What Happened?

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//Because I know that this was needed, there you go, y'all. This is kinda mature, so if you don't feel comfortable reading it, then please skip this chapter

Then she leaned in.

And surprisingly Trevor backed away a few inches.

"Are you sure this would be a good idea right now?" He asked, still staring down at her, the stare making her want him be close to her, more.

Britt just nodded, and before she even realized it, Trevor pulled her close to himself, and their lips were connected in a rather rough matter.

It was as if the two of them were finally satisfying their hunger for each other, as dumb as it sounds, but with each moment, their kiss got more intense and slow, as they got used to each other again slowly.

It has only been a few weeks since they kissed, actually, but they were in their roles back then, and with a dozen of people around them, telling them exactly how to turn and twist their heads so the camera would get the perfect shot of the kiss.

It was not half as personal as one would think.

But this was different. This was the real them. Not some roles they were playing, not saying some prepped up lines, that other people wrote for them, although they were accurate most of the time, as the writers tried to make it as realistic as possible. As realistic as a children show could be.

The last time they properly kissed was a few days before their breakup when they.. well.

Somehow, none of them was sure how, they ended up on Trevors couch, Brittany hovering over him, and Trevor roaming his hands around her body, while their lips were still connected to each other.

A few minutes, and a lot of kisses, later, Trevor flipped the both of them over, so he was hovering over Britt, before he pulled away from their make out, leaving Brittany back confused, as she looked up at him.

Did she do something wrong? Why would be pull away?

He leaned in to her ear, before whispering lightly. "I love you."

Brittany wasn't sure which one of the factors it was, his voice or the content of what he had said to her, but it made her stomach go crazy, and her chest felt like it wanted to explode, a whole firework went off in her body.

Shortly after, the two were laying on the couch, a blanket over them, and both of them rather breathless, Brittany cuddled up against Trevor.

It was silent.

Mainly because both of them knew that once this whole situation was over, they would probably go back to being broken up. And they'd have to deal with the heartbreak too.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, Brittany thought to herself, maybe she shouldn't have come here to his apartment at all, but all she wanted to see was him, and as soon as she saw him, she knew she would be drawn to him again. There was no going back for her anymore.

"What happened?" Trevor suddenly asked, his voice was raspy, just like it used to be in the mornings, when the two would wake up together.

"You mean right now? Since when don't you kno-" Britt started off, before she looked up, and Trevor shook his head lightly.

"No, I don't mean that. I mean.. to us. Like, all together, you know?" He added, before looking down at her, his arm still around her shoulders.

"I.. I'm not sure." Brittany sat up, sighing a little, as she held the blanket around her chest. "I don't know what happened."

Trevor sat up as well, his arm extended around her shoulder again, and he pulled her closer to himself, leaning in to her again, but he didn't kiss her.

Instead, he rested his nose on her cheek, and closed his eyes for a moment.

He wanted to say something, something specific, but he wasn't sure how to word, yet how she would react once she would hear it.

Brittany was the one who wanted them to separate in the first place, so she wouldn't be so happy about throwing all of the struggle they went through away, and go back to where they started off from.

But he wanted to be with her, no matter what that would take.

This whole situation made him realize that even more.

"Brittany." He started off, before he pulled a little away from her. "I want to be with you, I don't care how much struggle we have to go through again. By the media, and fans and all, I don't care about that."

She gulped, looking up at him.

Brittany wasn't sure what to say.

She wanted to be with him, but what if the whole publicity thing would become too much for them again. What if she would change her mind within a few months again? Then she would have to break both of their hearts again, causing way more damage than she needed to in the first place.

She didn't know what to say, still staring up at him, she bit the inside of her cheek.

"I.." She started off.

"So..?" Trevor questioned, looking straight into her eyes.

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