Back Again

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We were on the plane.

 We have been for hours.

It wasn't long until we landed and l couldn't help but feel scared for my life. Of course it was only a year ago but it felt like eternity.

Even with the fact that l completely ignored everyone l knew since l moved to America. I thought about my friends there and wondered if they heard l was coming back. I thought about my apartment , and thought about how much l hated that place. Ugh don't think about that now. I wont be staying for long. A week at the most.

I guessed that we would be staying there though. At least Mark wouldn't be here be though and l would have the place to myself with Jason. I was also nervous how l was even going to tell my mum, everyone really that Jason's my husband.

Hearing after your daughters just randomly disappeared and got herself a husband wont be very a simple topic. "Stop worrying Cheryl. You'll do great. I have faith in you.

They'll love you just like always"

Jason said sweetly giving me a gentle kiss on my knuckled while holding my slightly shaking hand. He starred at me with so much hope and faith that it was overwhelming. I absolutely love this man. I couldn't have ever asked for a better person to love me as much as l love him. "I love you so much , you know that right?" l said in a laugh.

"Well , yeah you've proved that in a lot of ways "he spoke while giving me a smirk. I playfully hit his arm and laughed along with him. Not long after l saw people where beginning to stand as the plane had stopped. Wow already. I had a flashback when l thought that when l arrived in Scotland. I smiled at the memory and stood while Jason grabbed our bags while motioning to me to go forward to exit the plane. We soon jumped into a cab and l couldn't help but look at everything around me again. It hasn't changed one bit. Its the exact same as l left it. I couldn't help but have a smile on my face . Although l did have a hard time .

I did love the city even though it wasn't my home. I loved the people in it . I turned around to a gaping Jason who was watching the passing roads in glee. He looked like a little boy who had been on his first ever holiday. I smiled while grabbing his hand. He looked down at our winding fingers together and smiled before looing up. "I want to give it a bit before l tell them about us , is that okay with you?" l said lowly. "Yeah sure , l understand" he said with a weak smile, l knew it he didn't prefer it but he went with it anyways. I bent over to give him a kiss.

"Here you are" the driver spoke which made me jump in surprise. I gave the money over before stepping out the cab slowly with Jason at my side. I looked at my mothers house gripping on my suitcase like my life depended on it.

I just stood there, l wanted to run back to Scotland even though l knew that was interlay impossible but l wanted to get out f here as fast as l could. My heart jumped as l felt someone push me slightly towards the double red doors.

My eyes never left the door and l then seen Jason's hand go to knock on it. Before l could tell him no he already done it. Uhhh l need time, l don't think l can do this. "Coming!" l heard my mothers maid Caroline say with an excited voice. "You'll be fine" Jason whispered in my ear .I looked at the door opening and seeing Caroline smile widely once she saw me .

She jumped forward giving me a tight hug. I laughed at her enthusiasm "Nice to see you to Caroline" l smiled gratingly. She nodded in my direction and quickly glanced at Jason in confusion but let it go as she led us into the house.

We walked through the large well furnished home while l could imagine Jason's eyes widening in shock at how much money my mother actually had. I kept my eyes on the woman in front of me though who was now sitting on a brown leather chair reading her paper behind her very large desk which complemented the whole room.I took a deep breath "Hello mother" l said surprising myself at how l spoke with confidence and ease. She looked up from her paper and looked at me all over with those bright green eyes behind her small glasses that hung low on the bridge of her nose. Sje then put the paper down and ran to me in a rush like l was going to disappear in any moment.

She then stopped herself as she was only a step in front of me examine me with awe. She then surprised me as l heard a loud noise instantly putting my hand to my check at the sting . Jason was about to step in front of me before she put her arms around me in a squeeze. "I guess l deserve that" l said in defeat. "Don't you ever do that to me again "She said in warning.

"Cheryl , l love you so much" she said as l stood and wiped her tears with my thumb. She then turned to Jason before looking at him in wonder like she met him before. I stayed silent trying to see if she could remember. "Well , out of all people l didn't even think you still lived in Scotland Jason never mind having you come here with my daughter. I guess young love doesn't pass by so easily.

"She said with a smirk before grabbing Jason into a large hug. Oh if only she knew what happened when l left.

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