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the clock struck three and abigail removed her pastel pink apron, hanging it across the back of a chair.

bea slid her car keys off a hook and flipped them in her hands, "need me to drive you?"

"no thanks. actually i'm staying. some guy wants me to share a smoothie with him," she said, wandering towards the fridge to get his (or their) smoothie.

bea raised an eyebrow, "is calum gonna be okay with that?"

abby shrugged, "its not like a romantic thing. apparently i gave him a smoothie that was too big for him to drink, and as my punishment we're sharing it."

she nodded her head skeptically, "okay... how are you gonna get home?"

"maybe the bus. who knows?"

"okay," bea side hugged abby and twirled her keys around her pointer finger, "call me if you need a ride. or if he turns out to be some creep that wants to get in your pants. "

"kay, thanks bea," abby grinned.

"bye abby."

abby walked out to the booth to see the boy sitting there by himself. he was playing with a straw wrapper.

"hey," she said smiling and sliding in the seat across from him.

he smirked and grabbed a straw from a dispenser at the side of the table, throwing it in the smoothie.

before any one took a sip, abby made sure that the two had designated straws. the boy insisted that abby have the red one because "she's a girl" and he had the green one because "that's a boy color".

"that's innocently sexist, but i'm gonna let it slide because i like red," abby smiled, taking a sip of the smoothie. it wasn't the freshest because it's been sitting for over ten minutes, but she didn't mind. he didn't seem to either.

"so," abby spoke up after a silence, "is this like your thing?"

"is what my thing?"

"you know. hitting up smoothie joints to get girls," she shook her shoulders as a joke.

the boy almost spit out his smoothie and covered his mouth, laughing, "did you just say 'hit up a smoothie joint'?"

"yeah," abby said in a soft voice turning a faint shade of pink, "how's that bad?" she hadn't realized how lame that sounded before she said it.

he laughed and shook his head, "that just sounds terrible together in one sentence. and no, it's not my thing. but every other smoothie joint i had hit up in the past, didn't sell me colossal sized smoothies."

she made a face, "you mocked me one-too-many times in that sentence."

he smiled at her, this weird side smile he did.

"so, i think i remember you bringing up a said boyfriend earlier. is that correct?" the boy asked, leaning his elbows on the table.

"that is," abby smiled sheepishly, "his names calum."

he nodded, pursing his lips, "calum.."


"well i hope calum is okay with you sharing this smoothie with me."

"though smoothie sharing is extremely intimate and romantic..." abby grinned, "i don't think he'd mind."

the boy breathed a laugh out of his nose (i cant describe it but you know what laugh i mean).

"well," she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin, "i just finished a smoothie with a guy who's name i don't even know. i think we're taking this too fast," abby joked, fifteen minutes after they finished the smoothie.

"luke," the boy, said not playing along.

"i'm abby."

"it was fun sharing this smoothie with you abby," luke smiled.

"you as well," abby nodded her head.

"i have to get going," luke stood up, "i'll see you around."

after luke's departure, abby took off in the opposite direction where the bus top was. she rode home on the public bus, which she honestly didn't mind much.

it wasn't gross or un-lady like to her. it was an efficient way for people like her to get around.

once she was home she called calum.

"hey cal," she smiled into her phone.

"hi beautiful. how was work?"

"you know. normal." she decided not to being up luke. although it was truly nothing, she didn't feel like explaining it.

"hmm, are you bored?"

"when am i not?" she put her feet up on the back if her couch, turning her phone on speaker. luckily she had the house to herself, until at least seven.

"wanna come over?"


"cool. i'll see you soon."

"kay, see you," abigail said, putting on a pair of converse and heading out the door to calum's house.

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