New Situations

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The way to the studio was a torture to Britt. She was trying to talk herself into being happy and perky just like always, today. She even listened to some stupid party songs, which she normally only tolerates at, well, parties.

Though it didn't really work as well.

At least she didn't have to bare with Trevor in make up, as the guys and girls have separate make up rooms, so she would have another two hours to get her mind enough off of him to act at least a little normal around him, while they were shooting scenes.

She knew that everyone from the cast probably already knew about the break up, but Britt wanted to keep things professional between them, and not act like a total bitch around him. It would just make the situation worse for both of them. And she didn't want that for Trevor.

Which was also why she was the one coming up with the idea of breaking up for both of their good. It just wasn't safe anymore.

As Brittany walked into the building, she was greeted by some of the staff, to which she only replied with a tired smile. That was good enough. She could always just say that she was too tired at six in the morning to properly greet them, or go through the whole small talk thing.

It would be more difficult in make up, as the other girls would be there, and the make up artists would sometimes also ask them about how they were doing, and try to do small talk, as two hours in that chair tended to get boring most of the time.

Taking a deep breath, Brittany walked into the make up and hair room, minding to have the usual smile on her face.

She has been crying all night, but luckily for her, her eyes weren't red anymore, and the bags under her eyes, would only be explained with her not sleeping much last night; which was not a complete lie.

She didn't sleep much last night. Maybe just two hours, three tops.

Brittany could tell that Jordan, Jennie and Victoria knew what was going on with her. Mainly because she briefly told them about it, but also because they have been working really close with each other for the past years, and spent almost all the time, since the show started together, so they knew how Brittany was like normally. And even if she wouldn't have told them about the break up they would be knowing what was wrong.

Though there was a difference.

Now no one was asking what was up, as they knew that talking about it would make Brittany just sad.

Brittany just sat down in her usual spot, and waited for the make up artist to start getting her hair and face done, as the others carried on with their usual conversations about movies they wanna watch, last nights new episodes of their favorite shows and so on, which Brittany was really thankful for.

She shot Jordan a slight smile, who immediately responded with a wide one, knowing that this was Brittany's way of thanking her.

The morning was just as much torture to Trevor, who just parked his car in the parking lot, at seven am.

The boys didn't have to come that early, as they never needed more than half an hour in make up and hair, different from the girls.

As he walked through the parking lot, he spotted Brittany's car, which made a stiff pain radiate through his chest.

He couldn't really completely understand why Brittany wanted them to break up.

Sure, they wanted their private lives to stay private, and not deal with the crazy exes, but breaking up seemed to be not solving the problem. At least not to Trevor. If anything, it would just make things between them worse.

He wanted her back, that was for sure, though, Trevor knew that if Brittany set her mind on something, no one could get her off of it.

Walking into the boys make up and hair room, he was immediately greeted by Isaac and Lamar, who were already here, due to their filming schedule.

"What's up, man, you look... different." Lamar started off, turning his chair around to face Trevor, who just sat down and sighed.

He sure looked different than normally. Normally, Trevor would jump into the room, all smiley and laughing, cracking some random jokes, before even saying good morning. It all got even worse since he got together with Brittany. But now he just walked into the room, with bags under his eyes, as he spent his night thinking about what he could have possibly done wrong, to make Brittany believe that breaking up was the only possibility for them, and looked down.

"Nothing, I just couldn't sleep, I guess." Trevor shrugged, turning to the mirror to face himself.

"Come on, you don't seriously think that we believe that, right?" Isaac started off, sighing.

Trevor didn't want to tell anyone about their break up, as he wanted to win back Brittany as soon as possible, so they wouldn't stir up too much drama or attention, if they would only end up getting together anyway. At least it was like that in Trevor's mind.

But he knew that if he wouldn't tell them now, they would probably end up getting pissed at him.

"Uh, Britt and I broke up." Trevor said, looking down at his feet, as he bit the inside of his cheek lightly, awaiting the others reaction.

Trittany, as everyone would call them even before they started dating, were kind of inseparable since they started filming the show.

During season one, both of them were still in relationships, so they were just acting like best friends, though they were really close, which led the other cast members to joke about them acting like a married couple already.

While they were on their break, before filming for season two started, both of them broke off their relationships, mainly due to schedules and being busy, not knowing that the other one did the same, and after filming for a few weeks, and going on the mall tour afterwards, they decided to get together, a few months later, even making their relationship public to the media and fans.

Which caused most of the people to come back with positive remarks, but there were also negative ones, from people like their exes, accusing them of already planning this, and cheating on them while they were still in relationships with other people.

In the beginning it was all really exciting for them, but as soon as paparazzi and fans started following them even on their dates, it got a little too much.

Though, Trevor thought about dealing this some other way, instead of throwing everything away.

"What..?" Both, Lamar and Isaac asked, almost in sync, both now fully turning to Trevor.

"Yeah. I guess it just wasn't working out." Trevor shrugged, trying to hold back himself from bursting out with rage.

He could punch a wall right now, scream, curse and whatever else, but he knew that Brittany wouldn't want him to act like that in public. Which was why he wouldn't do that.

"But, you guys were doing great just yesterday." Lamar stated, furrowing his eyebrows at his friend, who just shrugged.

"Let's not talk about it, alright?" Trevor said, still looking at himself in the mirror.

He was just praying that he wouldn't have too many heartfelt episodes with Brittany today. He wanted to be around her, but acting like a happy couple now would be too much for him.

// ok so this chapter is kinda boring but I hope yall like it anyway omg???

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