Boys and beaches

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This may contain swearing. You’ve been warned.

I stood there awkwardly. Then Cori did her usual I’m-a-nut thing and jumped on me. We fell backward. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I yelled as she started tickling me and my waist. I started laughing, she laughed, until I kneed her in the arse. “You madwoman!” She yelled rolling off me laughing. I looked up at the boys, and just cracked it! I rolled on my back laughing. I couldn’t control myself, with tears in my eyes I looked up at Will, he was laughing. I sat up and shook out my hair.

We got up and looked at the boys; the look on their faces was wonderful. “Let’s go.” I said going to the elevator. I walked out of the building and stopped. Two cars sat there. I looked over at Cori who was next to me. “Oh yeah…I’m going with Fal.” She said all bubbly. I glared at her. “How am I getting to school?” I asked. She pointed to Will. I blinked, opening my mouth to talk. “Well bye!” Cori said running off. Leaving me with a….a God. I looked to Will. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his car. I bobbed along. Will’s car was a shiny, grey thing. I don’t know cars, I just like fast ones.

He unlocked it with a small beep and stopped. I looked at him, from behind. And hell… to the yes. I shook my head, landing me a weird look from Will. I smiled at him. “Well, get in.” He said turning to me, we were so close. I nodded and slid into the seat. He went around the car and got in. he started the car up and we went driving.

It didn’t take long for us to get to school. Now, if it were just me and Cori, we would not be going to school. On a Tuesday. Will parked the car and we got out. I looked around at where we were. I turned to Will who was stretching. And holy moly, I could see the definition of a six pack…more like a drool pack. He looked to me; I turned to see Fal and Cori arrived. We were at the beach. I breathed in the salty air. I love the beach.

We sat in a small shaded spot on the beach. I looked out at the rough waves. They reminded me so much of home, my parents. I moved out when I was 14, with Cori. It wasn’t that difficult, I had her, she had me. I looked over at the boys and Cori. “We’re gonna get hot chips and fish.” Cori said standing and dusting her butt off. I nodded. Cori went with Fal, and I was left with Will.

The day moved on, we ate, had Mother, ate more, ran around. And now sat in the cars, driving as the sun set slowly. We came to a stop.

I followed behind everyone. We were at this old-just-off-the-beach shack we used to play in as kids. They went in, I grabbed Cori. “Cor, I know these guys are total Gods, but we don’t know them that well to have a tea party.” I said in a low hushed tone. She giggled at the tea party remark and shrugged. A low growl erupted from a nearby shack. And knowing Cori, she went over to the shack, all bubbly. I followed her.

Cori peeked through a window. I looked in as well. Three men and three women stood together. All blonde, all tall, all thin. One of the men looked over at the window, his eyes pitch black. I pulled Cori away and we ran to the other shack, and into the shack. The boys looked at us as we huffed and puffed. Fal stood up. Everything went cold, cold and quiet. My breath mad a small fog. Scratching sounds aired from all around the shack. “Cori.” I said quietly. “Cori, Cori.” A slow chant started from outside. “Damn it, they followed us Fal.” Will said moving slowly. “Come out Fallow, or the girls turn. Or worse.” A deep voice came from outside. I turned to Fal, Fallow, honkey dory, whatever he wanted to be called. “You know them?” I asked he breathed lowly. He turned his head away. “No, you will tell me.” I said moving closer to him, his eyes were closed. “Who are they, and why are they in my city?” I asked moving closer. “Fallow, we’re waiting.” The deep voice talked again. “That’s it!” I said moving to the shack door. “No, wait!” Will said grabbing my arm, the door flung open. The…let’s call them, the thin-scary-looking people. Will pulled me back. The wind was wild. “Fallow.” One said, a man, the tallest. One girl looked at me; her eyes pitch black, her skin pale, her blonde hair whipping around in the wind. Her eyes flicked to Will, then back to me. “How nice Will.” She talked in a high pitched tone. I looked at Will. His eyes closed. “Will?” I whispered to him. He shook his head. “Oh…they don’t know?” The girl asked, in that annoying voice. I turned to Cori, she was frozen. Am I the only normal person in this freaking world? Probably not. I turned back to the people outside. “Told us, what?” I asked not moving. The girl had a sickening smile. “You’ll find out.” The door flew shut. I jumped back. “What the hell.” I said looking at Cori. She looked at me. “I need a Mother.” She said looking at me, she was back. We looked at each other, then the boys. “Can we go now?” Cori asked. She was down. They nodded and rushed us to the cars.

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