Post - Shooting

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As soon as the director yelled cut, and the cameras stopped rolling, it was as if both, Brittany and Trevor snapped back into reality.

Though, both of them enjoyed playing the scene with each other, it was different now that it was over.

It was awkward.

For both of them.

For Trevor, mainly because he just told he girl that he loved, that he loves her, without her knowing he really meant it.

And for Britt, because she didn't know how to act around Trevor, now that they even kissed.

Which was scripted, but it still sent goosebumps down her spine, while they did it.

Both of them got up, and did not even dare to look at each other, Brittany facing Victoria, who just walked into the studio, for her next scene, which she was about to shoot, and Trevor looking down at his feet, as he walked slowly out of the studio.

He needed to let those feelings out somehow.

But not with talking, or with thinking through it. He needed to literally do something.

Which was why, the male went into the gym, where the guys would be spending most of their time at, if they wouldn't have to shoot, or practise some routines.

As guys did, after all, have to lift the girls most of the time.

Though, that was never a problem for Trevor, as he was paired up with Britt all the time, and compared to him, Brittany weighted basically nothing.

It was also probably the fact that Trevor already got so used to lifting her, that he did it like it was nothing.

Meanwhile, Britt walked into the craft room, getting an apple from the table, that was packed with food, before she dropped onto the couch, which was standing in the middle of a side room of the main craft room.

They would normally hang out in here, the whole cast, but today was a rather busy day, so everyone was almost always shooting some scenes.

Brittany had to go to shoot herself later on again, for a scene she had with Jordan and Victoria, but that wasn't until three more hours, which meant that she had that much free time to kill.

Well, actually, that free time was supposed to be used for her and Trevor working on their dance, but she couldn't be around him right now, without feeling like her chest was about to explode.

Having something you want that bad, close to you, without being able to actually have it was pure torture.

It was even worse to be around that person, than not to be around them.

Because if she could just stay completely away from Trevor, not talk to him, not be around him, not see him, not having to dance with him; it would actually make getting over him way easier.

It would still be hard, but it would be easier than having to kiss, and pretend to be happy with him; even if it was just for the cameras; that was for sure.

Sighing lightly, Brittany dropped down onto the couch, and took a bite of her apple.

She wasn't exactly hungry, nor in the mood to eat, which she normally always was. One would be wondering how so much food would fit into such a small person.

A few minutes later, Brittany was still laying on the couch, basically just staring at the ceiling, trying not to think about anything that would make her cry, the door opened.

And Trevor stepped inside.

Her eyes stayed glued onto his frame, not being able to look elsewhere, as he walked through the room, to the table with the food.

He didn't see her yet.

And Brittany would try not to draw any attention onto her.

She didn't want there to be any awkward silence between them.

The thing with the two of them would be that they always had something to talk about. Even if it was the stupidest of things, they would still have something to fill their conversations with.

Silence was something that wasn't present between the two of them.

But now things were different, after all, they weren't together anymore, and they would surely both add up to the awkwardness.

Trevor scanned through the various foods, before grabbing a sandwich from the pile of them, and, just like he did every day, as soon as he finished most of his scenes and had nothing else on his schedule, he went into the small room next to the craft room, with the couch in it.

Normally, Trevor and Brittany would take naps in here.


Trevor walked into the craft room, a huge smile on his face, and a chuckling Brittany on his back.

Needless to say, she made him carry her to the craft room, as she was apparently too exhausted to walk, but both of them knew that this was bullshit.

"I may need a reward, once this piggy back is done." Trevor let out a slight laugh, as he walked into the small room, and set Brittany down, a few moments later.

"You should be doing this without expecting anything in return, pft." Brittany playfully pouted, before she laid down on the couch, scooting over just enough for Trevor to have space to lay down next to her as well.

The couch was too small for two people, that was for sure. And if they would manage to fit onto it, it was really uncomfortable.

But in the past months they have been dating, Brittany has gotten so used to sleeping in Trevor's arms, that any other way of sleeping became impossible to her.

Shaking his head lightly, a smile on his features, Trevor laid down next to his girlfriend, and moved an arm around her, the other one getting a hold of one of Brittany's hands.

He placed a kiss onto the top of her head, before noticing that Brittany was already on the edge of falling asleep.

A soft smile was on his face, as he looked at her face, before he closed his eyes as well, drifting off to sleep a few minutes later.


"I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't know you.." Trevor said, almost stuttered slowly, as his eyes got a hold of Brittany's persona.

"It's okay. You couldn't have known." She shook her head, getting up from the couch, as she was sitting now.

"Actually. I could." Scratching the back of his neck, Trevor looked down at her, a small smile hinted on his face.

As soon as Brittany heard his words, she looked up at him, wide eyed.

She knew what he was hinting about, but part of her didn't want her to think about that now.

A huge part of her, on the other side, craved for those times to come back, as they were, only recently.

But she was stubborn. And didn't think that calling the break up off would be that easy.

"It's fine. I'll go. I already took a nap." Lie.

Brittany got up from the couch quickly, and brushed out of the room, almost colliding with Trevor, as she wasn't really looking where she was going.

That almost-collide made the female lose her breath for a few moments.

And as she was standing outside of the craft room, in the hallway, the female was taking deep breaths, trying to make her hearts pouding rate slow down.

This wasn't going to be easy.

For neither one of them.

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