With death, you're a vampire.

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This may contain swearing yada yada yada...ENJOY!

Cori’s POV

I sat with Lena. In a tall building, and it wasn’t dark, it was very light. You know, for a vampire Council hall. So we sat, outside of a court...type thing. I guess. So that Lena can be turned into a vampire, so she can live. I breathed out as Will and Fal made their way to us. Will and Fal’s parents were in the court room with the Council. I looked at Lena. She was so pale, and so much thinner then before. It’s only been a week. Will sat next to Lena and Fal next to me. I took his hand. We all knew what would happen if they didn’t pass it. Lena will die. I breathed in as the court door opened. Fal’s parents came out. “She’s being turned.” I breathed out. “Tonight.” I coughed. “Tonight?” I asked taking Lena’s hand. She smiled weakly at me. At least she’ll be alive, maybe.

We all walked out into the night. The council is pretty much full vampires, be stupid if they were doing things in the day. “Cori, you’ll come with us, Fal and Will are staying together.” Fal’s mother spoke pulling us to her car. We got in, and drove off.

“We’re here.” We got out, following her into a dark room. “This will be difficult.” She said turning a light on. The room was wood, a bed, a few benches, and a fridge sat around the room. “Alright, sit.” Lena nodded and sat on the bed. “Cori, go out.” I nodded and left the room, closing the door and looking out at the night.

Lena’s POV

I sat on the bed. “This might, no his will hurt.” I nodded. “So, what’s in the fridge?” I asked smiling. I knew I was weak and that I looked weak. “Not sure, blood, food, maybe.” I nodded. My body was heating up again. “Better get to work.” I laughed. I closed my eyes as I felt sharp pain sting into my neck, I could feel blood run down my collar bone. I could feel sucking and slurping on my skin. My teeth shut together, my jaw tightening. The pain was still there, but not the stinging. “Open your eyes Lena.” I opened then. “I know it’s overly weird and slightly disgusting, but drink.” I gulped as I opened my mouth to her wrist. I sucked at the cut. After a few minutes she pulled away. “Lie down and sleep." I nodded and slid down onto the bed. Letting my eyes shut.

Cori's POV

The door opened. "Come in." I nodded and went in. Lena was asleep, or dead, on the bed. "She's gone, but there." I laughed. "We'll know what she is later." I nodded. "Why did she mark her?" I asked. "Lucile liked, or still like William. But William never liked her. So when she heard that he was with a human, she must have been overly, well, pissed." I nodded to her. "What does marked mean? Like, are there other different types of marks?" I asked looking at Lena. "There are different types. Good ones, such as marking them as loved ones or family, friends, protected. Then there are bad, dangerous ones. Curses, death, loneliness, all types of nasty things." I nodded. "What type did Lena have?" I asked shifting onto my other foot. "A curse that leads to death. Unless she would be turned." I nodded. At least she's safe now. I turned to Lena, she was moving around. I smiled. "She'll be fine, but we should get this place ready for her." I nodded. We started moving things around.

A few hours, more like 10, passed and the sun was up. I was sitting next to Lena. She moaned and her eyes opened. "I have a headache." I laughed and gave her a hug. "Now we check." Fal's mother said coming over with two mugs. She placed them down and sat down. "Pick one." Lena nodded. She took the left one. "How does it taste?" I asked. "Good, want some?" I shook my head. I had no idea what was in there. She shrugged and drank more. "Looks like you're half." I turned to her. "Half...vamp?" I asked; I got a nod in return. "Oh great." I said smiling. Lena smiled back.

Lena's POV

It's been 2 weeks being a vamp. I mean, I was half so I wouldn't really age. Every so often I would. I stretched out on Will's bed. I pretty much had kicked him out of his own room. "Lena." Will called. "What is it?" I called back to him. I rolled around on the soft bed. I was only 16 for Gods sake. And I was turning...what's the date? HOLY SHIZ! I'm turning 17 tomorrow. So is Cori! I got up and ran out of the room, knocking Will down. "What?" He asked as I ran past him. "I'm turning 17!" I ran faster out of the house.

I ran home. "Lena. What is it?" Cori asked sitting on the lounge. I was bouncing. "We're 17 tomorrow!" I shouted, still bouncing. She laughed and nodded. "Yes, I know." I'm still bouncing. "Calm down!" She stood. "What're we going to do?" I jumped around. All I got was a shrug. "I'm spending it with Fal, you spend it with Will." I nodded. I waved and went running again.

It was midnight. This meant I was 17. And overly excited. I was sitting next to Will, in his room, on his couch. I shrugged and grabbed the back of his head, well, his hair. He looked at me. I smirked and pulled him to me. Making our lips crash. He pulled away slightly. "Lena, I don't know." I pulled a cute face at him. He laughed. "Oh why not?" I asked crossing my arms. He sighed. "I just, don't want to hurt you." I laughed kicking him. "It's my birthday!" I pulled him pulled him closer, making us kiss again. I grinned and pulled myself up onto his lap. I leaned into him. I was going to make him, blush like mad. I made a small moaning noise. I opened one eye and looked down to his cheek. It was a light pink. I smiled again, leaning in more. I broke us apart to breathe. I smiled down at him. He sighed and pulled me off his lap and onto the couch. He held himself over me and we continued to kiss.

Cori's POV

I was with Fal. He was cooking in my kitchen. He even brought food to cook over here. I was leaning on a kitchen bench watching him move around the room. He shooed me away. I went into my room and sat on my bed. A few minuted later Fal came in. “Come on.” He said waving to me to get up. I followed him out. The table was nice and set, steaming food and drinks. I sat down and Fal sat in the other seat. “Eat up.” He said urging me. “Can you...eat this?” I asked biting into a piece of chicken. He smiled. “Yes. I do have human blood running through me.” I laughed and nodded to him. “Fine, make fun of me.” He laughed and took my hand. I sighed. “Will you try to turn me?” I asked. “Of course. But not yet, you still need to have a life. It’s lucky that Lena is half and not full.” I nodded. “When will you turn me?” I asked smirking at him. He smirked back, evilly, I just found it cute. “When we’re married.” I chocked on my chicken. “Married?” I asked coughing. He laughed. “You have a year to decide.” And with that, he got up and went to the kitchen. A year, A YEAR! Dear jelly. I’m dead.

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