aking him

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keri pov So today is the day he is at monday night raw tonight and im asking if he knew that our moms had kids with him. But at the same time what if he say yes and he never wanted us. Like I don't know what to do so I'm caĺing Dean
D hello
K help I don't know what to do
D what do h mean sis
K he's here I'm looking at him
D so just go up and ask
K but what
D but what if he says he knew and didn't want us then fuck him we turned out right
K ur right thanks
D welcome let me know ok
K ok luv u dean
D luv u to keriboo

Here goes nuffen

Congo between sting and Keri
K sting
S on hey Keri what's up
K I have to know did u know that our mom had kids with u
S Keri are u saying that u and dean our mine???
K yes dean and I are ur kids now did u know
S actually ................ .......................

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