Baby Pain

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*Few months later*

I stared at the extra bedroom, that had nothing in it. I smiled at the thought of what I was going to turn it into, it was going to be beautiful.

"I'm doing the room." Colton said interfering with my vision.

"No I am." I said stubbornly. I tried to look angry but I couldn't help to smile.

I was standing in the doorway watching Colton struggle to open something. I couldn't see what it was because he wasn't facing me. He turned his face, giving me a grin.

"We'll see."


"Mia I need an update." I said soothingly.

"I CANT. I mean just hold on a second!" I held my breathe trying to calm myself down.

"Mia look at me." The only reason I told her to do this is because I had a weird way of calming people down.

"No." She argued trying to do this in her own.

I stared at her pissed off. Why does she have to be so independent?!? This doesn't only concern her but every wolf out there.

"Well what do you see?" I asked.

"Nothing." She answered regretfully.

"Mia look at me please. I don't want to order you to do it so do it while you still have your will."

Slowly she turned her head towards me and you could tell she relaxed. Her shoulders rolled back and she took a deep breathe.

"Now tell me, what do you see." I asked my voice collected. Everyone in the room stilled. Colton grabbed my shoulder but then let go, knowing Mia right now knew something none of us did.

"I see... You. Your falling, but they catch you." My eyes widened but I tried to seem unaffected. The only reasons this worried me is because Mia can see into the future and she can see very clearly.

"Who, who catches me."

"Colton." Everyone's staring intensely at her as we all wait to hear what she's going to say next. "Ashley's by him, she's crying and your not moving. Blakes fighting with a man who has a syringe, and he's trying not to get hit. But then he notices that your down and he stops fighting, everyone does. Your stomachs really big, your dads there. He's smiling at you. He's happy your dead. He's the one who started it." Everyone's faces are filled with shock and some have tears in their eyes.

"Started what?" I asked.

"The war." My mom says coming into the room. She looks at my stomach and smiles a warm welcoming smile. Then comes in Coltons mom, with the same expression.

"Mom?" Me and Colon ask at the same time. We look at each other for a second then turn our attention because to our parents. "What are you doing here?" We ask.

Well that's strange.

"What we can't stop by?" Coltons mom says with fake shock.

"No Angela, that's not what we meant. It's just that it's strange that you guys showed up at such a bad time, and where the hell have you guys been for the last three months." I asked.

"We've been... Planing." My mom answers simply.

"Planing what?"Colton asked. I looked up at him to see him glance my way. I fought the urge to kiss him. He just looked so cute, and not cute in a baby way but cute in a daddy way. Like he looked like he would be a cute father.

"That's for you too know and Cris to find out much much later. I mean come on there's so much stress on her all righty lets get her to bed because what are you? Seven months pregnant. And I really want to talk to you! And Linda you can stay here and explain to Colton what's going down and bring Mia with you." Angela grabbed my hand and began pulling me away.

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