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"What, who's here?" I asked sitting up. Colton stood up quickly.

"Stay here Cris." He said pushing my shoulders down. He kissed my forehead, then kissed my stomach.

I was freaking out, not really knowing what was happening. And truth be told I was only freaking out is because they looked panicked but in a calm manner. Like they didn't want me to find out something. And it was probably something stupid like someone ordered pizza and there going to answer the door.

"Colton what's happening?" I asked sitting back up, but again he pushes me down.

"Everything will be alright, I promise. Just stay here and promise me you won't come out no matter what you hear." I stared at him waiting for him to be like 'this is a prank, err my god the look on your face was priceless!' But the words never came.

"No I won't promise-"

"Cris promise." I stared at him shocked, why would I promise such a thing.

"No." I stated standing up, but I sat back down quickly when I felt this strange pressure in my lower stomach area.

"Cris FUCKING PROMISE!" He shouted. Right then we heard a scream from down stairs. I snapped my head to the door.

"No, Cole we have to go help someone's hurt." I say standing up. I ignore the pain and try to walk to the door but Coles hands wrapped around my wait and pulled me back.

"Cris I can't let you go down there. If you won't stay here for me stay here for the baby." I struggled to find the right answer, I hated knowing someone was hurt and I couldn't help.

"But Colton I can help." I whimpered. His eyes shinned brightly with arrogance and fear. I took a second to admire his features, his strong jaw and his bright eyes. Things I've come to enjoy over the last year and a half.

"Not like that you can." He muttered, he gestured head towards my stomach. "The best thing you can do is sit down, and try to relax and not stress yourself out." I bit my lip taking this in.

He doesn't think I'm strong enough to help. After many times of me proving I can hold my own he still doesn't think I can.

That's when I realized he wasn't really worried about me. He's worried about the baby, and I smiled for that. He has to know I can hold me own I mean for gods sake I took down Katrina and few months ago even with me being pregnant. But that still leaves me wondering, what doesn't he want me to worry about. I mean if it's bad enough for him to not even want me to leave the room, what could it be?

"Your only worried about the babies right?" I asked. He looked a little taken back.

"No, I don't want you out there in general, not even to mention the baby. Cris if something happens to me, you need to take care of her, make sure she has enough love to feel like she has two parents. I have to go but stay here."

I nodded as he left leaving only me and Blake. I stared at him anxiously, waiting for him to leave. But he shook his head an apologetic look on his face.

"Cole told me to stay and make sure you don't leave unless until someone is here so I can go. Cris look-" I cut him off.

"Please don't talk to me."

"No look, I'm sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me that night. To be honest I don't remember it, I just remember what you
Told me. And I'm so so sorry." I looked away.

"You know I used to blame myself, every-time I would look at you I would be reminded of that night, and you know what the fucked up part was, you didn't even know you did it..." I dragged out. I glanced back up at him. "You don't remember anything?" I ask.

White wolf #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now