Chapter 10

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"Everybody has nerves," you replied even before giving it enough thought. Sure enough the girl became even more furious than she already is.

"You even talk back, not very smart miss," she gave you a hard push on the shoulder. You almost stumbled but you managed to steady yourself. The other two just glared at you with arms crossed. The one at the center had dark long hair past her shoulders while the other two both had high ponytails.

You were scared, but not scared enough not to try to put up a good fight. You thought hard of how you should act right now, and may be even escape the situation if possible.

The one with long hair walked towards you and swiftly but forcefully slapped you across your cheek. It hurt. It stung that you wanted to cry.

"You bitch, next time you flirt with my boyfriend, I'll do more than that," she said menacingly. There are only two guys that you interacted with more than simple greetings. She can't possibly be Mayuzumi's girlfriend, so she's Homura's girlfriend? She called you here, slapped you and called you a bitch just because she thought you were flirting with her stupid boyfriend? It made your blood boil so much that you wanted to cuss.

"You thought I was flirting with him?!" you snapped but you just got slapped again. It was so sudden you didn't have the time to react. Despite the stinging sensation on your cheek you still kept your gaze on the dark-haired girl.

"Haven't you learned it that you shouldn't talk back?!" the dark-haired girl almost screamed with wide eyes losing all her earlier composure.

"Why wouldn't I? You made assumptions that--" she raised her hand to hit you but you caught her by the wrist this time, "--I was flirting with your boyfriend and you want me to shut up?"

"Don't play dumb," she hissed shaking off your grip on her wrist. Ms. Ponytail1 pulled your hair then pushed you to the ground. You yelped at the impact.

"Know your place you stupid first year," Ms. Ponytail2 said. You stood up on your feet. Clearly, there's no way you can just talk yourself out of this; the girls were too furious to even listen to reason.

"Yuri, get the hose," the dark-haired girl commanded one of the other two. That made you sweatdrop. They can't possibly be thinking of giving you an unnecessary cold shower, right?

"Get the hose and you might not like what I'll do next," you heard his voice just behind you. You wouldn't have believed he was actually there if he hadn't walked up to your side and rested his right arm on top of your head.

"Mayuzumi?" his voice unexpectedly made you calm, even just a little bit. You stared at him in surprise. Even the girls seemed surprised, but regained composure just seconds after.

"Oh what's this? So you really are a whore? You already have a boyfriend and you still flirt with mine?" the dark-haired girl said in a mocking manner, but your eyes didn't miss it when she took a half a step back.

"Hey fvck off, and don't get the wrong idea," Mayuzumi said almost menacingly but still managed to have it in the same mocking manner the dark-haired girl had, just edgier. "Just don't bother this girl again and go back to your damn boyfriend,"

The girl looked as if she wanted to say more but can't. They were obviously intimidated by Mayuzumi, and not to mention that he towered over them.

The girl gave you a glare and turned away. The other two followed her.

"Don't even think about seeking help, I got the thing recorded," Mayuzumi said before they could leave.

"What?!" the dark-haired girl turned abruptly.

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