Hate was the only emotion searing in my eyes.
"Well isn't this a happy reunion." Zayin says beside her, "Too bad we had to ruin it."
"What do you want, Zayin!" I bark at him.
He chuckles, "Well firstly, your blood. Then your death. Pretty simple concepts, don't you agree Ivy?"
Ivy sneers at us, "I agree. Why is it so hard for them to comply?"
"Because innocent lives are at stake if we don't succeed." Autumn says in a confident voice.
"Stupid lives. Why must they be important? I kill daily and it doesn't faze me. Why, I killed dear James just last night." Ivy retorts.
My jaw drops, "Wait I thought you escaped together."
"We did, but he had no other use for me," she says sheepishly.
"So you just ended his life?" Nichole exclaims.
"Pretty much," she nods.
"I think that's enough talk," Zayin interrupts, "Ivy, I want their blood. Think you can handle that?"
She smirks, "Gladly." And with that she summons her purple fire and hurls a ball of it straight at us. We barely leap out of the way in time.
"Everyone get behind me." I command, "The only way to fight fire is with more fire." I summon a fire sword into my right hand.
"Oh fun." She mirrors my actions with her own purple fire sword. "Let's get this thing started."
We begin to circle around each other, swords at the ready, to see who would make the first move. In the end she does, charging at me. I dodge it and lunge at her. She parries my attack easily and attempts to knock my blade out my hand by hitting it with the side of the blade. I snap my hand back just in time and she misses.
I then come to the realization. She needs me alive but, I don't need her alive. My attacks then become more ruthless. I aim at her torso and she spins to dodge my attack. On her spin, she lunges at me from behind. I know this move, I've practiced it many times. I grab my sword with both hands and metal rings through the air as I parry her attack. She swings back to stab my arm, but I flick her blade away with mine.
She then changes her direction, flinging her blade in the direction of Autumn. I run to grab it, but Nichole jumps in front of Autumn, receiving a slag against her chest.
I become momentarily off balance and she uses this to her advantage. She summons and new blade, kicks me in the ankle, and I fall to the ground. She comes from above to strike me and I meet her blade perpendicular with mine.
"Give up, River." She whispers, "Soon you will have nothing left anyways."
I look to Autumn who is cradling Nichole limp head and we lock eyes. Without speaking she knows what I am asking. Is she alive? She shakes her head no.
My eyes turn furious, "Sorry can't do that." I retort.
I bring my foot up to kick her stomach and throw her across the floor. Her sword disconnects with her hand and disappears. She lays on the floor as I tower over her.
"I'm sorry about this, but I can't allow you to ruin people's lives anymore." I position my sword over her heart, close my eyes, and slam down.
I crack open my eyes to see her motionless on the floor.
Amber runs up to me, "Come on we have to go."
"But my sisters are probably here too!" I tell her desperately.

The Collision (Sequel to The Division)
FantasyNew people, new romances, and of course plot twists. With a new threat closing in, River, Autumn and Nicole find themselves having to ignore their differences and work together. Follow the gang on their dramatic journey to restore peace to Mes, once...