Another Lie

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I watched the white clock loudly tick by. I was here for hours. Not a wink of sleep. I was to stressed and afraid if something happened to any of them.

I should have been there for Cheryl, l should have been a better parent. The large room was surrounded by grey walls that had little black seats all around it so people could sit and wait on the news of their relatives. My head snapped in the direction of the door opening revealing a doctor. "I have news for Mr and Mrs Thomson" He said looking around .

I stood up quickly and made my way towards him. "Okay , well Mrs Thomson is suffering a head injury so we have put her to sleep for now . She is very lucky , she could have been a lot worse. Hopefully we will have her up and ready in a few weeks. Although Mr Thomson might be a little longer. He is suffering a large concussion to the head as well and he has a few broken ribs but apart from that he will heal and be better in a month.

Although, There is some news about Cheryl. "He said looking at my reaction before continuing. I swallowed the small lump in my throat. "Go on"

l said sternly , preparing myself of what was coming." She was 7 months pregnant and before we put her into the temporary coma. She still doesn't know about the child lm guessing , so you are the only one who will be able to look after the child until either one of the parents will be able to". To say l was shocked was a complete different matter. Knowing that my daughter married her childhood friend and had a child made me happy inside and gave me hope for the future that they will always be together. "I will, defiantly .Ill do anything . Where is he ...or she ?" l said a little panicked like it was the only responsible one in this whole hospital.

"You have twin grand daughters, they will be waiting in the nursery room where the children are. Since they were premature we did put them both on a ventilator to help them breath properly but they both seemed to adapt perfectly and were off it after a few hours." I couldn't believe it l had grand children. I was going to be the best grand parent l could ever be to make up for the lost time l had with Cheryl. Although l was nearly shaking because l was so nervous l needed to become responsible for these beautiful children l was going to meet soon. The doctor walked away

"Thank you for coming Mr Joel, lm sure you will be a great grandfather" With that said he left without another word and then the nurse came around the corner to gesture me to follow her to the nursery room.

Yes , l was Cheryl's father. And no lm not dead. I pretended l was . I was in a lot of trouble ,

l needed a way out. I had been in trouble before but nothing like this one. I was still gambling and drinking after my wife left me along with Cheryl. I still continued living with a bottle always in my hands. I was drunk one night, and got carried away until l owed a lot of money to a very high class Mafia owner who was gambling with me and had one everything. I couldn't give him money , because l simply didn't have it . I got home that night and called Richard,

he always would know what to do . He came over at midnight and together we planned my death, I owed Millions . I didn't want to spent the rest of my life giving all of my money to that man and not even paying the whole thing off at the end of it. I needed a plan and l needed it quickly before the owner would come looking for me or literally kill me his self. Me and Richard spent the whole night preparing my death. I knew Cheryl would come because of my death and l also knew that Jason would be there for her. I never expected though for them to get that close ,

but l guess l did predict it when they were younger. I smiled as l looked at the two little babies in the crib. They were covered in both pink blankets and l just smiled at there little figures .They were both angels , l was so happy just looking at them.

"Do want to take your grandchildren home Mr Joel" the nursery said . "Yes" l said as a tear came down my check onto my expensive suit. A year later after my death, l was finally free. They were no longer looking for me. I became a successful manager in a CEO company while l was gone with my new Id. I changed back though once l heard that The manager had moved to the other side of the world. I was free and l wouldn't ever have to be the way l was ever again.

I stopped drinking and gambling , yes it was hard but l got through it and became someone again. Once l found out that Cheryl was having problems at her home with her mother l wanted her to come back to Scotland and be herself. She needed her time out and l am so glad she grasped the chance . Once they awake l hope they will find a way to forgive me .

I gently put the children in the double booster eats in my car and drove back to my old home. I'm back ,

and lm never leaving again.

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