Chapter 5

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~Yoochun's Pov~

We made our way to the mall. It wasn't full or people but not completely empty either. On the other hand my date seemed quiet happy. She was walking around and looking at things to buy. I wanted to talk to her so much. She even has a scent that  was  not from any perfume that I have smelled before. It was like she had her own personal scent.

She walks over to me with a shirt held up in front of her, "What do you think?"

I stare at her for a while, "Yeah it's nice."

She smiles and goes to cash register to pay for it. I walked right beside her and the cashier kept staring at me. I assume she knew I was Park Yoochun of JYJ. My date gets her things and leaves while I wave to the cashier. Who seems to be all red after seeing me. I soon go to the stores I want to go to and she follows. I bought a couple of jeans, shirts, and socks. She didn't comment on anything but just waited for me to be down.

It was around noon and I was hungry but didn't say anything. On the other hand my date was having fun and that's all that matters. My phone began ringing and I check it. To only see a text for Jaejoong.

To: Yoochun

From: Jaejoong

Why aren't you doing anything? You had a lot of chances now. Hurry up before she wants to leave.

I never thought she would leave if it's boring.

To: Jaejoong

From: Yoochun

Ok I will. But how can you see me?

I waited a few minutes for a message back but I didn't get one. She finally sat down on a bench near a food stop. She went through all her bags. She looked so cute with her hair down. The way her eyes light up when she smiles. Her cooking skills is amazing as well. Her eye caught a bear a build shop.

"Can we go there?"


We head over there and it was a long line. We waited and she began picking her two animals. I didn't ask because she seemed so happy. I wanted to know more about her so I began asking simple questions. Such as favorite color, drink, sport, game, and animal. From what she told me her favorite color is red, her favorite drink is coca cola, her favorite sport is dancing, her favorite game is The Legend of Zelda series, and her favorite animal are cats in general but she enjoys dogs too.

"Hold this one second." She hands me the two animals while she runs off.

"You are such a sweet boyfriend." A customer behind me spoke.

"N-no we aren't dating. We are just friends."

"Really? You seem to enjoy each other a lot."

I was going to respond but I didn't know how. After all I wasn't her boyfriend nor did I know that we enjoyed each other. I knew I enjoyed her company. She appears beside me and thanks me for holding her animals. The customer eyed her before speaking.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

I have no idea what the customer was trying to start but I didn't want to know the answer to that.

"He is a really nice guy that's why." She smiles and turns to me.

I couldn't help but smile back. The nosey customer was about to talk again but it was our turn to get our animals filled. She did the kisses the heart, choosing where the sound goes, and the wishing part on the two animals. After that she went to pick up clothes, boxers, shoes, and more. I was following right behind her. She is beautiful from head to toe. My phone rang again.

To: Yoochun

From: Jaejoong

Get closer and find out who the animals are for.

I couldn't believe I was going to do what he wanted.

"Who are the animals for?"

"You and me."


"Yeah. I just want to be a good friend to you like you were to me."

I knew this was a good start but I didn't want to get friend zone forever. I will have to slowly make my move.  

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