Calm Yourself

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I stared at Colton. Watching his chest gently raise, and fall. He looked peaceful as he slept next to me. No we did not do it.

After we swam until 11 pm, we came in and watched Netflix. I don't know how but someway Cole ended up next to me, with his arm tightly secured around my waist. Don't get me wrong there is an unbearable sensation happening in my stomach, making me smile like and idiot, but I'm having a hard time breathing. It right now is about three and I'm wide awake and hearing snickering in the kitchen is not helping.

I turned so I wasn't facing Colton any longer but was facing the tv again. I took one of my legs and slowly swing it over. Then I took his arm and lifted it up. He grunted making me stop moving with both our arms in midair.

"I love you so much." He muttered still in a deep sleep. My face fell. And rolled all over the floor.

Alright so that didn't happen but my smile did drop.

"I love the way your body feels against me it's like we're made for each other..." I raised an eyebrow at his words. And tried not to laugh at this fanny situation.

"Can you what you normally do with your tongue..." I coked on my own spit as thought of what he was dreaming about.

Boys will be boys.

A wave of jealousy hit me because I knew I wasn't the one he was dreaming about. I didn't do anything with my tongue. Nor do I want to do anything with my tongue.

'If not let me take over I'll do-' Nova started.

'Whoa there take it down a notch Nova' I cut her off. She did a wolfy grin, making me wonder if me and her are queen material. Probably not. Well to bad.

I dropped Coltons arm next to him and got in slowly not wanting to disturb his peaceful sleeping. But really I just didn't want to ruin his dream, though I wanted an explanation.

Mine as well give him his dreams.

I walked towards the kitchen but then I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. I held back a scream as I froze in place, my eyes popping out of my eyes. The pain passed slowly and I continued on my journey.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen I was hit with a bullet to the boob. Although it was a nerf gun bullet it hurt like shiz.

"What the.." I was about to rip the person a new one just as they stepped out from behind the kitchen table.

A small boy about 9 years old looked at me with wide grey eyes, and ruffled blond hair.

"Uh Luna I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else and I fired! I'm sorry! Please don't be mad.." He pleaded. I smiled at him.

"Do you think I can play?" I asked with a wicked glim in my eyes.


"Alright you get the plan now?" I asked Trevor, the kid who shot me hours ago. He nodded and looked behind us where there was at least 15 kids with nerf guns. I smiled.

"Yeah, attack alpha Cole. Won't he mad tho?" My smile dropped as I thought of this.

"Maybe, but we're just having fun. And anyway he dumped me in a lake yesterday. By the way why are you up this late?" I raised an eyebrow as he shrugged.

"Can't sleep." He answered simply.

"Alright. On three we attack. One.. Two.. THREE!" We all burst through the door hitting Colton with well over a hundred bullets. He jumped up quickly, looking all around for the thing that was hitting him. When he spotted us his eyes turned cold and he started running towards us.

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