It's coming up, that wedding!

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This may contain swearing, it probably does, blah, blah, blah. Enjoy it though, and thank you to anyone and everyone that is reading this. I know the writing style changed slightly, but...I got bored. Hope you all like it still!

Cori’s POV

I leaned into Fal. I knew what that I had to wait a year, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to marry Fal, this very second. I pushed myself up and walked out of my room. Fal was asleep on my bed. I walked out of the building. I sighed and got into my car. I drove into the city. I found a car park and got out. I walked around. I came to a stop at wedding shop. I breathed and walked in.

I walked in. The store was full of women looking at the dresses.

“Hello, can I help you?” A young lady asked coming to my side. “I just want to have a look.” I said, she nodded and went to another customer. I walked over to the dresses. I just stood there looking at them. I turned and ran out, back to my car and home.

Fal was still asleep in my bed. I smiled and crept over to him. I leaned over and kissed him. I moved back and his eyes opened slowly. I smiled and kissed him again.

“Good morning.” I said crawling onto the bed. I started bouncing.

“Yes, good morning.” He leaned in and kissed me. I giggled.

“So today?” I asked smiling.

“What about today?” He asked looking at me weirdly.

“Let’s get married today.” I said in a low whisper.

“Cori,” He said. I gave him puppy dog eyes. “You’re only 17.” He said in a hushed tone.

“And why not?” I threw my hands down.

“Why though?” He asked. I kicked at him.

“I want to marry you!” He just smiled. I turned into a puffer fish.

“Please, please, please?” I asked bouncing around again.

“Fine, but you’ll have to be turned, which means we have to go to the Council.” I bounced around the room like a mad nut.

I sat in Lena’s room, she was in the shower. I leaned back. It was the day we were going to the Council. The door to the bathroom opened and Lena came out. I smiled. “Let’s go then.” We left the room and down the many halls and stairs. We left the house and got into the car. The sun had already gone down. I leaned back into my seat. I’m nervous, awesome.

It didn’t take long to get to the Council Hall. I breathed in and looked to Lena. She turned to me smiling.

“Just breathe.” She whispered. She followed everyone in. Humans weren’t aloud in the court room, so I was with Henry yet again. I was fine with it, even though he looked like Will and not Fal; he was still pretty nice to us.

“You’ll be fine.” Henry said. I smiled.

“Why aren’t you turned?” I asked looking down at my hands.

“I’m not that much younger than Jasmine, so we’re waiting until I’m older.” I nodded. “How old is Jasmine?” I asked smiling. “She’s 39. But mind you, she only ages every so often, so she looks young. I’m 37.” I nodded. The court door opened and everyone left. I swallowed. We stood and I looked at Fal.

“You’re in.” Lena said bouncing around.

“She means you’ll be turned.” Will said. I smiled and jumped around with Lena.

“When is it?” I asked still bouncing with Lena. I stopped and looked over at Fal.

“The day before our wedding.” I smiled and looked at Lena. I’m getting married in two months.

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