it is that makes you see those stars that you're so fucking fond of."
Lauren let go of Camila and directioned her to get on her knees in front of Lauren's straining cock. "Now open your mouth baby, I'm going to fuck your throat."
Camila gasped and complied, opening her mouth wide and staring up at Lauren with wide eyes as hot water sprayed over the two girls. Lauren moved forward to wrap her fingers in Camila's hair, but stopped. Instead, she turned the water off.
"What are you-?" Camila asked, but was cut off with a soft slap of Lauren's cock.
"I want you covered in my come." Lauren stated before resuming her position in front of Camila. The statement made her gush and her center ache with need. She opened her mouth again and this time Lauren quickly slid her straining member into her throat.
Lauren's eyes rolled into the back of her head at the feeling of Camila's warm and wet mouth and the tongue laving the underside of her cock. She pumped into Camila's mouth slowly at first, with long strokes that would hit the back of that beautiful mouth every time. She wrapped her fingers into wet hair and tugged harshly before letting loose, pumping furiously into Camila's mouth.
Camila gasped and moaned around Lauren's length. She loved when Lauren would let loose and just fuck her. Lauren using her to get off was the hottest thing Camila had ever seen, and she constantly craved it.
She gagged slightly around Lauren's length when Lauren thrust particularly hard into her mouth.
"Yeah, fucking choke on my cock." Lauren grunted, quickening her pace. "Get ready."
With a few more thrusts Lauren was blowing her load deep into Camila's mouth. Camila swallowed as it came, quietly missing when Lauren would pull out enough to come on her tongue.
When Lauren was done she pulled out of Camila's mouth. Both girls were shocked to find out she was both hard.
"Well, get up." Lauren said, tugging Camila up by her hair. Camila moaned in appreciation and stood up. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and kissed her harshly, groaning when she realized she could taste herself on Camila's tongue.
"Fuck, baby hands up against the wall, ass out." Lauren ordered, stroking her length in between their two bodies. Camila complied quickly turning around to get in position. Lauren moaned at the sight of Camila's perky ass sticking out and pink folds glistening with arousal.
She stepped forward and placed her hands on Camila's hips before slowly running them up her sides. She let them rest on Camila's breasts, and gave her stiff nipples a harsh pinch. Lauren leaned forward and pressed a few haunting kisses to the back of Camila's neck and shoulders before slipping her cock between her thighs. Camila gasped as Lauren slowly dragged her length in between her slick lips and shuddered when Lauren's head bumped into her clit.
"You're so fucking wet." Lauren groaned, biting her shoulder hard before sucking. Camila whined and rubbed herself against Lauren's cock, desperate for penetration.
"Does sucking my cock get you this horny? Or was it all those assholes trying to fuck you?" Lauren asked, firmly caressing Camila's breasts now.
Camila gasped. "You, Lauren. Always you!"
With that, Lauren positioned the tip of her cock at Camila's entrance, and with little fanfare pushed all the way inside.
"Oh fuck!" Camila yelled, keening at the feeling of Lauren's cock filling her so completely.
Lauren groaned, loving the way Camila's hot wet walls still gripped her dick for dear life, still so tight after all this time. She started thrusting with long, harsh strokes, pressing her front fully against Camila's back.
"You're. Mine." Lauren grunted, punctuating each word with a short thrust and a quick twirl of her hips that drove Camila absolutely crazy. She angled her hips upward and began thrusting again, knowing exactly which spot she was going to hit to drive Camila insane.
The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed throughout the stall as well as the sound of their mixed arousal. Camila's walls were fluttering faster and faster around Lauren's cock as a slow coil started to tighten in her belly.
"Please Lauren, faster. I'm almost there." Camila pleaded.
Lauren kissed the column of Camila's neck as she complied, working her cock through Camila's tightening walls until Camila screamed out in pleasure, releasing a stream of fluids out onto Lauren's cock and balls, and reaching around to grip the back of Lauren's neck.
Lauren kept pumping in and out as Camila's walls relaxed around her
"I love when you squirt." Lauren gasped, her cock slipping in and out faster from Camila's release.
Camila groaned and threaded her fingers through the hair at the base of Lauren's neck. "Fuck me harder baby. Come inside me."
Lauren's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she started to jack hammer into Camila.Lauren let go of one of Camila's breasts and snaked her hand down to rub furiously at Camila's clit.
"You better come with me." Lauren moaned into Camila's ear. Camila whined loudly in response, her hips bucking back to meet every one of Lauren's thrusts.
Soon Lauren felt a tight pressure in her balls that slowly traveled up the length of her cock. With little fanfare, she shouted and poured herself deep into Camila's cunt, continuing to thrust weakly.
At the feeling of Lauren's come splashing through her pussy and her fingers still rubbing at her clit, Camila came again, not as strong as last time but still creaming around Lauren's thick cock.
