A New Day Back In Town

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^Cheryl's PROV^

As l got out yet another cab today , l noticed my old house .I just stood there while the cab drove away and left me gazing at the house that held so many memories. The house was old don't get me wrong with a few bits out of place on the garden but it was still the place l grew up in when l was young.

I just had forgotten all the memories l had here but while l stood there it was like a wave of emotions and memories came flashing back at once .I jumped suddenly once l felt a slight tap on my shoulder , l quickly turned around and saw an old man , probably late 50's the same as my father and he smiled weakly and sadly spoke "Miss Friel , l am so very sorry for your loss"

l smiled slightly then asked "thank you , did you know him well?" ,"yes , very much so. I am Richard Kinsley and l was your fathers lawyer for years,

he was such a kind hearted man" he spoke with experience and l then thought about how many people he had made friends with while l was away , probably the whole town.

I looked at his lawyer and instantly felt the protective aura all over him as he just screamed that he was a very well academic man and knew what he was talking about ,

l smiled once again thinking that my father had made a good choice picking him as his lawyer. "Would you like to come inside and we can speak about your fathers wishes Cheryl?" he spoke calmly as we both made our way to the front door ,

once he got out the old rigid keys and opened the door he walked inside like he had been there many times before and made his way where l remember was the kitchen l slowly followed while looking at all the furniture and the walls that l would never think l would see again.

I have got to admit the house felt lonely without him but l knew that when the right family comes they will brighten the place up again. I walked into the kitchen and was quite shocked at how it was as if me and mum never left , the little white fridge was still in the same place , a few counters with two little brown stools and a small round dinning table to eat at.

It was still the same. I sat down slowly and looked at Richard with a smile. He then brought out folders from his black briefcase and began flicking through papers which looked too confusing to even attempt to read. I just kept my eyes on him as he pulled an old wrinkled piece of paper with my fathers handwriting on it , not the best might l add .

He handed me the letter and it read

Dear Cheryl,

I know your going to be angry and upset with me for keeping this secret from you, but l couldn't, l just couldn't tell you l had bone cancer and was clearly dying knowing you felt responsible for mine and your mothers argument .Please understand that you never got between me and your mother .We both love you and we always will. I know this will be hard for you coming back to Scotland but l spoke to my lawyer Richard and we discussed a lot about your future. My intentions for you is that you are free to live in this house if you wish. It was always yours and always will be. Yeah it might be a little weird at first but you'll get used to it .I also am giving you 10 thousand from my lives savings to spend however you like .You'll be glad to know l also still speak to your little ol' friend Jason Thomson who will be getting 5 thousand from the rest of my lives savings. He was always there for me and looked after me when l needed it .I really don't want you to blame yourself and l hope you understand that l love you so much Cheryl and l understand if this us to much for you but l have already written a letter to Jason telling him my part so if you ever need some understanding or reassurance , he owns the little diner which lm sure you know which one. As for your mum , knowing her she probably doesn't even know you are here , but when she finally does know , please let her know that l always loved her and l cared about her even if we weren't together .She gave me the greatest gift any man could ever ask for .You , love you always kid!

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