Chapter 12 Yoochun's Birthday part 4

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After Yoochun is done hugging me he turns back to the sight of his members playing together again. I was going to say something to get their attention but Yoochun had a smile. Changmin hit Jaejoong who came running in our direction to only stop when he saw me and Yoochun standing in the way. Changmin stopped behind Jaejoong and looked directly up to see Yoochun smiling.

"Hyung." Changmin spoke but it seemed like a habit.

Jaejoong and Changmin waited for Yoochun to say something but he didn't.

"Hyung are you just going to stand there smiling?" Changmin ask while punching Jaejoong.

"You haven't been hitting Yunho while Jaejoong was done?" Yoochun questioned while looking at Jaejoong who was rubbing his arm.

"Sometimes but he can be a kill joy." Changmin spoke while extending his hand to Yoochun.

"Changmin you don't want to hug your hyung anymore?"

Changmin smiled and hug Yoochun who gadly hugs him back. Jaejoong suggest sitting on the couch and talking it out with Yunho. Yoochun made his way over and Changmin traveled right behind him with Jaejoong in front of both of them.

I made my way to Yoochun's room and layed on his bed. I didn't want to come between them talking it out or whatever they had to do. But I'm glad Yoochun as his brothers back.

~ Yoochun's pov ~

"Hyung are you interested in here?" Changmin ask while coming out of the kitchen with chips.

"I'm interested but she is getting over someone else." Yoochun spoke while looking at his room door.

"But your a greasy romantic. She will fall for you if she already hasn't." Yunho chimes in.

Jaejoong sighs, "I want her as a sister in law already."

Junsu chuckles, "What if she founds the letter you wrote to her?"

Changmin and Jaejoong laughs while Yunho asked me what I wrote in the letter. Honestly I forget myself but I do remember it was right after the mall.

"Let's just cut the cake and Yoochun try to score some points with her." Changmin instructed while heading to the kitchen.

Jaejoong ran to my room to get Alexis while I went to the kitchen with the boys. Junsu gathered the plates and forks. Yunho made his way next to me while Changmin sat down ready for cake. When Alexis came in the kitchen Changmin told her to stand next to me. Jaejoong placed the candles in the cake but he didn't get enough for my age.

"What's wrong with your face hyung? You act like you treated thirty." Changmin jokes while waits for Junsu to pass him his place.

"I'm not it's just that I feel old."

"You have a long way to go before you get old." Alexis chimes in.

I laugh while Jaejoong and Yunho was just in aw of us.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish." Junsu spoke while making his way to Changmin.

I blow out the candles but I didn't say a wish. Because once the lights went out I pulled Alexis closer to me and gently place a kiss on her cheek. My wish is to be beside her.

Once Jaejoong turned on the light everyone sat down expect Alexis. Her face was slightly red and had a little smile painted across her face.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" Changmin asked while pulling out a chair beside him.

Alexis made her way over and eat while Yunho and Jaejoong kept gussing what happened. After eating cake I open gifts. Everything was great and Changmin and Yunho started to bond more with Alexis. It soon became midnight and everyone was tired.

"Should I leave now?" Alexis ask while looking at me.

"Yeah it's getting late." I opened the door for her. While I was doing that the rest of the crew were just staring at us the whole time like a movie.

"It was nice meeting you guys." Alexis says and then she heads out.

I made my way to my room because the rest of the guys were still playing around and I wanted some sleep. But when I landed on my bed I heard a crinkle like noise. I turned on my lamp and saw a note it read from Alexis to Yoochun. I didn't open the note but placed it on my desk. I had a amazing birthday.

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