Panting, Lauren pulled her cock out and watched as thick white globs poured out of Camila's cunt. She moaned at the sight and moved her fingers down to play with it, slowly massaging Camila's walls.
"Fuck baby." Camila moaned.
"I'm still hard." Lauren informed Camila, rutting her cock against Camila's ass.
"My pussy can't take anymore baby." Camila said.
"Good, I have another destination in mind." Lauren cooed sweetly into Camila's ear as she pulled her fingers out of her soaking pussy. Using the collection of combined cum, Lauren gently prodded a finger into Camila's tight asshole.
"Oh!" Camila whined, reeling. They had only had anal sex a few times before, but for the first time Camila felt herself really wanting it.
"You like that?" Lauren asked, working her finger in the tight space. Soon she sunk her second finger in and slowly started to scissor them, making as much room as possible. She repeated this with a third and fourth finger, until she was finally sure she made enough room for this to be as comfortable as possible.
Spearing her dick into Camila's cunt for a few strokes to make sure she was as lubricated as possible, she pulled out and positioned the tip at Camila's southern entrance.
Camila gasped when she felt Lauren's thick cock head nudging at her entrance. "Lauren, baby please." She gasped, pressing her thighs together.
Lauren grinned and pressed a kiss to Camila's cheek. "Tell me your mine."
Camila whined but complied. "I'm yours. No one will ever get me like this. I only want you inside me. Baby-"
Lauren grunted and pushed her cock head into the tight, warm hole. She slowly pushed her length inside, not wanting to hurt Camila and not wanting to blow her load in a matter of seconds.
"Fuck, Camila, bounce on my cock." Lauren grunted, placing her hands back on Camila's waist. Camila moaned and complied, slowly fucking herself on Lauren's cock. The pain and the friction were there, but nothing compared to the amount of satisfaction she was getting from Lauren being so territorial over her.
Lauren was sweating, concentrating everything she had on the tight heat that was choking her dick. "Fuck baby, you feel like heaven."
Camila griped Lauren's neck tighter, her fingers scratching into her skin. "Fuck my ass baby." Camila moaned, continuing to grind against Lauren's dick.
Lauren groaned and complied, slowly beginning to thrust into the impossibly tight space.
It didn't last very long. Little Lauren was tired out after coming twice already. Soon she was shooting her load into Camila's ass.
"Fuck!" Lauren groaned, pulling out. "Baby that was amazing."
Camila turned around and fully wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck to initiate a long and passionate kiss. "Mmm, fuck I wish you'd get rough with me more." Camila admitted before nipping at Lauren's bottom lip.
Lauren grinned. "Only if you're okay with it baby, I don't want to humiliate you."
Camila gasped. "No baby, it's hot when you fuck me like I'm yours."
Lauren smiled and kissed Camila again. "It's because you are mine."
"Lets finish this shower and then I want you to take me home so we can continue this." Camila said with a sly grin.
"That sounds perfect."
After another few rounds of fucking, Camila was thoroughly wiped out and passed out across her bed. Lauren, not being able to sleep, left her girlfriend to sleep while she snuck across the room to check her email.
She pressed the power button and Camila's laptop groaned as it awoke from sleep mode. A sent email screen slowly blinked into view on a LPS account Lauren wasn't familiar with. Clicking to the sent folder,  Lauren was shocked to find something.
"Camila!" Lauren yelled, turning around.
Camila started from her sleep, frowning when she saw Lauren was sitting naked in her desk chair. "Why are you over there?"
"You emailed that video!" Lauren yelled, crossing her arms over her naked chest.
"Oh...yeah." Camila admitted weakly, rubbing her eyes.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Lauren demanded.
"Because baby, I wanted you to claim me." Camila said. "You're always so loving when we have sex, and that's amazing sometimes, but I like it hard sometimes too."
Lauren gaped at her girlfriend, not believing what she was hearing. "You're nuts."
Camila shrugged. "It worked didn't it? And don't worry. My reputation is the only one's thats ruined. No one's ever going to figure out it was you in the video."
Lauren scoffed. "What if I want people to know it's me in that video?" Lauren asked, dangerously.
"Baby, we both know you wouldn't do that." Camila said, sitting up at the edge of the bed.
"Well...what if I want people to know we're together?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow.
Camila gaped. "Are you serious?"
Lauren bit her lip and nodded. "Yes. I was...I don't know how you manage to watch guys try to flirt with me every day. Just seeing one of those scumbags near you made my blood boil."
Camila smiled adoringly. "Baby, I'm sorry they made you so jealous."
Lauren just sighed. "I love you Camila. I just, I don't want to hide that anymore."
Camila lunged forward and pulled Lauren into a tight hug, kissing her relentlessly. "I love you too, Lauren. Just promise me one thing?"
"Whats that?" Lauren asked, smiling against Camila's lips.
"You'll keep fucking me like an animal." Camila said.
"Anything you want babe." Lauren promised, feeling herself grow hard again.
AUG 18   31 

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