Did Someone Say 'Trouble'?

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This may contain swearing. You’ve been warned.

I breathed in the scent of the ocean. I looked over at the slowly setting sun. I looked at Cori and sighed. She sat across from me on another bench. She slurped at her milkshake. I sat up and leaned my head onto the metal table separating us. She started eating her fries again. I looked over her shoulder, her back was facing Maccas. She looked at me, then my uneaten burger. “Don’t even think about it, Corinette Lorey Harlet!” I said her full name and she mumbled something. I kicked at her knee. “What was THAT?” I asked nudging her with my foot. “ARRGGH! NOTHING!” She yelled, the other patrons looked over. I started laughing. “Oh yes, hilarious!” She said eating the last of her burger. Cori’s hair looked golden in the lighting, her tanned skin darker, her blue eyes gleaming with lust for food. I laughed again. “Get a haircut, you freak.” Cori said, sipping her drink again. I laughed. My hair was in a bun, the lighting turning it into a darker red than what it was, my paler skin looked like a golden fruit. I smiled and unwrapped my warm burger. Cori looked at my burger with lust. “NO!” I yelled at her as she went for a fry. She pulled a sad face, hoping it would work. “NO! BAD CORI!” I yelled at her pulling my fries away from the hungry fool. “Please? Please? Please!” She begged as I ate the burger. “Bitch.” She mumbled. I kicked her harder.

We walked into the store again. Cori jumped up and down like a loony, and I stepped away. “I’m not with her.” I said to the guy behind me. The guy laughed. I turned to see him, and ho hot damn. He was tall, and muscular, his hair a nice shade of brown and…*drool* broad shoulders. His eyes were a light blue…his face cute, but manly, his eyes looked good on such lightly tanned skin. I turned back to Cori and glared the ground. Cori on other hand, went around me to the guys. “Hi, I’m Cori!” She said in her over-the-freaking-top-happy voice. I closed my eyes and hoped that a meteor would hit Maccas and kill us both. I sighed. “And this is Lena.” She said pulling me around, my eyes on the ground still. She nudged me with her elbow. I looked up and smiled. Noticing the second guy. His hair has a black, light skin and deep brown eyes. He smiled at me. The boys looked at each other. They turned back to us smiling. I looked at Cori, who was smiling-like-a-total-wheat-bag at them. “I’m Fal.” The one with brown hair said smiling. “And this is Will.” Will waved. I laughed. “Lenaaaaaaa!” Cori said, dragging out the A. I looked at her. “What is it?” I asked blinking at her. She nudged me. “I can’t read minds Cor.” I said as she nudging me again. I sighed. “Do you guys want to eat ice-cream with us? Cori has turned mute.” I asked smiling at them, I got another nudge. “Sure.” Will said, Fal looked at him weirdly.

We sat back at our table outside. The smell of salt and sand. “So Fal, Will, you guys still students?” Cori asked in her I-like-to-annoy-Lena-voice. I cringed. I am going to kill you later. I shifted around on the bench next to Will. “We’re year 12s” Will said eating his ice-cream. Damn. What is wrong with me? Don’t know. Cori looked at me, and winked. I glared at her. Sending her hateful thoughts. I licked at my melting ice-cream. It was fully dark now, only the lights above us. “We’re in year 11.” Cori finally said, eating half of her ice-cream. The sky was darkening, more and more. “We should go, we have class tomorrow.” I said standing. The heat was getting to me. Stupid Adelaide, stupid summer. Cori nodded and got up. The boys stood. Gentlemen? I like this. We went back into Maccas and walked through to the parking lot. Will grabbed my hand, passing me something and walked off with Fal. “BYE, BYE BOYS!” Cori shouted waving like a mad man. I laughed and headed to our…her…our car. We got in.

I walked into the cool building. “Finally.” I said going to the elevator and pressing the ‘up’ button. We got in and pressed the button with ‘B3’ on it, we went down. Oh yeah, we live together…in the basement of an apartment building, awesome, I know. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to our home. I walked in stretching. I skipped off to my room. “Get up early tomorrow!” Cori yelled as I walked into my room. “YES MUM!” I shouted and threw my door closed. I kicked off my flip flops and shorts. I got out of my shirt and bra and walked into my bathroom, taking my bikini off and hopping in the shower. The warm water washed away what was left of earlier. I got out and grabbed one of the many towels in my trashed bathroom. I left the steaming room and went out of my room to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took a cold Mother energy drink out, it popped when I opened it. I drank some and grabbed a chocolate bar. I stretched in my towel and then turned to see Cori looking at me. “If that fell, I would gag.” She said. I looked at her with a sarcastic smile. “You would’ve loved it.” I said turning back to go to my room. “Oh yeah!” She shouted. I gave her the middle finger salute, she saw it and yelled something along the lines ‘Come at me woman! Come at me!’ I wasn’t that sure as I walked back into my room. I slammed the door closed and walked across to my closet. I stopped, I felt something on the bottom of my left foot, I lifted it and took a piece of paper off. I turned it to see two names, two numbers. Will’s number, plus Fal’s number. I like this idea. This evil idea.

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