Princess In Disguise (Part 1)

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Summary:  Camila's cousin is having her wedding, and she was invited to bring her boyfriend, her family not knowing Lauren is a girl (despite her dick). for Camila's sake, Lauren dresses up and convinces Camila's entire family that she is a man, and even charms Camila's parents.

"Lauren, we have a problem." Camila said one morning, her hands curled around her first cup of coffee of the day. "It's about my cousin's wedding this weekend."
"We?" Lauren teased with a small smile as she dished out a stack of pancakes on two plates and brought it to their little breakfast island counter. She set it in front of Camila and spread out butter all over her flapjacks. Lauren dribbled a generous amount of maple syrup all over the cakes. "What is this problem that you think that concerns me as well?"
Camila sighed and played with her pancakes. "My parents... They think I'm dating a boy."
Lauren was about to chomp down on a slice of bacon but stopped. "Excuse me?"
"Let me explain!" Camila held up her hands, her pancakes losing their warmth by the second. "I told them about you, I promise. But when I said that your name is Lo, well... They assumed that you're a boy. They were so excited and happy for me..." She gnawed her bottom lip. "And I didn't have the heart to tell them that you're indeed a she, despite of..." She cleared her throat and blushed. "Certain aspects of you're a-anatomy."
Lauren raised her brow. "You can say it, you know."
Camila huffed. "You have a penis."
Lauren cackled and ate a mouthful of pancake. She chewed slowly, knowing that Camila was anticipating her next words. "Camila, I'm one of the girliest girls you know, despite my aforementioned glitch in anatomy." She shrugged and kept eating. "I wear dresses more often than I don't, but if it makes you feel better, I'll dress up as a guy for your cousin's wedding."
Smiling, Camila got up and planted herself on Lauren's lap. "You'd really do that?"
"Mmhmm, anything for you." Lauren smiled and pecked Camila's lips, their mouths sticky with maple syrup. She curled her arm around Camila's waist and held her closer. "I suppose it's a good thing I'm a shower, in case they have any doubts." She winked and bit on Camila's neck, eliciting a giggle from her.
"So you're really okay with this?" Camila asked, her fingers twirling through locks of raven hair.
Lauren nodded and took another mouthful of pancake. "What will it take for you to believe me that I'm fine with cross-dressing for a day? Do I have to call Normani right this minute to ask her for fashion advice?"
Camila giggled and kissed along Lauren's jaw before latching onto Lauren's bottom lip to suck the sweetness off her lips. "No, but that would be nice."
After clipping her Batman tie bar to her necktie, Lauren spun around and faced Camila, who was dressed in a rose-coloured, off-shouldered dress that hugged her shapely curves. "Well? How do I look?"
Dressed in a maroon suit jacket with a red and white checkered dress shirt, Lauren brushed the lint off her ash grey trousers. Camila bit her lip and approached her slowly, before reaching out to touch the knot of Lauren's matte gray tie. "You look rather dashing." Camila husked, her eyes raking up Lauren's form.
"Yeah?" Lauren smiled and brushed her fingers through her hair, styled back to expose her forehead. "Do you think I look manly enough for you?"
Camila swept her hands up Lauren's biceps, the snug fit of her jacket accentuating her muscles. "Lauren, you'll always be my girl," Camila said, palms squeezing her shoulders. "I promise I'll tell my parents that you're a woman, but not today. They already told everyone that I'm bringing my boyfriend."
"Not your cross-dressing girlfriend?" The raven haired girl quipped, turning around to face the mirror again as she fixed her teardrop-shaped cufflinks and her watch.
"Lauren, are you really okay with this?" Camila asked, sitting on the bed again. She watched Lauren carefully fold her pocket square into her jacket pocket. "You don't sound like it."
Lauren faced Camila with a sigh. "I'm okay with it, I really am. I'm just stressed out. I don't want to ruin your cover to your family or anything."
"You won't." Camila cupped Lauren's jaw and kissed her softly. "You'll be fine. You're a gentleman." She said, straightening out Lauren's collar. "My gentleman."
