Maccas and towels...

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May contain swearing. You’ve been warned.

I leaned back in my chair, the light off. My laptop on, the only real light in the room. My hair up in a damp, messy bun. I pulled my knees up to my chest, my feet sitting on the end of the chair. I cracked my neck and looked back at the screen. “Damn…I’m hungry.” I pushed myself out and turned. I stood and opened my door. Oodles, Cori’s pet dog ran in. “Oh what the hell?” I shrugged it off and left the dark room. I walked into the kitchen. I stuck my head around the wall at the far end of the kitchen, the glowing from under her door. Cori was awake still. I went to the fridge. I looked at the last Mother and sighed. “Damn.” I said leaving it there. I took a Red Bull instead and went to a cupboard. Even though we’ve lived here for over two years, the cupboards are pretty empty. I took out a chip bag and went back to my room. I sat down and started looking for something to do.

Hours passed and I turned to my clock. I got up and walked to my bed. I leaned over and moved Oodles. “Go.” I said pointing to the door, she whimpered. “Oh fine, but down there.” I said giving in, pointing to the end of the bed. I crawled in and stuffed my head into my favourite pillow.

“Get up! Get up!” Cori yelled at me, shaking me. I whacked her with a pillow and sat up. “Finally.” She said walking out. I slid out of bed and walked to the bathroom…to go to the loo. I flushed and came back out. I still a bit hazy. I sat on my bed. Cori came in. “Do I have to dress you?” I looked at her and blinked slowly. She was already in our school uniform. I blinked again and she left. I stood and went to my large wardrobe. I took out the summer dress, bike shorts, a white singlet, black ballet flats, white ankle socks, black and purple laced underwear and a matching bra. I threw my pajamas off and went to the bathroom for a shower. I got out of the hot steaming room. I got dressed, did my hair, my makeup, and grabbed my black tote bag that I used as a school bag. I turned the light off and went to the kitchen. Cori stood munching at her cereal. I leaned against a bench, she passed me some toast.

I sat in the front of Cori’s car as she drove us to school. I closed my eyes. “Oi, we’re here.” Cori said pushing me awake. I opened my eyes and got out of the car with my bag. I followed her to our year building, our lockers, and then our class. This happened throughout the whole day. Me following her, half dead. I sat in last period, the one thing I dreaded when I was like this, P.E. with year 12s. I sat at the very back of the gym, leaning against the wall. The year 12s walked in, the year 11s after them. I wished Cori was with me, the only class without her because she’s in the gardening class. I sighed and looked at the boys. One figure popped out. I sat up straight and looked at the hot/lean body, and gorgeous face. It was that guy from yesterday, Will! He looked over at me, and shot a deadly gorgeous smile at me. Holy shit. I took my phone out of my gym bag a new message from Cori. Oh hey, those guys from Maccas are here! Fal is in my class! OMG! I sighed, she’s hyper. I laughed. “Hey.” I looked up to see Will. He grinned at me. I smiled up at him. “Hi.” I said back to him.

I sat with Will as the gym class went on. “I didn’t know you went here.” Will said burning holes into my head. I shrugged. “It’s a cool school. Every Friday a casual day.” I felt him learn against the wall. I turned to him. “Are you and Fal brothers?” I asked looking at him closely, they had the same nose. Dear God, I’m weird! Like Cori! No! “Yeah we are.” He answered. I nodded. “I’m younger, I was meant to be in year 11, but I’m smart.” I laughed. I looked across the gym to see Wendy Ail standing with the boys, her shorts shorter and her singlet tighter. Will turned to look at her, then just looked back to me. “It’s ok, you can stare.” I said. He shook his head. “Not my type.” He said watching me. I nodded.

The class was finally over and I was rushing to get to Cori’s car. I stopped dead in my tracks. Cori + Fal + Will = Cori being all giddy. I walked over and looked at them. “Hey Lena!” Cori said all bubbly. Why is she like this? No clue. We said our goodbyes and got into the car. I leaned back into my seat. Hurry up Saturday. We drove down the road, passing a Maccas. Cori turned to me, a pleading look on her face. I threw my hands up. “Why not?” I said and laughed. Cori turned the car and drove back to Maccas. We pulled into the drive through. She ordered and we got our food. I sat feeding Cori her fries as she drove. We got home, safely

I sat in the lounge room that was just in front of the kitchen, Cori sat in the other lounge room, yes another. This is how are ‘house’ is like: B1 is storage, hardly ever there, but there are two bedrooms. B2 is a lounge room, bedroom, and bath. And B3, two bed rooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, lounge room. So that’s our ‘house’. I stretched out on the lounge, eating my fries. I slurped at my drink and watched TV. The house phone rang. I sat up, picked it up and answered. “Hi, is Cori there?” It was a deep manly voice. “Uh yeah, just a sec.” I said putting my hand to the speaker, hopping up and going up the twirled staircase to Cori. “Cor, it’s for you.” I said walking over to her. She nodded and took the phone. I went back down the stairs and to my comfy couch.

“Len, Len. LENA!” I woke up to Cori. “Mm what?” I asked rubbing my eyes, and I looked at Cori. She was holding Oodles like a baby. “It’s almost 1.” She said. I nodded and looked at the turned off TV. I stood and went to my room. And fell into bed. I closed my eyes. Sleep!

I opened my eyes and looked around my sun lit room. I sat up, no Cori. I got out of bed, still in my school dress. I unbuttoned it and took everything else off, throwing them on the floor. I walked into my bathroom, the steam filling it quickly. “Lena…how many times have I told you to actually close your door?” I heard Cori ask over the water. I peeked out from the glass fogged shower door. “I don’t know.” I said blinking at her. She sighed. “And clean this place sometime.” She shook her head and closed the door. I shrugged to myself and finished showering. I got out, taking a clean towel, wrapping it around my wet body. I heard the drill of the doorbell. I opened my bedroom door slightly to see Cori run to the buzz-in-phone-thing. I waited as the elevator beeped down to B3. The doors opened and two boys walked in. I jumped back, threw the door shut with a slam and stood there overly shocked. Will and Fal. In our house. What is this?

I breathed in and out slowly. I turned to my tragic room. “Dear God!” I said running around like a madwoman. I picked things up, threw them around, threw more things. I huffed as I looked around the clean…ish room. Then I looked down to see my towel. “Oh shit sticks!” I said running to my actual walk-in. Clothes hung perfectly, and neat. I slipped into some underwear and a bra. I threw on some denim shorts and a shite button up. I grabbed some whit sneaker and slipped into them. I put on makeup slowly and threw my head down, then up, down, up. It was slightly damp. I took a headband with a cute purple bow on it and placed it my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded.  I opened the door and stepped out. Will looked at me and smiled.

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