Chapter 8: The Return of Sigma

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Neon and Zero remained unconsious for about 10 minutes. They both woke up dazed and severely damaged. "Ugh, I can't move my legs." Neon moaned. Zero tried to help Neon up, but he couldn't move either.

"Where are we?" Zero asked, looking around. It looks like they are in a scrapheap because they find themselves surrounded by bunches of scrap. "Are we gonna get scraped?" Neon asked, panicked. "No, we are not going to get scraped." Zero reassured her.

In the distance, a large figure stands in the shadows. "Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha." a voice cackled. "Who's there?" Zero asked. "Oh, you don't remember me, Zero." the voice said. Zero froze. He soon realized who it was. "Sigma. You're supposed to be dead." Zero growled. "Sigma?" Neon asked. She's heard many terrible things about Sigma, and now, she's going to be face-to-face with the Maverick leader.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be dead, however, Alfonzo repaired me, and granted me life again. It's a shame you killed him." Sigma said, appearing out of the shadows. He looked like his usual scary self. Nothing's changed from him. "Ever since I heard about Alfonzo's death, I knew I had to get revenge on the one who killed him. And he's here right now." Sigma said. Zero knew he was reffering to Zero himself.

"But, it looks like you're in terrible condition to fight. Oh well." Sigma taunted. Suddenly a prison cage fell onto Neon, trapping her. She gasped. "You are not part of this, girl!" Sigma shouted to her. Neon started panicking. "Oh no, I'm trapped. Zero has to fight Sigma in terrible condition. What am I going to do?" she thought.

Zero managed to get on to his feet. "Bring it on." Zero growled, drawing his Z Saber. Sigma charged towards him, with his saber. Zero blocked his first attack. Keeping his defenses up, Zero desperately guards all of Sigma's attacks. "Come on Zero! Aren't you going to try to fight me?" Sigma asked. "Ungh! I-i can't!" Zero answered.

"What? Did I just hear Zero say he can't fight back?" Sigma said. Neon was getting upset. "I wish I can do something to help." she thought. Sigma continuosly slashed at Zero, who continued to block all his attacks. Suddenly, Sigma managed to get Zero's side with his saber. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Zero shouted in pain.

Neon couldn't believe what she just saw. Zero fell to the ground, clutching his side. "No." Neon said. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Suddenly, her eyes lit green, as she broke open the bars. Then, her eyes went back to normal, and she quickly ran to Zero. "No, it's all my fault!" she sobbed. Zero layed there motionless.

"It is your fault." Sigma said. "If it wasn't for you, he would still be alive now. You're pathetic. I expected more from someone who holds a hidden power that could wipe out an entire Maverick army. You are just weak, defenseless, and frail."

That's what triggered it. Her eyes lit green again. "What did you say?" she growled. "I said, weak, defenseless, and frail." Neon started to get really angry. "DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT!" she pressed a button on her belt. She went into a transfromation that reveals her true form. It consists of a pink armor bodysuit, blue shoulder-pads, thigh-high pink armor boots with blue toe-caps and yellow accents, blue cufflets, a blue and pink helmet, and a blue and pink cape that starts at her belt and goes down to her ankles.

She also carries a saber called the N Saber. It can also transfrom into dual blades, an electric whip, a spear, and an electric boomerang. "Show me what you got!" Neon taunted. Sigma charged towards her, and she quickly dodged his attack by swiftly jumping out of the way. She slashed her saber at him, and he tried dodging all her attacks. He did get a few scratches from her fast-paced attacks.

Her saber turned into an electric whip. She jumped high into the air, and sent a massive whip wave towards Sigma. It nearly took out his arm if he hadn't dodged it. "Are you scared? You don't seem like yourself!" Neon taunted again. "So this is her true form. Terrifying." Sigma murmured.

Her whip then turned into a boomerang. When he wasn't looking, she threw it at him, which made him dazed. Her boomerang then turned into a spear. She aimed and threw it at his arm. "Ahhhhh!!!!!" Sigma clutched his arm, which is gone and now is bleeding. "Now to finish him off." She floated back to the ground.

"FINAL, FLOURESCENT, FINISH!!!!!!" She spreaded her arms and legs out and a massive burst of energy came out of her, destroying Sigma.

Everything was quiet. Nothing was left of Sigma. Her last attack left her with little energy. She slowly walked towards Zero. She used the last bit of her energy to make a little stretcher to put Zero on it. Then, she turned back to normal. There was an exit for her to leave.

When she got back to Maverick Hunters HQ, everyone noticed what happened to Zero. They put Zero in a special room. Alia noticed Neon looked depressed. "If you want a little time with him, you can." she told Neon. Neon nodded, and went in.

There he laid motionless. "Zero, you didn't deserve to die like this." she whispered. "It's all my fault, I got you into this mess. If it wern't for me, you would still be alive. I feel so empty without you. You made me feel whole." she sighed. "If you could get a second chance in life, you deserve another chance. I can't believ I'm going to say this but, I....I....l-love....y-y-you." She sighed again. Then she buried her face into her hands.

"What have I done?" she sobbed.

Moments later, she tried to look normal coming back to see Violet, Tilla, and the others. Her friends tried comforting her, saying "It's going to be okay." In her head, she thought. "It's not okay."

Outside, a giant shadow loomed over Central City. It turned out to be a giant version of Sigma started attacking the city. All the Maverick Hunters went outside to try to attack the giant Sigma. It was standing right in front of the HQ. It reached its hand into the building to take Neon. "Hey! Let me go!" she growled.

"If any of you try to rescue her, she will be crushed." it tightened its grip on Neon a little. She tried squriming around, hoping to get free but it didn't work. Even if she got free, it would be a 50 feet drop to her doom, and she's already had it with high falls.

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