you again....

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You Again

Sam's POV:

The cool air bites at my nose as I quickly hurry to my mom's car. The ratty scarf I knitted together a few days before does absolutely nothing to help keep me warm.

As soon as I get home I can hear the yelling. It's all they do. I swear, if I get a minute of peace in that house, hell would freeze over. I quickly run into the house, and into my room, avoiding the living room, their favorite place to fight. Even if I walked right through I highly doubt they would have noticed me. Nikky's deal.. I can't believe I am finally going to get out here. I mean, I am still going to have to deal with all those nasty girls at school, but at least I won't have to come home and deal with their noise.

I mean, ten minutes later and here they are, still fighting! I'm shocked I keep my high grade point average, nobody can get anything done in this house.

I quickly stuff my things into a bag, grabbing my dad's credit card and head out, in a much warmer scarf. 

I decided against driving, Starbucks is only half a block away. 

I let myself drift into my music. "Say you'll stay!" I sing aloud, dancing a bit, when I hear a chuckle way to close to me.

I almost get whip lash from how fast I turn. And of course, there he his, looking as creepy as ever. His short hair is so gelled in place it doesn't even move when a breeze blows by. His smirk widens with each step he takes towards me. I try and back away, but he's too quick. The pressure of his hand on my arm brings back old memories.

He slams me into a nearby fence, his breath fans my face. His breath is minty. I almost puke. Whenever he would hit me he would always chew minty gum.

"Hello you," I growl, a smile faking it's way onto my face.

"Sup buttercup?" He chirps, running a hand through my hair. It sends immediate chills throughout my body. "You're so cute."

"And you are so my ex." Bad move, my brain tells me. Yells at me. 

"It's cute that you think you can break up with me," He growls, his smirk twitching. He nuzzles his head into my neck, sucking intensely. I groan, using the entirety of my arm muscles to push him off me, but there is no hope. 

"Stop it! Just, please stop!" I yell with one final push.

He finally staggers away, wiping his mouth, his blue eyes glinting with evil intentions. Once the severity of what I've just done hits me I run. I run as fast as I can to Starbucks. He can't get me there, not with all the people. 

I burst through the door, the coffee scent hitting my noise as I stumble in. I glance over my shoulder to find him gone. Maybe he gave up. I am a better runner than him, with my two years of track.

After two cups of coffee and a couple cookies I finish enough to last me a few days. I will be completely free for the R5 concert! And it's only about midnight.

Getting home with no run ins, and my parents quiet, I almost start praying. I grab a box of juice when I hear a knock at the door. My feet are smarter than me, they hurry to catch they person before they knock again. Wouldn't want my parents to wake up. Who would want them to start fighting so late?

"Nikky?" I gasp, taking in the state of her. Her eyes are red with tears, her cheeks streaked with them. Her hairs a mess, cuts all over her. She drops her bags as I pull her in for a hug. "Would you like some hot chocolate?" I ask. I feel her nod against my shoulder, her tears soaking into my hair. With one arm still around her I lead her into my kitchen, supporting most of her weight as she sobs into my shoulder.

I let her sip her cocoa as I carry her things into my room. I knew I should have stayed. Her bruises are so gruesome, it hurts to look at her..

"You can stay here until we find an apartment.. I think that would be good, right? You'd like that?" She nods her head, a sheepish smile on her face. "Good," I say with a smile. "Hey, at least we have that R5 concert to look forward to!" I cover my mouth, my excitement rose the tone of my voice. We both look towards the stairs, when nobody comes we break out into giggles.

"Let's get to bed," Nikky sighs, linking her arm with mine as we silently go upstairs into my room, and slowly drift off  into sleep.

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