The Morning After

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When l woke up , my phone was buzzing.

I looked at it and seen l had 5 text messages and 12 missed calls from both Mark and my mom.

I felt a little bad but l just couldn't bring myself to tell them about this situation.

I would have to tell them a lie anyways. I sighed as l scrolled through the text messages mostly saying where l was and why l wasn't answering.

I then turned my phone to put it on the bed side cabinet which had hit something on it. looked u from my pillow dizzily. I then found a plate of pancakes with strawberry's and syrup to complement it with a large cup of coffee that was still steaming hot.

Wow he knew me better than l thought. I also seen a little note attached to the cup and picked it up as it read

Hey there, just something l made while making my own. Ill be at work of course today but if your wanting to meet me at work later we could go out and have lunch or something or whatever. Hope to see you then!.

I was beaming as l put the note back down and started to eat my breakfast.

He sure seemed happy.

Maybe just a woman naked in his bed makes his day or something , l smiled as l ate.

Not long after l went into a shower and when l came out l dressed into a simple pair of light blue jeans that hugged my thighs and made my bum stand out a little.

I wore a plain white t shit and grabbed my white leather jacket while putting my hair into a messy bun while putting on light makeup. I then phoned a taxi to drop me off at the diner as it was already 11:45 .I wouldn't make it in time. Once it arrived l hurriedly got inside and paid the man while l was there. I had a small smile on my face as l thought of the night before. I walked through the doors and was instantly greeted by lots of people who remembered me or knew my father well.

I said my hello's and thankyou's while l seen at the corner of my eyes, Joseph was staring at me while a smile on his face with his arms crossed which made his muscles bulge right out which may l say made my knees a little weak. When l finally got around everyone . Joseph already had me sitting down on one of the booths and sat across from me , while calling one of his employees telling them to get the special. He then turned towards me and had me laughing at his adorable smile .

"Lve got to say Jay , that was one stunt you pulled last night" l got to say it sometime , the mans got skills what can a say?. He then laughed with me and replied "Thankyou , l do like to please my soon to be wife". He said as a matter of factly.

"Ahh but jay, there's only so much you can do to please your soon to be wife though, because as l said that was a pretty big stunt" l said making sure no other person would be able to hear except him. He looked actually shocked for a second and then replaced it with a smirk "Oh Cher, if you think 'that' was a big stunt?!, you so sadly mistaken" he said looking into my eyes.

I swallowed hard while l seen the waitress coming over to our tables with a large plate of food.

"Here you guys!, enjoy" he said sweetly although had a good look at Jason before she turned and left. "Do all of your girl employees eyeball you every time they see you ?" l said a little irritated while taking a fork full of steak with a bit of gravy that went with the crispy roast potato's." I think someone's Jealous Mrs Thomson" he said sniggering.

"ehh lm certainly not!, and its not that until ages away" l said in a whisper encase anyone heard. I suddenly seen him stand up and walk over to the counter leaving me gaping. What the hell is he doing now?.

There was a loud tapping on a glass and it was no other than Jason himself trying to get himself attention by all the customers who of course looked right away and stopped eating and talking. Oh no , no , no , no , no ! Please don't do what l think your going to do. "Everyone l am sorry to interrupt your fine lunch today but ld like to inform you all on a special announcement as all of you should know that Cheryl and me are getting married! , thank you for your time" With that he strode over with a large smile on his face sitting down acting like nothing happened while everyone starting clapping and cheering .Even his employees that were still in a day dream staring at him lovingly.

He in the other hand was completely oblivious and was eating his food while my mouth was hanging open. He then looked up from his lunch and gave me a scoff with laughter "your foods getting cold" he said and began eating. I then slowly ate my dinner , getting more and more angry with him when l was thinking what he just done.

When we were done he needed to grab his jacket from behind the counter while l stood next to our table putting my bag over my shoulder. While he came back and pushed my hips towards him

closing the space between us as leaning in to kiss me. When his lips touched mine it took time to react but l have in and was soon kissing him back. He then broke the kiss not long after and turned to everyone.

"Thank you for your congratulations everyone , will be sure to invite you all!" he said cheerfully while l was still getting over the fact that was my first kiss with him since l was 8. He then held my hand and walked me out , while passing a very furious blonde who looked so angry her face was growling at me while l passed. "Lucy" he nodded in her direction while still walking with me by his side.

She never said a word back to him while still staring at him mouth open. When we got out he started laughing "Well that was a close call thought she would get to me before l got to you, l needed to get her away to make her see the point finally" he said while chuckling .

While l stood there looking at him the way that bi**ch in there was staring at me!. "You have got to be kidden with me Jason?!" l said as he looked around completely confused at my outburst.

" You just kissed me 'just' because you thought she was going to kiss you first?, do you even know woman?!" l said flinging my hands up and walking away. He ran after me.

"Wait what? , what have l done now. She has been bugging me from day one. I needed to get away from her Cheryl, what is your problem?!" he said now shouting back at me .

Oh hell no, he's not getting away with this one , l took a deep breath as l said

"Do you ever think of anyone's feelings instead of yours?, l mean okay , we had a laugh and stuff yesterday but we both new it didn't mean anything but there was still something there and don't act like you never felt it too, because l know you did!.

So when that happens you go and you 'force' yourself to kiss me ?.Are you a fu**king moron?!" l said exasperated with my shouting. I was so angry , l could even stand to be near him. He looked like a sad little puppy though when l left him , finally realising his mistake. I then heard his slow foot steps behind me as l began walking home. I turned around to face him

"Don't even you think about following me home, l will literally explode if you come near me!" l warned him and turned around quickly as l made my way to the house.

I never heard any footsteps behind me anymore and l fell curious enough to quickly glance back where l seen Jason standing where l told him to stop looking so lost and alone.

He also looked really hurt. I wanted to just turn around and run into his arms again but l held my stand and continued my walk.

I wasn't a little too hard on him was l ?.

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