Pregnant and gone

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This may contain swearing. I hope you like it. Comment if you want, I’d love to know what you think so far. Thank you for reading.

Lena’s POV

I sat eating toast starring at Carsil who was eating the same.

“How long do you think it will take for me, us to know?” I asked chewing my bacon. He shrugged. He’s so helpful at times! Not really.

“The werewolf gene, kind of like the vampire gene, is faster and stronger than the human gene, so in this case, I’m not really sure. The kid could be anything, a werewolf or a vampire, or both, a hybrid.” I gave him a nod. My eyes went wide.

“A hybrid? What do you mean?” I asked leaning into the table. He smiled softly at me.

“I mean like, a werewolf with vampire abilities.” That would be interesting.

“It could be difficult. I mean, we’re technically different species, but we generated from humans, so it makes sense that it’s you.” I gave him a nod. Not that I understood any of it. At all that is. Do I, do I like him? I might.

Cori’s POV

I had no clue where Lena had gone. But I’m married now, and it’s the first day. We didn’t do anything last night, which I found amusing. But today, there will be some action! It was almost lunch time, and we were looking at houses. I was holding Fal’s hand as we walked through a house. Other couples were looking too.

“She’s fine.” Fal said. I turned to him.

“Who’s fine?” I asked still looking at him as we walked.

“Lena. She’s fine. Stop worrying.” I huffed at him. I’m not worrying, I’m mad. He smiled and kissed my hand. It’s not my fault she wouldn’t tell me she had to mate with a werewolf.

“She could have told me Fal.” Is he taking her side?

“She wanted you to be happy on your wedding day.” We stopped. He’s taking her side.

“She could have told me! I’m meant to be her best friend!” I was getting mad.

“And you’re her best friend. You might have been getting married, but did you ever think of how Lena felt knowing Will would hate her?” I stared blankly at him for a moment.

“Will, Will hates her?” I asked. He sighed.

“Would you hate me if I had to mate with your sister?” I screwed my face up. I have no sister.

“I don’t have a sister.” He rolled his eyes at me.

“I know, but you don’t get what I’m saying. We’ve known Carsil since we were kids. Not only does Will hate them both at the moment, he hates me too.” I looked at him, why?

“Why would he hate you?” I asked. I’m so confused. So very confused, which isn’t new.

“I’m siding with Lena and not him. He wants me to hater her.” Wow this is confusing!

Lena’s POV

I sat with Carsil. It was odd, not being with Will anymore. I was turned by his mother, and now I was with someone else, well really I was with no one. Not yet. But I was going to have a baby. I still had to get my things from the Ol’Emis house. I didn’t really want to though. I got up and turned to Carsil.

“I’m taking a shower, then I have to find a job.” I grabbed my dress and walked into the bathroom. Opening a drawer and taking out scissors. The dress, normally went down to the floor. Now it was knee length. I had my shower and got dressed. I walked out to see Carsil dressed. I smiled and sighed.

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