Chapter 9

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Nijicchi's Nonsense: Sorry for the wait and thank you for waiting >,< I'm actually surprised with myself with this chapter because I actually finished it in a day! No not 24 hours, it's just that I usually put off things like finishing a chapter which is why it usually takes me a while before I update. So yeah, this is the first time I started and finished a chapter in a day! Congrats to me!

Anyway, thank you so much for reading,voting and of course the commenting too! I love hearing from you guys~!


You can't help but think it's strange how you never saw Mayuzumi around the neighborhood when he's just four houses away from yours. Or maybe it's not strange after all since he's too obscure to begin with. You have to admit though, that guy's not really so bad. He saved you from those creeps and even treated you a soda.

Maybe I should thank him properly?

Your 'thanks' yesterday didn't seem sincere to you after all. Well, it wouldn't hurt to show some gratitude to that guy would it?

You were near the school gates when you heard footsteps behind you. It reminded you of how Mayuzumi remained a step or two behind you despite having longer strides as if to make sure you're all right. You shook the thought away immediately after it came.

What am I thinking? He can't possibly care that much, right?

You then noticed how you've been thinking about that guy, which isn't a good sign, you thought. There are things more important than him like your studies, so the best time to stop thinking about him would surely be right now.

You just kept your gaze ahead determined to get the guy out of your mind. Why think of him anyway? As if anything good would come out of it. You convinced yourself that it's just a waste of time.

When you finally cleared up your mind after taking a deep breath, you then noticed a very familiar student with gray hair that matched his blazer. His back was towards you, but already knew who it was. Of all the times, why can't his lack of presence work at a time like this? Well, no matter how obscure he is, it will take a blind person not to notice him when he's walking right in front of you, won't it?

Great, now he'll invade my mind again.

"Good morning (your surname)-san," you turned and saw Homura(the guy seated in front of you in class) walking towards you.

"Good morning, Homura-san," you greeted back. If this guy just didn't walk too close to you, you probably would have been happy of the distraction. Sadly, this Homura guy didn't seem to know anything about 'personal space'.

"Ah, that's great, you remembered," he smiled. For some reason, the guy's smiled irked you. You have no right to judge him but you can't help but feel uneasy around him. First of all, he always gets close to you, literally. And something's just not right, you're not sure what but you're something's wrong.

"Of course, it would be rude not to know my classmate right?" you tried to sound casual as you walked slightly to the left trying to distance yourself from him as much as possible.

After that exchange, awkward silence followed. Homura tried to start a conversation but you just didn't want to have one with him. You're not dense enough not to notice the glares that some girls were shooting at you; Homura really was quite good-looking after all. In the end, he managed to have a semi-monologue with you because you still managed to smile and answer him with minimal response.

You held back a sigh of relief when you reached your classroom and finally sat on your seat. You let your head rest on your desk using your bag as a pillow while facing Mayuzumi's direction. He was reading again, still with that cold and empty eyes.

He glanced at you for a moment that made you want to turn away, but it would take to much effort to lift your head and face the other direction. You just stayed in that position because why should a single glance from him make you exert that much effort?

It was a peaceful sight; Mayuzumi, just reading quietly without any care to the world. After that thought, you noticed him look at you with his lips slightly turned upwards making that infuriating smirk of his.

"Still haven't broken that habit? Or you don't plan to since you like staring at me so much?" Mayuzumi said in a slightly teasing manner.

"Shut up, you're just so full of yourself that you end up assuming things," you replied narrowing your eyes.

"Maybe or you're just dishonest," your head shot up when he said that. How can he be so--?! You groaned inwardly as you didn't find the right adjective for him again.

"Yes sometimes, I am, but definitely not right now!" you defended yourself. How can this guy tease you so much with those implications? He just let out a soft chuckle before turning back to his book.

"Yeah right, very convincing," he said sarcastically. You decided to shut up. You shouldn't really make such a big deal out of it.

It's not like you really like to stare at him right? Like, why would you even stare at him? He just got dead fish eyes that unexpectedly didn't affect his looks in the bad way. Not even the slightest. Heck, it was even one of the things that make him distinguished and unique, charming even. His skin was very fair to an annoying extent. It was even a surprise that girls haven't started eyeing him since he's so good-looking, even more good-looking than Homura--wait, what the hell?

You mentally slapped yourself for that line of thought. You wanted to bang your head on your desk but that would damage your cells so it's wiser to not to. The way you were thinking of Mayuzumi has turned even worse than before. You slapped both of your cheeks with your hand trying to clear your head from such thoughts.

He just saved me because he's not interested in rape scenes between two creeps and an average-looking girl! I am not going to do something as cliche as falling for him just because he saved me! Fall for him? Where did that even come from?

You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard him call your name. You looked at him and tried to keep a straight face on.

"W-What the hell, Mayuzumi?"

He raised an eyebrow at you. "What now? I haven't even done anything and you're already this annoyed? Are you on the monthly schedule where girls get more cranky than usual?"

You felt your cheeks heat up. Why would he even talk about that?

"N-No, you jerk!" you replied immediately then faced the other direction in an attempt to hide the blush creeping on your face. May be he still saw it since you heard another soft amused chuckle from his direction.

So you didn't get to know why he even called you...


It was bad enough when the girls glared at you this morning but now it was worse because a second year apparently came to get you personally from your room. You had a feeling this would be a very bad lunch break.

You just let them lead you wherever they want to take you. There were three of them and you're alone so you were clearly at a disadvantage if it turns into a catfight. You braced yourself when you found yourself behind the school building with the three of them surrounding you.

"You sure have some nerves, you b!tch,"

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