Grinning, Lauren grasped Camila's hips and pulled her flush against her. Her trousers were tight, outlining her thick cock without being so obtrusive. "I'm really not a gentleman," She growled into Camila's ear. "I'm a stud."
Camila giggled and pulled away. "You'll wrinkle your suit." She stammered, blushing. "Come on, let's not be late."
They drove to the wedding, hands locked together. After finding a parking space, Lauren opened the door for Camila and offered her arm. They walked together towards the tent where Camila's family was currently milling about. Lauren swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Beside her, Camila whispered, "You'll do fine, baby." And squeezed her arm. "Everyone," She said louder. "This is my boyfriend, Lo."
The entire Cabello clan—Lauren was sure—lunged for her and shook her hand. A chorus of 'it's great to meet you' and 'you look fantastic' and 'Camila is certainly lucky to have you' were shouted at her. Lauren simply smiled and nodded, thanking them for the compliments.
Sinuhe came up to her daughter and pulled her to a hug, and did the same to Lauren. "Thank you for taking care of my baby girl." She said. Alejandro grinned and did the same. "So, Lauren. Camila told us all about you."
After a series of small talk, Camila dragged Lauren away from her parents to introduce Lauren to her cousins. One of them looked like Camila, with longer hair, and darker eyes. She introduced herself as Carmen, her slender fingers curling around Lauren's in a languid handshake. "Camila didn't mention how attractive you are," she purred.
"That's because I didn't tell you about he—him," Camila said, yanking Lauren's hand away from her cousin's. "Be careful around Carmen." Camila whispered to Lauren. "When we were kids, she was a meanie and always bullied me around."
"Aww, baby." Lauren tipped her chin upwards and kissed her full on the mouth, within sight of Camila's entire family. A chorus of 'awwwwws' and 'how sweet' rang through the air. Lauren chuckled and pressed her face into Camila's flower scented hair. "You have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you."
While they waited for the ceremony to start, Lauren spoke with Camila's family, with Camila just watching from the sidelines. She watched Lauren bring her nana some punch, making the elderly woman laugh with something Lauren just said. As Camila nibbled on hors d'oeuvres, Sinuhe came up to her with glass of wine. "That Lauren sure is a looker, huh? What a handsome young man, and polite too! Look at him, bringing nana her drink and making her laugh. The boys your cousins brought as dates are avoiding the old people like some plague but Lo is embracing them."
Camila smiled and nodded. "He's really sweet."
One of her aunts passed by. "He's your date? He's really great with kids too. My girl tripped and he came to the rescue. What did you say his name was?"
As Camila's family praised and talked about Lauren, Camila couldn't take her eyes off her boyfriend. Lauren looked so dapper, and it turned her on to the point of weakened knees as Lauren fooled her family into thinking that she was a he. And not to mention the prominent bulge in her trousers...
Just then, Camila saw Carmen approach Lauren. Camila could spot that flirtatious touch a mile away. Afraid that Lauren was going to respond in kind, a sigh of relief flowed through Camila when Lauren said something that caused Carmen to look at her with such disdain. Biting the inside of her lip, Camila sauntered over to her Lauren and looped an arm around her bicep. "I'm sorry, can I steal Lo away for a moment?" She tugged at Lauren's arm without waiting for Carmen's response.
"What's wrong, babe?" Lauren asked as she was dragged by Camila. They slipped inside a bathroom, and Camila grasped Lauren's belt buckle and tugged. "Oh god, what—"
Camila smirked up at Lauren and pressed her against the sink countertop. She unzipped her pants and licked her lips at the outline of Lauren's cock through her black boxer briefs. "Oh my god." Camila moaned, her palm massaging Lauren's shaft through the smooth fabric. "Your boxers..."
"Like 'em?" Lauren grinned, her lips grazing Camila's ears. "I got them for you."
