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the second abby stepped into michaels house and heard him yelling in the background and a familiar sound of automatic cheers from his video game, she started to feel better about this whole thing. about michael. and hanging out with luke. all of it was giving her a new, more open minded perspective on people.

michael was sitting on the same chair he was when abby first met him, his eyes glued to the tv like it was the only thing in the room, once again. but for some reason it didn't bother abby as much. that was michael.

there was a boy with shaggy brown hair on the couch behind michael. he was sitting awkwardly with his hands in between his knees, looking at the floor as if he was in deep thought.

luke coughed, and the boys attention quickly turned towards the two. for some reason abbys face heated up at his gaze.

"ashton. this is abby. abby, ashton," luke introduced the two.

ashton smiled brightly and waved enthusiastically. abby thought luke had nice dimples, ashtons were ten times deeper. she shyly nodded her head at him as she felt luke's hand place on her lower back. she knew he was probably just trying to lead her somewhere, but it made her breath hitch.

"i know you said you don't drink last time.." luke hinted in a raspy whisper, "but what about this, special occasion?"

"what special occasion?" she giggled, trying her very best not to tear his face off then and there.

he shrugged, "i don't wanna say you leaving calum but i'm definitely thinking you leaving calum."

abby chuckled with a nod, "i guess that is pretty special."

they made their way to the kitchen, ashton trailing not far behind. they grabbed five beers (two for michael, once again), and returned to the living room where michael was now on his phone. the game was off and there were guitars and a box thing placed around the room.

"so are you gonna play something for me or will my sister need babysitting again?" abby asked, no only luke could hear, as he popped open the tab of his beer.

"i talked to michael," luke did a no big deal shrug.

"i take half credit for that. for helping you do that," she cut him off with a grin.

he nodded, "yeah. and he was like okay. just because we have a drummer though. and we don't play for just anyone. you, abigail, are special."

she put on a flattered expression, and took a seat opposite to where ashton was now sitting on the box.

"so whats that?" abby pointed to the box. the question was aimed towards luke, but he just shrugged so ashton took over.

"its a cajon. it's like a drum. it's usually used to acoustic things. or in our case, low budget bands," he chuckled at his last point. she didn't know it was a joke, but she laughed too.

"do you have to like hit a certain part on it for it to make a sound?" she asked.

abby heard michael and luke snicker off to the side but she ignored it. why are boys like that.

ashton shrugged, "yeah kinda. it's not a really different sound though. it's mainly how you hit it. like how fast or slow."

they laughed again. this time she glared at luke, who quickly moved the back of his hand over his mouth to try to hide the fact that he was smiling like a little kid who had just seen breasts for the first time.

"well lets get started!" michael declared when luke and him stopped giggling, "erm what should we play?"

"uh i wanna play teenage dirtbag," ashton said and giggled. why did he giggle, it wasn't even funny. it's a good song.

"no ashton you're just the drummer you don't have a say!" michael yelled. abbys eyes widened but when ashton just started laughing, and eventually michael laughed she realized it was a joke.

"how about too late?" luke suggested.

"no luke. we haven't perfected it yet." michael shook his head, blowing off the idea.

"why it's not like abbys gonna criticize everything we do. she didn't know that different styles of music besides country could be played with an acoustic guitar," luke fought back. abby was surprised he was saying anything. she had to give him a pep talk to talk to michael about playing in front of anyone.

michael shook his head, "how about a team?"

"i-i dont know that song. or the beat or anything," ashton spoke up quietly.

michaels hands moved to his colored hair where he tugged softly and let out a groan, "oh my god."

"why are you so stressed out michael? it's just a practice. is- is it abby?" luke asked. abby thought luke was trying to help michael but then he broke out in a fit of high pitched chuckles, "are you scared that abby isn't gonna like us?"

"what?" michael called back, his face turning red, "no. i just. i want this band to start getting more serious. all our practices are a mess. we should've started ten minutes ago but were still off track."

"we haven't started because you're turning down everyone's ideas," luke wasn't laughing anymore. he looked annoyed. maybe even mad.

"okay you try leading a band of a bunch of teenagers with adhd," michael spit back. abby couldn't believe what was happenings.

"first of all, who made you the lead? and what the hell michael," luke looked through the side of his eyes at ashton and then abby, "why would you say that?"

michael shrugged, "it's true isn't it?"

luke took a deep breath and looked over the the boy sitting on a cajon, looking like he had just seen a ghost, "i'll talk to you tomorrow ashton. abby, let's go."

"okay cool. go fuck your little girlfriend. why don't you invite her exboyfriend too? and that other chick that poured a smoothie on your head?" michael called as abby quickly got up. she felt like she was experiencing some fight between family members. like you know when your aunt and your mom start fighting at a family dinner and no one knows what to do except watch with wide eyes.

luke's teeth were gritted as he grabbed abbys waist and started leading her out the door, "shut up michael."

michael shrugged and sat down, his arms out, "just a suggestion."

luke had stormed out of the house, holding abbys arm as she trailed behind him. the last thing she heard before luke slammed the door was ashton innocently say, "soo... teenage dirtbag then?"

i just drank a smoothie to get in the mood but it sucked so sorry that this chapter sucks butt. it's the smoothies fault.

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