Chapter 5: The Hidden Power Must Come Naturally

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Neon, Zero, Violet, and Tilla all headed back to Maverick Hunter HQ to tell everyone their news. They were a little surprised to see them back, and with new company.

"Wow, that was fast." X said. "Uh, I didn't find it that fast. But, I found two of my friends." Neon said, pointing to Violet and Tilla. "This is Violet and this is Tilla." Violet gave a little smile, and Tilla waved. "Tilla. That name sounds familiar." Alia noted. She started typing something, and gasped. "That's right! Tilla is a prototype of the New Generation Reploids, which got discontinued."

Tilla's eyes widened, and looked at Violet. "It's true. When I first found you, I heard something about prototypes of new generation reploids being abandoned." Note: Violet techniqly adopted Tilla at young age, and stayed together ever since.

Then, Axl spoke up. "Hey, I thought I was the only prototype!" "Well, there can never be just one of anything." Alia compromised. Tilla looked at Axl. They do look similar in design.

"Anyways. I think I know how to find my hidden power." Neon told everyone. 'I just have to wait for it to come to me. When the time comes, it'll come." "Hey! That was my idea, you know." Tilla exclaimed. Neon giggled. "Yes, give credits to Tilla for helping me figure this out."

So, everyone got introduced to each other and had discussed about finding Neon's hidden power.

Meanwhile, back at Alpha Corporation, Alfonzo was scheming something very evil. "Heh, heh, heh, heh! This will definately work. She will be mine, and will be a Maverick!" he cackled. Whatever he was doing doesn't sound good.

Back to Maverick Hunter HQ, Neon, Violet, and Tilla were given special guest pods to sleep in for the night. In the middle of the night, something terrible happend. A magnetic force crept into the HQ, and was heading straight for something, or someone.

The force kept slithering through the base, and headed for the guest room, where Neon was sleeping soundly. It reached the room and it opened Neon's pod. Carefully, it moved Neon out of the pod, and started floating her away.

It was very careful not to run into any walls, or do anything that would wake her up. Then, it floated her out of the base, heading towards Alpha Corporation. "Yes! It worked!" Alfonzo whispered.  Dun, dun, dun!!!!!!

In the morning, when Violet and Tilla woke up, they noticed Neon's pod was empty. "Huh? Where's Neon?" Violet asked. "I dunno." Tilla answered. "Maybe she woke up earlier than us."

The two of them went to find Zero and the others. Zero looked concerned. "Hey, has anyone seen Neon?" Violet asked. "No, something isn't right." Zero said. Alia typed on her computer, then declared, "Neon went missing. And I think Alpha Corporation is behind it."

Zero secretly clenched his fists in anger. "X and Zero. It's up to you two to go find Neon, and get her back safely." Signas told them. They both nodded their heads. "Neon's probably scared to death right now. Let me come too, so I can help relax her." Violet insisted. "Are you going to be okay going to a place full of Mavericks?" X asked. "I have a trick up my sleeve." Violet winked at Tilla.

Tilla knew what Violet meant. "Okay, be careful guys." Tilla told them. X, Zero, and Violet headed off to Alpha Corporation to rescue Neon.

Back to Alpha Corporation, Neon woke up dazed. "Where am I?" she asked herself. "Oh, you know exactly where you are." Alfonzo hissed. She gasped. Then she realized she was strapped down to a table. "Get me out of here!" she growled, trying to break free. "Don't even bother trying to get free. Struggling is futile." Alfonzo said.

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