"Oh, I love them." Camila squatted down and reached into Lauren's boxer briefs to pull her cock out. The pale stalk of flesh was warm with Lauren's body heat. Camila took the tip into her mouth and suckled, her eyes never leaving Lauren's, while she looked down at her girlfriend, cock being sucked into her mouth.
"What's gotten into you?" Lauren asked, moaning at the way Camila's cheeks hollowed around her shaft. "Not that I-I'm complaining—fuck... That's it..." Camila reached up, careful not to wrinkle her shirt, and traced Lauren's bottom lip. She immediately parted her mouth and sucked on Camila's digit, just as Camila took the entirety of Lauren's length deep down her throat.
Lauren bit back a whimper and suckled harder on Camila's finger, her tongue gliding up along its length until she reached the pad of her digit. She scraped her teeth against it, groaning while Camila bobbed her head, her wet mouth drooling all over Lauren's length.
Flattening her tongue against the slit of Lauren's cock, Camila could taste the precum that was beading at the tip. "Ooh..." Camila heard Lauren gasp above her. "Shit, baby..."
Footfalls could be heard outside, and incredibly close to the bathroom door. Camila took Lauren's throbbing cock deeper down her throat and swallowed hard, while her hand snuck into Lauren's boxer briefs to palm her balls. Lauren writhed and humped into Camila's sucking mouth. Her fists turned pale against the edge of the countertop, and a strangled groan of Camila's name told her that Lauren was in the edge of her orgasm.
Camila bobbed her head faster, her tongue slathering spit all over the underside of Lauren's cock. She could feel the veins that climbed up Lauren's shaft pulse and throb against her lips. Camila then latched onto the head and focused on flicking and dipping her tongue into the small indentation where Lauren's precum leaked in abundance.
"Hello?" A sharp rap interrupted the steady rhythm for a second. Lauren's eyes shot open and she looked down at Camila in horror. She tugged her hips away from Camila, but all she did was smirk and take her in deeper. "Is someone in here?'
"Y-yes." Lauren gritted out, her eyes pleading Camila to stop. At least long enough to let Lauren answer without thinking about the throbbing of her cock. "I'll be out in just a sec—"
At this, Camila swallowed, her throat clenching in rapid squeezes of her throat muscles. Lauren's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her body tensed.
"Fuck, 'm c-coming." Lauren growled, Camila's fingers falling from her mouth. Her fists clenched, and Camila knew just how badly she wanted to grasp her brown locks like she always did. Lauren's cock pulsed, and her warm, thick load spilled inside Camila's waiting mouth. A hum of content vibrated through Camila's throat as she suckled the come out of Lauren's tip, and swallowed. The taste remained in Camila's mouth, and so did her small, haughty smile.
Lauren let out a steady stream of air through her nostrils as her knees trembled. "Damn... Every time, I swear. It gets better all the damn time." She pulled Camila up and turned their positions around, making Camila sit on top of the sink countertop. "Now—"
Another sharp knock, and Lauren groaned. 'Later', she mouthed, before planting a gentle kiss on Camila's lips as she tucked herself back in her pants and made sure there were no wrinkles in her suit. Lauren took Camila's hand and opened the door, only for their path to be blocked.
By Carmen.
"Sorry about that." Lauren sidestepped the woman who was staring at them, her mouth gaping. "You can go ahead." Winking at Camila, Lauren tucked her arm around hers and led her to the chairs, as the ceremony was starting.
With her arm wrapped around Camila's shoulders, Lauren crossed her legs and watched the ceremony take place. The bride, dressed in pure white, glowed with happiness as they exchanged their vows. Beside her, tears were welling up in Camila's eyes, and were dabbed away by a silk handkerchief.
"Soon." Lauren whispered softly into her ear.
Camila smiled, her hand resting high along Lauren's thigh and giving it a squeeze. "Soon."

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lack of update for the past 2 weeks or so. There's gonna be a part 2 update soon.

When do you guys think they're gonna release 5H2?


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