Chapter 8

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Nijicchi's Nonsense: Here is Chapter 8! Honestly I don't know what to think of it.... Anyway, I just hope I didn't make Mayuzumi too OOC here! x3


"Fvck off," was the last thing you heard from Mayuzumi before everything turned into a daze. Everything passed by like a blur, from when Mayuzumi beat the creepy guys until he was dragging you away from those creeps. It wasn't until he snapped a finger in front of you that you were snatched back into reality.

"M-Mayuzumi?" you then noticed that you two stopped at a park. He had let go of your wrist but the feeling of his fingers around your wrist still lingered.

"I don't know what you want but, here," he said handing you a can of soda. You hesitantly took it. He sat at a bench so you decided to just follow him.

"Is that really you?" you asked. Everything didn't make sense for you.

He stared at you, but before you know it his blank stare turned into a mocking gaze. "Are you an idiot or what?"

"B-But..." you fumbled looking for the right words to say. You were still in a shock.

"You can fight," what a dumb thing to say...

He snorted, "Everyone can, not just as good as the others though,"

"You cuss,"

Way to go (your name), why not talk about everything that's obvious?

"What do you expect? I'm no saint and besides, at some point most people do,"

"You saved me," you stared into his dull gray eyes. They really show no emotion at all.

"I did. What of it?" he made it sound like it wasn't a big deal but heck, it was.


He averted his blank gaze, "I'm not interested in rape scenes between an below average-looking girl and two creeps,"

For some reason, it certainly did not feel nice being called below average-looking by this guy.

"Thanks then. And sorry for being below average-looking," you snapped. You gulped the carbonated drink in your hand and stood abruptly. The nerve! He could have at least just said 'average-looking', but of course he just had to say below-average as if he's so good-looking himse—he is good-looking—but still! It shouldn't be an excuse to insult girls.

You started to walk away but he spoke again, "And besides, who would bother to look for me again just so she can give me water during practice if she gets too traumatized to go to school?"

You looked back at him and saw something you didn't expect.

He was smiling. Genuinely. A small smile but still... Genuine.

You were so taken aback that you froze on your spot. So he's actually capable of that?

"You're staring again," his genuine smile turned into that infuriating mocking smirk, "Why? Have you fallen for me?"

You had a sharp intake of breath.

"As if!" you said rather loudly before leaving him alone.


"Will you stop following me?"

"Don't flatter yourself; I'm not following you,"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Going home, stuuu-pid," Mayuzumi answered as a-matter-of-factly.

You glared at him and thought of some witty comeback, but decided against it anyway."Right, so your house is this way?"

"I said I'm going home, so of course my house is this way. Use that head of yours will ya?"

You just kept your gaze straight ahead. Having Mayuzumi with you right now was both unsettling and reassuring. Unsettling because it's your first time to walk home with a guy and reassuring because having him there helped you feel secure.

It was the first time that having him around wasn't like not having him around. You were so aware of his presence behind you, aware of the longer strides he takes yet still falls at least two steps behind you. If the guy usually lacked so much presence then why is his presence so strong right now? So strong that it made your heart race.

He didn't talk; you just listened to the steady footsteps behind you that assure you that someone's got your back. The footsteps then disappeared, so you stopped to look back. Your eyes met for a moment before you looked where his body was facing.

"This is my house," he stated.

"You were serious about going home, after all," you mumbled.

"Why would you think, otherwise?" he smirked. Your face flushed,

"Never mind that, see ya!" you abruptly turned and walked away not waiting for him to respond (if he was even planning to). After just a few more strides you reached your house.

You looked back to Mayuzumi's house and only realized just now that his house was actually just four houses away from yours.

Has he always lived so nearby?

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