Forever Running

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I stayed silent though and looked at a smiling Jason . She asked no more questions as she turned to me again gesturing me quickly to follow. I was confused a little but l obeyed with Jason by my side. We then went into the dinning hall and l saw the large sign

Welcome Back Cheryl!"

I then saw lots of people gathered cheering at my appearance. Instead of feeling happy or even excited that l could see these people who were in my life once before. I felt horrible, l felt like breaking down right then in there. Being with these people again brought back the memories l didn't want to ever think of again.

I wasn't ever myself with these people. People l called friends were not my friends. No one was anything to me . I kept myself together as l weakly smiled at there over happy faces making me think it was just all a show. "Everyone , l would like to say that Cheryl is back with us and ugh we also have a companion what us today .

Who is a ol' friend of hers back in Scotland. My mother spoke while people were looking between me and my husband.

"Enjoy everyone "She added while walking away ordering waiters to follow instructions and serve the people wine and food. Typical coming from her. I turned while seeing a few of my ol friends coming towards me . "Cheryl, your back.... i didn't think ld ever see you again" One of my closest friend said to me , we have been friends for years and l always knew l could count on her , she was really the closest one here to me except Jason of course. "Kelsie!" l said as l gave her a hug "lve missed you so much Cher" she said sadly. I looked up at her "I know , I know. Ive missed you too." l said hugging her again. "Cheryl , lm going to the bathroom , ill be right back" l nodded at Jason's words as he made his way through the house. I smiled back at my friend.

"Cheryl l know this isn't the time but l need to tell you something, there's a lot of people who your going to meet again that really don't care about you anymore as harsh as it sounds. They have moved on and l know you have found your real home. I just hope you know lm always here for you and lm on your side." She said in a hushed voice as l grabbed her hand in reassurance. "I knew l could always count on you , and yes l guessed that when l walked into it"

l said in a small laugh trying to make light of the situation. She just smiled lightly. And with that she walked away into the kitchen. I seen a few other of my friends that were in the corner of the room l was about to say hi but l saw the look on their faces. They were scowling. Actually scowling. How dare they even come and glare at me ?, they knew l was coming. They stormed there way through the crowd to meet me . I stood still as they stopped right in front of me.

"Seems like youve finally decided to turn up, l see that you've got alot fatter and uglier than before you even left" One of them that was Claire. She couldn't have been nicer to me before l left and now it was like l killed her whole family that she hated me that much. My eyes widened in shock at her words but l scoff. "Are you really here just to insult me , why are even any of you here?" I said determingly "Because your dear mother forced us to come , she said you finally decided to turn up and wanted a party to 'welcome you home' as far as any of us is concerned you can just stay in Scotland and never come back" Hannah the other girl smeared just even looking at me. "And for the record , your mother isnt the glorious mother ever either.

She acts like she is towards you now but she says terrible things to you that even l cant repeat. Huh, look an example... She's glaring behind your back right now She blames you for everything and she hates you ,

she always has"Trish the last girl said as l turned quickly to catch my mother doing exactly what Trish said. I was completely gob smacked , how could they, how could they all?. "wha .... Why?" l said with tears forming in my eyes. I held them back though not wanting to feel weak next to these people l called friends and family. They never got the chance to answer as l seen Mark at the corner of my eye walking towards me with a posh swagger.

The other girls saw him and scampered away back to their corner looking with venom at me. "Cheryl , your back". Hearing his voice made me feel guilty. "yes, look lm so sorr.." l was cut off "Meet my fiancé Cheryl "he said with a snarl grabbing a woman's waste as she was struggling to meet my gaze. I gasped when l seen her face. "Kelsie... How.. How could you do this to me?.. We just spoke.. Was that a lie?" l said too shocked to even make sense. My eyes were glued to the both of them. "No !, Cheryl. Lm sorry it just happened. Please..." she said as she burst into tears and ran off to the bathroom. I looked up at the smirking Mark. Who was enjoying this little scene and how much it pissed me off. "Hey,, ugh why don't for old times we get together and have a little fun what do ya say?. I mean your a piece of sh*t now so who cares right?.

No ones ever going to love you . You lost that chance with me long ago. So come on , how about it ?" he said whispering in my ear. I gasped as l with all my might slapped him on the cheek. He seemed shocked at first but then spoke "Ugh so , you come running back here to slap me ?!.Well done Cheryl. You've done a lot for yourself, you really have . Becoming an ugly whore makes wonders come true! "He said smirking once again but before l could react . I seen a quick very forceful punch heading straight for his nose. His nose started gushing once l held the gruesome snap. Jason stood next to me looking furious while glaring with so much rage at Mark.

I had enough, this was it for me. I couldn't take this any longer.

My breathing became faster and deeper as l held onto the table for support behind me. Everyone stopped and looked at our direction, more than half of them never even bothered to approach me never mind speak to me , they all hated me . I then noticed Jason still glaring at Mark who was doing the same back while holding his nose that was now covered with a few tissues by my mother who had came running at her feet to come to his need. She looked at me and then at Jason. Then Jason spoke " No matter how you fell about Cheryl. How any of you feel about her!"

He said as he shouted the last part making everyone aware of his large powerful forceful voice. "I want to make something very very clear.... If anyone bothers her again , they will have to go through me!, She came here today scared out of her mind. Ad this is the way you treat her?!. When she finally came back to her old home , you would think people would actually be genuinely happy to see her and proud that they would even see her again. Never mind this ...

This act you are all pulling!. None of you will come near my wife again . I will make sure of it .

She has all the family she needs at her home with me and people who actually care about her!" He spoke with so much force people flinched at his words as he shouted with rage. I felt like my world had just collapsed. I could see all the confused faces until l seen my mothers one with pure anger. She now knew about my husband. And she was still angry?! After all she done.

After what everyone just done. I ran out the room with the shocked looking people just staring at me . I couldn't take it any longer ,

l needed to get away from here

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