Meeting the parents, and blowing up zombies

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This probably contains swearing, so yeah. You’ve been warned, ENJOY!

Cori’s POV

I sat next on my bed as Lena rampaged through my clothes. “Just don’t break anything whilst you’re in there.” I called in, leaning into the wall. I wonder if I could sink into this wall. And DIE! Ok…to dramatic? I guess. I mean, I’m only meeting Fal’s parents…and siblings. Well other than Will. Lena came out holding a few hangers and whatever else she found. She held up a sundress that was light pink, peach and blue. She nodded. “I don’t know Le…I mean, it’s cute, but do I want to look cute? Or smart?” I looked at. She sighed. “Go freaking naked then!” She turned back into my walk-in. I banged my head on my on my wall. “Might as well. And put the clothes, BACK!” I yelled to her. I heard a low ‘whatever.’ And a laugh, I smiled. A few minutes later and she came out again. She held a black flowy just-above-the-knee skirt and a top-that-wasn’t-low-cut in dark blue. I nodded. She held up a pair of low black heels and a small pearl necklace and matching bracelet. I stood and jumped around the room like a nut. Lena laughed. “Just get dressed ya nutter!” She handed me the outfit and left the room with a SLAM! I stood there, holding my outfit. I shrugged and placed them on my bed. I pulled out a mat from under my bed. I started stretching, the door opened. “Yes Lena?” I asked not looking over. “What’re you doing?” She asked from the door. I breathed in. “Hello? CORI!” She shouted. I turned to her with a glare. She smiled and backed out, closing the door softly. I went back to my yoga.

After 20 minutes of yoga, I felt relaxed enough to get ready. I got out of my pajamas and hit the shower. For…I’m not really sure, let’s just say I smell like banana, and peaches. I got out of the bathroom, nice and dry, my hair, my body…my hair wait I said that. Anyway, I went into my walk-in, where my outfit was and got dressed…slowly. I did some light makeup and a mist of perfume and I was a go! I walked out of my room, Lena in the kitchen slurping away at her Mother. I walked over. “Well…does it look good?” I asked opening the fridge, taking a Mother for myself. I practically drank it in one go. “Slow down girl! And yes, you look brilliant!” Lena said still slurping hers. I nodded and placed the empty can on the counter.

He’ll be here any minute.” I said turning to Lena. She nodded. “Go my pretty, Go!” She laughed and shooed me off. I bounced over to the elevator and went in.

I walked out to be greeted by a hug. I rolled my eyes at Fal, and he smiled back. He let go of me and looked me over. “You look…good.” He said in a low deep voice. I smiled. “No you will not try to eat me.” I said walking over to his car. I heard his laugh as I got in. He got in and started the car up. “Just…don’t be nervous.” I breathed. “Yeah you say that now, but you’ll know when I get nervous.” I said shifting in my seat. He smiled at me as he made a turn. “Well…here we are. We should go in.” Fal grabbed my hand. I nodded and we got out. I followed him up to the door, taking his hand as we entered. I breathed slowly. We came to a lounge…study? Some room in this house. “Mum, dad, this is Corinette.” I smiled, hating him for using my full name. “Hello dear.” A woman, a little taller than me, golden brown hair and light blue eyes smiled back me, she had the features of Fal and Will. Next to her was a man, he looked like Will, just older. Fal pulled me in to a couch.

We sat across from Fal’s parents. There was food on the small coffee table between us. Fal’s dad was munching away. “Dear, you can eat.” Fal’s mum…mother spoke. I nodded. I leaned in and picked up my glass. Two girls walked in, both wearing the same things, just one in pink the other in green. “Abby, May, meet Corinette, Fal’s girlfriend.” I blushed when Fal’s mother said ‘girlfriend.’ The two girls smiled, they were twins. “I’m May.” The one in pink spoke. “And I’m Abby.” The one in green said. I nodded. They bounced off somewhere. A small child walked in, he had big blue eyes, and the face of Fal’s dad…father. “Oh come here Hallow!” Fal’s mother said, calling the child over. “He’s so cute.” I said without thinking. They all smiled, except for Hallow. “I’m not cute!” He said.

A few hours passed, and I was staying for dinner. Dear lord, don’t make my hyper! Damn, too late! I sat next to Abby and Hallow, Fal and May across for us. Will was with Lena, I think, making out. Fal’s mother; Jasmine, and Fal’s father; Henry sat at the ends, opposite each other. I looked at Fal’s mother, she was eating as well. “Dear, I do actually eat, I mean, it doesn’t keep me moving that much, but I’ll survive.” Jasmine said, I nodded and dug into my steak, well done steak. I looked at Abby eating her steak, like a maniac. I smiled.

It was darker outside now; I was in Fal’s car again, getting a lift home. We came to a stop at my building. “Did you have fun today?” Fal asked I nodded to him. He leaned in, turning my head with his hand and kissing me. We broke apart. “Good night Cori.” He said as I got out of the car. I smiled to him and winked.

Lena’s POV

I sat in the second lounge room playing a game with Will; Cori properly thought we would be making out, not playing Left4Dead, a game about zombies. I sighed as I stabbed a zombie. “Why won’t you die?” I shouted whacking a zombie with an axe. Will laughed as he shot his way through a horde. I heard the ding of the elevator go. “Cor is hooommmeee!” I sang out. I heard the steps as she came up the stairs. “You guys are playing games?” She asked, coming into view. “Yes, now come, sit.” I said moving over, closer to Will.

Will had gone home, and I was alone with Cori. We were playing Left4Dead2 (these games are awesome! Don’t judge me haha) now, and kicking arse! We laughed as we blew a bunch of zombies up. It was a good day! Dear God, I’m hyper!

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